Sienis - Seriously Unserious (Peyotii Rec) 2009
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack
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Posted : Sep 27, 2009 01:28:13
1.potential point 149bpm
2.don´t hold your breath 154bpm
3.hullbreach in the funboat 144bpm
4.unholy ritual 155bpm
5.high frequency science 155bpm
6.monkey unleashed 158bpm crazy as this may sound 155bpm
8.reaching through eternity 156bpm
9.tinklebell of the unthinkable 148bpm
10...of confusion 148bpm
11.Lost Now Found 154bpm
Sienis is Eki Jokisalo from Sweden. 'Seriously Unserious' is the 2nd studio album, continue on hes debute album "From a nutter perspective" released last year on Giiwa productions.
What really catches me with Ekis music is all the detailes and hardwork that he put in all hes tracks. Many layers, fx sounds building trippy grooves and excelent melodies that wraps around and playes with ur head.
it does looks like another "darkpsy" fast bpm album but it aint. You hardly not notice the fast tempo as u normaly does and all those great melodies and atmosphers with those perfectly executed pads and leads making it all making sence.
track 1 is a intro non 4/4 ambient bell hitting melodic pieace. Good introduction of whats more to come.
dont hold your breath is a great dance tool, i've heard this one been played at some partys some while ago in sweden and its a tune, long mechanical intro, building up sounds and just before take of a silent release and we're off to space. Wicked synths leads, cool drums and towards the end a cool spooky forestish piano melodie with bells add a perfect finnish for a great journey.
3rd one here also with a long intro, another thing i like overall is tracks with cool intros thats been puttogheter with toughts and soul, not just random sounds with a pad killing some time before some kick and bass kicks in. This ones more funky and mushroomish, lotsa psychedelic sounds and a bell melodie wich always works for spiceup with some spookyness, i like the second part on this.
the intro on this makes u think ur in some ritual of some sort. Great energy and soundscapes. The track overall is abit hectic and trippy, fast bassnotes, i feel im on ship in the ocean looking for something kinda feeling.
This track is another great dancefloor tool, pure fullon, with no cheese but full of energy and psychedelic elements, on of my favourites of the album. Nice bassline, rubberish sounds, and not to be forgot the brain fact lession we get from the samples, all for free! I like Bonuses. The track is abit shorter then average but it deliveres what it should and im pleased.
This monkey is a monster. The track reminds me of very old sienis tracks somehow, Love those long lead-pad slides. A very good track, open air sound with humour and soul.
Heres nr 7, and yea, it sounds alot crazy and i like it alot. I donno yet, but i think its my favourite from this album. The track sounds like classical mushroom, talpa and sienis in a big glass full of synths and computers mixed togheter well. There is no Fast forward for this track, it need to be listen from start to end. Great work here mate. Kudos.
U think u will get a ambient downbeat here and u go yes! killer! but it twist and turns and all of a sudden we are full power streight forward and there is no mercy. By the first minutes i cant help to think of this epic track called Lastbus Madrus by mr Psykovsky, it kinda gives this feeling to me. But later it get sienisished and melodic bells and a beatyfull Break at around 3:20 something. wich makes the track load for new power and finaly fires off again with even more colors and trix. Great use of this pitchbend toy on the voice sample.
Here's a feeling of soumi/australian kryptonite been baked in. funky bassline, crunchy leads and effects. the kickdrum changes here and there and overall a well done track with tones of sounds and even guitar wich isn't my cup of tea but in this case it fits perfect and aren't at all cheesy or commersial sounding. Thumbs up!
And heres the confusion part, starts very cool, talpaish and groovy, happy feelings are pounding out the speakers. Another Melodies are kicking in towards the middle and this is what sienis is doing best imo, melodies. Great voice samples in this one aswell. No weak points in any tracks.
So here's the final pieace and its the downbeat track i've been missing so far, eventho it says here its 154 bpm. Guitars, happy ending melodies, nice choises of sounds and dubby delays. Great ending product and im getting in the mood of have been seeing a real cool movie and the end credits are rolling with some music in the background if u know what i mean, and u cant wait untill it comes out on dvd so u can buy it and see it again =)
Also the cover art made by mr peculiar is very cool imo, personaly very into grafiti and stuff, makes it even more uniqe.
Waiting for ur 3rd album hermano.
Best of luck with this one and keep rocking!
Go buy this one now guys!;jsessionid=AOODPCBNAPMC?showDetail=221885
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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 20:28
tOnzOFLove ::D
thanx for the awesome review brO |
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack
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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 20:59
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 1, 2009 18:53
Album of the year for me as things stand at the moment (just because of tinklebell of the unthinkable, awesome awesome track ) .
This is all i want and expect from an electronic album. its psychedelic, non-formulaic, humorous but at the same time no nonsense music with lots of energy and trippy stuff going on to keep one bemused.
Methinks im gonna like this even more as time goes by.
Totally recommended.
| Great ending product and im getting in the mood of have been seeing a real cool movie and the end credits are rolling with some music in the background if u know what i mean, and u cant wait untill it comes out on dvd so u can buy it and see it again =) |
| haha , well said    missing plug-in |
sporadic curve
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 23:56
Thanks for the great review Tommy
Iam super proud and respectful that Eki gave Peyotii the chance to release this as the very first Peyotii release
Also proud to say that in the 13 weeks or so it has been out its still in the Saiko Sounds top sellers list
Thanks to everyone who has supported Eki and Peyotii Recordings!!!
Peace and Love
Matt |
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Posted : Oct 23, 2009 00:35
damn crazzzzy album.....nice...i like
sporadic curve
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 30, 2010 07:04
Who else has heard this album? |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2010 02:11
definitely an amazing album which everybody should go for! Sienis is one of the top innovative artists which produces fast music which is not dark at all but super funny, powerfull and on the other side emotional, touching but far away from being cheesy...
good luck for you! Would love to hear you in austria in march but will be on the other side on the globe (unfortunately in this case hrhr)
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