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Sir Mick Jagger on Illegal Downloading: “Artists Have Always Struggled

Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 30, 2010 20:25

On 2010-06-30 20:06, Shiranui wrote:
Yeah but people came to that party not because Carl Cox was playing, but because it was Opulent Massive. There were 3000 people at that party and I don't know if there are even 3000 people who know who carl cox is and like him in the san francisco area.

Really? Well, I can't speak for San Fran, never been there so I don't know what's up, but put Carl Cox on the flyer, anywhere in Europe, and your only worry will be to have a big enough venue!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 30, 2010 20:40
SF had a pretty ragin rave scene in the 90s. I have a friend who lived there without a house by just constantly going to after parties in the mid 90s. I would be shocked if there weren't 3k people in sf that knew who Carl Cox is.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Jul 7, 2010 23:53

On 2010-06-28 23:57, The_Guardians_Of_Truth wrote:
Well, maybe the solution is to start making serious music first and than start blaming the labels, promoters or illegal downloads.

These guys made money in the end, because they made and still do real music. What we do (i am talking about the all trance scene) it's just a stupid joke. We are just old kids playing with beats, sound effects or presets from cracked soft.
There is not even one masterpiece song created in the in trance scene in more than 20 years since the scene exist. Not even one track that peoples will remember it in the next 30 or 40 years.

We must stop this lazy hippy attitude and start to be professional musicians and than professional labels, party organizers etc.

Offtopic: about the parties now... aren't you sick already about all this shit and bad organized parties
pr festivals we have in the psy scene ???

Same shit fluo strings and painted deco that we use since the '90, shit sound systems all the times, shit lights and sometimes cheap lasers, locations very very hard to find and reach..........................and the list goes on and on. We haven't evolved at all in all this years.

Take a look at this guys on the hardcore scene. Their music is "PURE SHIT" but their parties are very very very well organized. Take a look at the peoples energy on the dance floor !
We have a lot to learn !


i'll tell you something.. here in brazil we use to have 'psytrance' parties like this the whole last decade and it SUCKS!

it represents the banalization of a conceptual music. all the psychedelic trance philosophy is lost and the main point of the party is only to see who can take more drugs.

it's ridiculous...

and the artists? the same every time... skazi, infected, megaband, eskimo, void, sesto sento, ananda shake...

i honestly prefer small parties and festivals with lack of structure, but with the vibe and counterculture feeling that i'm looking for.

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Posts :  316
Posted : Jul 8, 2010 00:02
and one thing..

the first thing i think you must have to make art is LOVE... if you love what 're you doing.. and pursuit your objectives, you're gonna be successfull

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 00:50
onionbrain !!
love your sets man, looking to some moar !!
very unique style, keep them coming !!!!
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 00:50
my 2 cents:
if not for those damn illegal downloads i woudn't own 300+ original cds (that's not that many, right ). 'try before buy' that is exactly what i do. where else can i preview a whole album/compilation before a purchase? at a party? i'm too old for that. on the radio? there is one psytrance show in israel (i'm talking about real radio, not online radio).
i also doubt that any newbie psy-producers expect huge sales (or any at all).
someone was talking about love - i think most of the guys/girls in the scene love their 'job', love the music and making it, love the parties and to party. that's why a lot of them release their creations for free (and in superb quality).
again - try before buy.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 02:55

On 2010-07-08 00:50, AhmedTaburov wrote:
my 2 cents:
if not for those damn illegal downloads i woudn't own 300+ original cds

! Ditto.

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jul 8, 2010 02:59

well phucking said mate, i think folks like **insert snarky comment** who only value material things, just literally cannot see success in non financial-terms..weak metaprogramming ((or none at all most likely))..personally, seeing 100 or less smiling, ecstatic faces losing their minds and piecing it all back together in the time we share together beats owning a sportscar anyday..
id muuuuuch rather give my music away for free to someone who is actually going to use it in a shamanic fashion then try selling it some undergroundier-than-thou hipster..that being said, any hipsters out there looking for a fresh new album to buy- pm me, new moondoggy available for only 3 easy payments of $49.99

btw onionbrain, absolutely loved the mix you postedon triplag the other day, phucking killa boom

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jul 8, 2010 03:00

On 2010-07-08 00:50, AhmedTaburov wrote:
my 2 cents:
if not for those damn illegal downloads i woudn't own 300+ original cds (that's not that many, right ). 'try before buy' that is exactly what i do. where else can i preview a whole album/compilation before a purchase? at a party? i'm too old for that. on the radio? there is one psytrance show in israel (i'm talking about real radio, not online radio).
i also doubt that any newbie psy-producers expect huge sales (or any at all).
someone was talking about love - i think most of the guys/girls in the scene love their 'job', love the music and making it, love the parties and to party. that's why a lot of them release their creations for free (and in superb quality).
again - try before buy.

Inactive User

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 09:47
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 21:19
how did you embed the .jpg?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 23:27

On 2010-07-07 23:53, onionbrain wrote:

the main point of the party is only to see who can take more drugs.

it's ridiculous...

Or people act like i have taken more drugs than you have

          Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 01:13

On 2010-07-08 09:47, mk47 wrote:

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Jul 11, 2010 03:17
i'm with onionbrain

i DONT WANT 80,000 people at my parties.

i've been to bonnaroo. several times. its NOT psychedelic. its a pain in the ass.

I have a much much better, deeper, and weirder time with 20 people in someone's backyard with some speakers and some cdjs than in a gigantic concert where you're 500 yards from the stage and it takes 1 hour to walk back to your tent.

fuck making money from art.

get a job, hippie.
          Quantum Frog / Anomalistic

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Posted : Jul 12, 2010 23:04
I don’t understand why so many artists/producers go to the trouble of producing a good album, but then embrace a half-assed distribution strategy. The standard business model seems to be produce 500 or so CDs, sell what you can, and then consider the job done. Why do you think the rest of us (who don't necessarily care about CDs) are going to wait a couple of months until you (maybe) make legal digital downloads available? I’m not, and I don’t feel guilty about file sharing if you can’t be bothered to give me a more timely alternative. And what about the back catalogs? How hard is it to set up an account with Bandcamp or whoever and keep your music alive and available (and more profitable without a middleman like iTunes)? Wouldn’t it make more sense to make some revenue from downloads rather than none? I don't get it.

(BTW, I think a reasonable price for a legal digital album download is about half the price of a CD.)
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