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Sl Mk2 questions

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  685
Posted : Jan 30, 2014 19:15:40
Hey guys.
Any of you got a sl mk2?
Im preparing my newest liveset with my new sl mk2 and wondering a couple of things.

Can you turn off, the "double mode" on the buttons. So you just toggle the buttons?.

Can you program the buttons so you can use them to more than one midi cc. Like i change page, and i have a new set of possibillitys??.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Feb 9, 2014 22:09
I own one. What software are you using?

You should grab the editor if you're planning on making mappings for hardware, this thing is the most feature friendly controller I've known to this day. But don't think you can use the buttons to more then one CC, maybe changing the page, yes...

for Ableton, this thing has it's own mode that's already mapped, as I'm sure you know, not to bad, not to great. You can make your own, though, using it as a standard midi device. Or use automap with any other software, that I like best because I can edit the number of points, to get a more tight feeling on the knobs if I'm controlling some software instrument or filter or something...

take your time with it, go through the foruns (yep, novation's one) and you'll be ok. that's a good controller, except for the not as responsive as you'd like drum pads (if you can call them that, even), and the unusable X/Y touch pad... still packs a lot of midi functionality into one unit, and has the best keybed action I've seen on controllers within this price range, fatar keys with proper aftertouch...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Feb 12, 2014 12:14
it's impossible to control more then one...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Sl Mk2 questions
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