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Slower psytrance that still sounds like psytrance

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 30, 2010 19:42

On 2010-03-27 15:32, goaren wrote:
colin - this is some seriously great work!!! where can i get more music like this?

I don't know where you'll find more tracks in exactly that style, but you might want to check out 'Rock My Soul', also on our Free Range album - that's a 130bpm trancer too. There's also this, but it may not be quite what you're looking for!

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 30, 2010 21:33

On 2010-03-30 19:42, Colin OOOD wrote:
There's also this, but it may not be quite what you're looking for!

I wish I could play this for my friends in Oregon

A couple of questions for you, Colin (happy birthday, by the way!):

1) I am a complete noob to the whole EM field. Still learning about electronic music styles. What is this piece? It feels to me like progressive trance with a touch of Suomi – but I suspect I am completely off...

2) Complete off-top: I've been trying to figure out your “logo” picture.
A square. A saw on the same note (with a low-pass sliding down about 2 octaves). The same saw but sliding up in pitch a little less than an octave. The first square again. I tried reproducing this in Ableton, but it does not sound like anything useful. What is it?

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 31, 2010 13:58

On 2010-03-30 21:33, Maine Coon wrote:
1) I am a complete noob to the whole EM field. Still learning about electronic music styles. What is this piece? It feels to me like progressive trance with a touch of Suomi – but I suspect I am completely off...

Your guess is as good as mine... it sounds a bit housey to me, with a touch of some kind of electro, but it definitely has a dollop of trance in there too. Suomi? Doesn't seem crazy enough for it to me but perhaps I'm wrong. Anyway this track wasn't exactly made to fit any particular pigeonhole


2) Complete off-top: I've been trying to figure out your “logo” picture.
A square. A saw on the same note (with a low-pass sliding down about 2 octaves). The same saw but sliding up in pitch a little less than an octave. The first square again. I tried reproducing this in Ableton, but it does not sound like anything useful. What is it?

That's the closest anyone has come... it's a spectrogram of a bar's worth of 303 (sawtooth, HPF).           Mastering - ::
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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Mar 31, 2010 16:24

On 2010-03-31 13:58, Colin OOOD wrote:
Your guess is as good as mine...

I wish it were. As of last September, I thought there were three kinds of electronic music:
- Jean-Michel Jarre
- Stuff I heard in clubs of Detroit and Chicago
- Stuff I heard on Van Buuren’s radio show

I progressed a bit since then – but not that much


That's the closest anyone has come... it's a spectrogram of a bar's worth of 303 (sawtooth, HPF).

So it is something you actually used?!
Do you have a link handy?

P.S. ...I still believe the first and last notes are square waves: all even harmonics are missing.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Mar 31, 2010 17:15
I made it a while ago, while Tron and I were working on Compound Sound... It might well be part of that track. Definitely a single waveshape (probably saw), but the fundamental of the lowest notes has been removed with HPF (check the slide at the end for evidence); this might be the source of your harmonic confusion
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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 2, 2010 17:38

On 2010-03-09 18:35:27, Shiranui wrote:
I like slower speeds sometimes, but it seems like everything under 140 has this clubby feeling to it that just doesn't sound like psytrance to me.

I mean, big respect to Antix and Atmos and Vibrasphere and such, they make nice music, but it just doesn't sound like it goes along with psytrance too much

Let's see some stuff down in the mid-130s to 120s that still sounds psychedelic!

I'll start with some

I'm finding this Quantize track very Technoish and not truelly Psytrance at all.
Especially with that popcorn 16th shuffle lead!
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