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Sir Mick Jagger on Illegal Downloading: “Artists Have Always Struggled

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 11:36:28

Says he’s “quite relaxed” on the issue of illegal downloading, and notes that before P2P record labels were the ones ripping people off, and that artists had a tough time in all but 25 years since the advent of recorded music.
Record labels always want to paint themselves as being the defender of starving artists, as noble corporations who have only the best interests of musicians at heart, and only hope to make a little money in the process.

But, as we all know, record labels have a long and sordid history of stealing from artists and doing all they can to cheat their way to financial success — even from The Rolling Stones.

Frontman Sir Mick Jagger told the BBC: “When The Rolling Stones started out, we didn’t make any money out of records because record companies wouldn’t pay you! They didn’t pay anyone!”

Other artists like Kid Rock agree.

“Back in the day, we all know the stories of the Otis Reddings and Chuck Berrys and Fats Dominos who never got paid,” noted Kid Rock back in 2008. He found it quite ironic that the same industry that had been stealing from artists for years was now asking them to stand up and ask others not to do the same to it.

When it comes to the threat of illegal downloading Sir Jagger is “quite relaxed” on the issue, and thinks it represents a “massive change” that will most likely mean people won’t make as much on music as they did before, but that the history of recorded music is largely comprised of artists struggling to make money.

He points out that if you look at the history of recorded music going back to 1900 there was only a narrow 25-year period where artists did well. During the other 85+ years artists have struggled.

“There was a small period from 1970 to 1997, where people did get paid, and they got paid very handsomely and everyone made money,” said Sir Jagger. “But now that period has gone.”

Herein lies the quandary of to what length a society should go to ensure artists and record labels make a profit.

“The musician industry has been around as long as humans have, but recorded music is, relatively, a very new invention,” observed freelance pianist David J.Hahn last August. “Mozart never sold a record. Beethoven never released an album. Yet they made careers as musicians.”

Is it really our job to fix a broken business model, especially as costs to produce and distribute an album plummet? A Harvard study published last year concluded that the number of recordings produced since 2000 has “more than doubled,” meaning that music isn’t suffering, but rather that the current business model behind how artists and record labels make money needs changing, just as it has many times before.
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 12:22
There is no real need for record companies anymore since proper recordings are made with much smaller costs. in the promotion section record companies are being bypassed almost completely by free (or not) web spaces such as myspace, facebook, etc, that give the ability to the musicians/producers to organise their gigs and promote their work individually.

anyway, recorded music that is being played back, it's simply not worth being paid lots of money, it's recorded. real live music is something worth paying for imo, it's also more fair for those who realy 'act' in a live, than others who just present their recorded music.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 13:07
It's always easy to be relaxed having made tons of money on your music and still making tons of money. It's harder to stay easy as a small artists losing the relative small sales going from maybe a 1000 sales to almost nothing. 
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 16:18
Destroy the major labels, support small independent and free labels.

Peace out.  
Cosmic Tandav

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 16:43

On 2010-06-28 16:18, disco hooligans wrote:
Destroy the major labels, support small independent and free labels.

Peace out.

+ 1 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 16:52

On 2010-06-28 16:43, Cosmic Tandav wrote:

On 2010-06-28 16:18, disco hooligans wrote:
Destroy the major labels, support small independent and free labels.

Peace out.

+ 1


Ektoplazm Rocks!!!!!           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 20:11
Ektoplazm for president!  | | |

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 23:53
In other news, Tiger Woods having trouble enjoying sex after getting laid with more women than Ron Fricking Jeremy.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 23:57
Well, maybe the solution is to start making serious music first and than start blaming the labels, promoters or illegal downloads.

These guys made money in the end, because they made and still do real music. What we do (i am talking about the all trance scene) it's just a stupid joke. We are just old kids playing with beats, sound effects or presets from cracked soft.
There is not even one masterpiece song created in the in trance scene in more than 20 years since the scene exist. Not even one track that peoples will remember it in the next 30 or 40 years.

We must stop this lazy hippy attitude and start to be professional musicians and than professional labels, party organizers etc.

Offtopic: about the parties now... aren't you sick already about all this shit and bad organized parties
pr festivals we have in the psy scene ???

Same shit fluo strings and painted deco that we use since the '90, shit sound systems all the times, shit lights and sometimes cheap lasers, locations very very hard to find and reach..........................and the list goes on and on. We haven't evolved at all in all this years.

Take a look at this guys on the hardcore scene. Their music is "PURE SHIT" but their parties are very very very well organized. Take a look at the peoples energy on the dance floor !
We have a lot to learn !

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"ATMA - Music Revolution"
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Jun 29, 2010 00:16

On 2010-06-28 23:57, The_Guardians_Of_Truth wrote:
Well, maybe the solution is to start making serious music first and than start blaming the labels, promoters or illegal downloads.

These guys made money in the end, because they made and still do real music. What we do (i am talking about the all trance scene) it's just a stupid joke. We are just old kids playing with beats, sound effects or presets from cracked soft.
There is not even one masterpiece song created in the in trance scene in more than 20 years since the scene exist. Not even one track that peoples will remember it in the next 30 or 40 years.

We must stop this lazy hippy attitude and start to be professional musicians and than professional labels, party organizers etc.

Offtopic: about the parties now... aren't you sick already about all this shit and bad organized parties
pr festivals we have in the psy scene ???

Same shit fluo strings and painted deco that we use since the '90, shit sound systems all the times, shit lights and sometimes cheap lasers, locations very very hard to find and reach..........................and the list goes on and on. We haven't evolved at all in all this years.

Take a look at this guys on the hardcore scene. Their music is "PURE SHIT" but their parties are very very very well organized. Take a look at the peoples energy on the dance floor !
We have a lot to learn !

Really cool parties but dear Atma the hardcore scene did also not change much. Does the event Mayday ring a bell? Today they might have improved sound-systems and more money but the energy, lights, deco effects etc. are still as they used to be in the 90's.

The difference is that these people are much more into going crazy and party hard whereas we as you said probably are a bit too washed out hippies (even though i never saw myself as a hippie)..

One thing though. I love the way the artists and dj's interact with costumes. It just raise the bar a heck more than our parties (except for the occasional shpongle concert). 

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jun 29, 2010 00:39
you seem a bit preoccupied by money, its a bad spell to be under..

imo i dont think the role of musician was ever intended to be 'provider of material commodity' --thats just nasty Renaissance metaprogramming..

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  379
Posted : Jun 29, 2010 00:42

Really cool parties but dear Atma the hardcore scene did also not change much. Does the event Mayday ring a bell? Today they might have improved sound-systems and more money but the energy, lights, deco effects etc. are still as they used to be in the 90's.

The difference is that these people are much more into going crazy and party hard whereas we as you said probably are a bit too washed out hippies (even though i never saw myself as a hippie)..

One thing though. I love the way the artists and dj's interact with costumes. It just raise the bar a heck more than our parties (except for the occasional shpongle concert).


Well, "MAYDAY" is something different. In the '90, it was an symbol for techno music just like "Nature One" was for trance or "Thunderdome" for hardcore. Mayday's biggest audience was 25.000 in 1997. I was there. Today the "Mayday" Festival is not well known anymore but still... techno scene is huge, it can not be compared with psy scene... so they evolved a lot. Just look at Fusion Festival. last year there was 80.000 peoples.

But yes, I agree with you about the Dj's outfits ! Interesting idea they had

          NEW ALBUM OUT SOON !!!
"ATMA - Music Revolution"

Started Topics :  16
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Posted : Jun 29, 2010 00:51
On 2010-06-29 00:39, moondoggy wrote:
you seem a bit preoccupied by money, its a bad spell to be under..

imo i dont think the role of musician was ever intended to be 'provider of material commodity' --thats just nasty Renaissance metaprogramming..


Well, maybe you didn't read the topic very well "Artists Have Always Struggled". It is abouts artists trying to survive and labels who don't pay

If you are not an artist who make your living from music only than please stop with this hippy bullshit attitude !!!
This was a serious topic and discution here and it might be interesting and useful for many artists or young peoples who wanna become musicians.

They must know the reality and what they have to deal in this scene !           NEW ALBUM OUT SOON !!!
"ATMA - Music Revolution"

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jun 29, 2010 01:07
i was being serious, better music would be made if less focus was put on making money..its the reason for the surplus of throw-away VAs and uninspired albums imo..

my point stands valid to bullshiting hippies and old jaded folks alike

money only exists in your head mate


Started Topics :  8
Posts :  175
Posted : Jun 29, 2010 01:12
ah, and fyi, artists are always going to struggle, if you dont want to struggle find a new output because anytime something worth paying attention to comes along, so do 1000 folks right behind who just want to exploit it for personal benefit..

**if its "dirty hippie" to believe theres something deeper to music than a paycheck then cancel my showers for next month and somebody pass me a joint!

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Sir Mick Jagger on Illegal Downloading: “Artists Have Always Struggled

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