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Signatures you dont like, agree with ect.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 11:30
I noticed this signature, and it didnt click with my mind at all:

--- better off-limits then off-topic ---

I dislike it and disagree with the whole statement and energie of this quote. In my eyes, it says;
"Be a sheep, dont make any problems. Be a slave" .. hehe, taken to the extreme, of course. I guess this is a signature pointet at this forum and not life in general. But still. .. (I bet Volvox Box would agree )

Got any signatures you dont "aprove" of in one or the other way? Maybe you would like to explain why?

pis & løv
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 11:52
i totally agree

and next time i will ask you before changing my signature...

watch out for psytones the new "signature police" and my personal moral instance
wtf?          - last possible solution
- trick music
- ambivalent records

ps: y trance?
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 12:36
Any producer that takes his/her self so seriously to actually think that they are responsible for someone's trip, is a self indulgent tw@t of the highest order.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 12:41
In the end it's about making psychedelic music. =)
K - OS

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Posts :  192
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 12:57

On 2006-03-07 11:52, lokus wrote:
i totally agree

and next time i will ask you before changing my signature...

watch out for psytones the new "signature police" and my personal moral instance

Maybe he also dislikes my sig.

Guess what...I don't give a lousy f*** about it and him,if he thinks the way he's writing.

The other possibility is,that he made a joke
In this case...guess what....right I also don't give a dirty f*** about it cause it isn't funny just offending....
So read my signature and try to do it....           
~*Try to find a higher level*~
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 13:14
Talk about strange posts from red & white flagged people.

I'm creating some wicked bad vibes today.
..o_O.. K - OS, your sig is ok.
There, you feel better?

PS. Are you lokus's protective friend?

K - OS

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  192
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 14:02
good one...

No need for protection...protect against what? You?
You must be kidding!!!

And btw...don't start a new flags thread...
U know where that leads into....           
~*Try to find a higher level*~
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 7, 2006 14:22
K - OS

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  192
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 14:36
That's exactly what this forum needed,another "Who do u like more,best?" "Wich signature u like more,not so much?" "Wich member u like most" "Wich flag do u like,not like" "What kind of dancer do u like,not like"

There aren't more childish threads like that,so stupid to talk about subjektive sympathy,but very very easy to write crap like that....and seems to me that ure a kind of "crapmaster" and there are a few more who just try to provokate other members,moderators pretty cool of u....hope I won't see u on a party cause I don't want to be next to ur bad vibes.....

~*Try to find a higher level*~
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 14:41
:read: .. (do you even expect a reply? ... ok)

Ment as a PM:

We have never talked, or posted to each other in this forum before. Now you think you know who I am and what I stand for. (have you searched through my posts since the beginning?) Do you know me, and is it in your place to judge so hard on so little? You judge on a thread written in the knowledge of it being "bad vibe’d" (as I wrote in a post on the thread) but one can always make it good and interesting. It's all up to the ones posting, you just continued the bad vibes. Took it a step further.
And , are you and unikos the same person, or is it just me .. ?

peace man. You know just as well as me that reality is not what you will find in a forum. .. people are not always what you think they are. Meet a person and see the true individual. But hey! We both are smiling, so in the end. It doesn’t matter.

Quote: See how the written word to many times get misunderstood? No wonder there's an unstable vibe at this forum. To many people not understanding and relaxing with each others mind. To much ego pushing and stribing to get "our" points out while not taking the time to see other peoples opinions and feelings. The written word is strong but poor. .. Wonder what you will read out of these words? Because you see, the problem may not lay with you, it can also be me that suck at communicating.


.. But again. Now I’m the one taking personal offence in your written words, and I should laugh at my self and stop concentrating my energy with your words that don’t mean anything at all, and have no actual reality proof in them.

But for what it’s worth. I’m sorry.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  684
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 15:50
im moved to tears

it was you who started the personal offence today
and now you are whining cause k-os hit you with his opinion about you...

you should stop interpreting the posts of others and write what the "really" wanted to say.

i wonder if you are really sorry...           - last possible solution
- trick music
- ambivalent records

ps: y trance?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
Posts :  5057
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 15:52
i hate e tards signature .. really hate it dispise it

          missing plug-in
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  9697
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 15:56
---- better off-limits then off-topic ----
(this signature can cause bad energies)

how can you hate a signature...? unless it really offends you in some way or another? does it?
          Nothing is said that has not been said before.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 16:01

On 2006-03-07 15:50, lokus wrote:
im moved to tears

it was you who started the personal offence today
and now you are whining cause k-os hit you with his opinion about you...

you should stop interpreting the posts of others and write what the "really" wanted to say.

i wonder if you are really sorry...

.. this is what amazes me.

Yes I was. Because even if his words where harsh and unfair without (almost) a ground to stand on, he had a valid point which I had to swallow. But reply's like yours ... What and how are you thinking?

This thread turned out to be all wrong. And I see that.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 7, 2006 16:07

On 2006-03-07 15:56, Forest dreams wrote:
---- better off-limits then off-topic ----
(this signature can cause bad energies)

how can you hate a signature...? unless it really offends you in some way or another? does it?

.. I never used the word hate. And you know why. How can one "hate"? .. It offends me in the way that it tells a person, or him self to do what the goverment and majority tells you to do. It tells a person that he or she should not think for him/her self. ,, And I also wrote that I blew it out of porpotion to make a point.
Read what I wrote.

Your a forest of dreams =) (not connected to the thread)
Trance Forum » » Forum - Signatures you dont like, agree with ect.

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