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Sir Mick Jagger on Illegal Downloading: “Artists Have Always Struggled


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Posted : Jul 18, 2010 01:58
Irony is no one is getting knighted by the queen under any business model for music now.
What an asshole.


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Posts :  13
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 20:43

On 2010-06-28 16:18, disco hooligans wrote:
Destroy the major labels, support small independent and free labels.

Peace out.

But then how will large gigs be funded?

It's cool going to underground gigs and parties with a couple hundred people. But lots of artists, especially up and coming bands can't afford to fund, promote and play big tours without financial backing from larger labels. There is so much to take on when you have 4-5-6 members all with instruments, traveling around the place, with accomodation and so on... Only bands with money would be able to get out and play.           "We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 21:14
Maybe touring in a cramped van from town to town instead of private jets will instill some humbling experience and perhaps inspire real music from the heart again.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 21:35

On 2010-07-28 21:14, rich wrote:
Maybe touring in a cramped van from town to town instead of private jets will instill some humbling experience and perhaps inspire real music from the heart again.

Very well said.           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

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Posts :  13
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 22:11

On 2010-07-28 21:14, rich wrote:
Maybe touring in a cramped van from town to town instead of private jets will instill some humbling experience and perhaps inspire real music from the heart again.

So bands like, say Nine Inch Nails, with several members, large amounts of equipment, playing world tours and filling huge venues because that's what the fanbase demands, should all pack in a van with their stuff and DIY it?

Pack that into a van?           "We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 22:16
No. Trash it all and start from nothing.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 22:50

I met a guy long time ago who turns businesses around. No, he is not a McKenzie consultant. He buys a losing small business (usually a car dealership), whips it into shape and sells it as soon as it becomes profitable again. I asked him why he jumps ship that fast. Is it because “flipping” businesses like this is more profitable? No, he said, he just loses any interest in running a business, once it’s above water.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 28, 2010 23:08

On 2010-07-28 22:11, T-S-A wrote:

On 2010-07-28 21:14, rich wrote:
Maybe touring in a cramped van from town to town instead of private jets will instill some humbling experience and perhaps inspire real music from the heart again.

So bands like, say Nine Inch Nails, with several members, large amounts of equipment, playing world tours and filling huge venues because that's what the fanbase demands, should all pack in a van with their stuff and DIY it?

Pack that into a van?

I dont think that what was meant out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  13
Posted : Jul 28, 2010 23:41
On 2010-07-28 23:08, Boulevard wrote:

On 2010-07-28 22:11, T-S-A wrote:

On 2010-07-28 21:14, rich wrote:
Maybe touring in a cramped van from town to town instead of private jets will instill some humbling experience and perhaps inspire real music from the heart again.

So bands like, say Nine Inch Nails, with several members, large amounts of equipment, playing world tours and filling huge venues because that's what the fanbase demands, should all pack in a van with their stuff and DIY it?

Pack that into a van?

I dont think that what was meant out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On 2010-06-28 16:18, disco hooligans wrote:
Destroy the major labels, support small independent and free labels.

Peace out.

No?          "We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Jul 29, 2010 00:57

On 2010-07-28 22:11, T-S-A wrote:
So bands like, say Nine Inch Nails, with several members, large amounts of equipment, playing world tours and filling huge venues because that's what the fanbase demands, should all pack in a van with their stuff and DIY it?

Large gigs aren't funded by major labels.
Dresden Dolls actually opened for NIN and lost money doing it. 

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jul 29, 2010 23:26

On 2010-07-28 22:16, rich wrote:
No. Trash it all and start from nothing.

big boom
Mike A

Started Topics :  185
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Posted : Aug 1, 2010 01:39
I'm with Atma on this.

I don't see what's wrong with making money. Just making money doesn't say the music is any bad.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2010 10:19
structure + strategy will attract money
you can be the worst and most untalented artist out there but if you have a good strategy and structure in place you can get money...thats best that means you dont have to waste your creativity, you can save less, get more..instead of working on 6.12min make it 4.32min, instead of spending so much on the artwork, which is actually super high quality which the market perceives as to be for "elites"--yes..the perception of the cd covers is that you have to be mature listner to listen psytrance and its not for everyone- thus it ends up in the special sections and people dont really get to see it...why do you think big name psyacts are going for the commercial appeal its not because they dont like their old style its because that attracts money--somehow its easier to get money for stupid things like setting up a faux fur slipper factory than it is ibooga or hommega..
save the creative for a later stage once the moolah is there you will have time for it..until then work on the game plan-
software tools+ artwork+applications+--pretty much everything is there on this forum--just get collective and we can set up the SEZ (special economic zone) in China, India or anywhere in the world maybe Eastern Europe or Africa whichever government moves the long as the game plan is ready- A Vegas of sort for EDM with amphitheaters around - basically the govt would have to allocate 200-300 acres for enhancement - part of which would be forested part would be futuristic -
We gonna run run to the cities of the future take what we can and take it inside a cave           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2010 21:28
Sorry for interrupting this very deep ethical discussion, but every time I read it I have one thought hammering me on the head. Maybe if I finally voice it, it will leave me alone...

Isn’t the very combination of words “Sir Mick Jagger” the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard?!
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 2, 2010 07:36
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Sir Mick Jagger on Illegal Downloading: “Artists Have Always Struggled
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