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shitty promoters


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 24, 2008 05:17

we let this Happen because this is a public forum and as long as the post is within the guidelines it shouldn't be deleted.

But don't worry too much shit happens everywhere, just visit other countries forums of the dj's and artists forums to have an idea of what i'm saying

Regarding conflicts between organizers and producers, like you said every part has his/her own truth, that's why we encourage people who have personal issues to settle them via PM, however I guess is important that people get to know about what's going on between dj's and artists rather than hurting Mexico it strengthens it, when have you seen people complaining about Sounds of Earth or Deliria for example?

So these kind of comments help to separate the good producers from the bad producers imho.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 24, 2008 08:33

If the house smells bad open the windows and let it all flow.
Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 24, 2008 22:00
Dude , i love Mexico , my girlfriend is mexican , i am comming to mexico all the time , have a huge number of friends , but you cant say ,that is not ok announcing which org. is bad ,why becuase we artists know the true man , we are the one arround who the money has been circling,since the ppl pay to hear dj /producer , not to watch the decos or just using drugs on nothing . Majiko guy , really did not moral thing , and i would never mention him if i wasnt 100 % sure in what i am saying . so i think this topin needs to exist so the artists could check all the time , which organisation is professional and which one is not .

Since look dude its not about money its not about sound system its not about hotel , its about attitude and how you talk and how you do the buisness.

Meanwhile had some new experience ....

So.....what i am doing is just WARNING ppl , on things that might happen when you are trying to be nice ,and just trying to do your job . Since if everyone were doing their job , we wouldnt have any problems .

Long live Mexico ,and mexican scene with good promoters !!! they still do exist !!!

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 24, 2008 23:18

On 2008-03-24 22:00, Alternative control wrote:
So.....what i am doing is just WARNING ppl , on things that might happen when you are trying to be nice ,and just trying to do your job . Since if everyone were doing their job , we wouldnt have any problems .

Long live Mexico ,and mexican scene with good promoters !!! they still do exist !!!

Right on AC! However I have to say, that it's also the artist's responsibility to do some check up on the promoter who is hiring them, you can ask the local dj's about the reputation of that promoter and also be sure that before you come and play to their city you have already your round plane ticket and at least half of your fee, that way is harder to be left out in the blue and at least 50% of your fee is covered and your passage is guaranteed.

Generally these kind of incidents happen when there is no advance payment and no passage because then it's very easy for the promoter to play dead after the party is over and said that he had heavy losses or another lame excuse

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 25, 2008 00:01
Forza first post : Ok

Login : no comments

AC : I agree

Forza last post : Right

BUT, as i made my point in the past, Mexico needs your help in order to have more respect and less bad reputation.
Always Mexico... you can ask to any artist they will speak shit about Mexico .. Mexico this Mexico that...
Always kiking about something.

I want to believe that we are adults and not kids playing to be artists, so act as one and be professional so u wont be disapointed ever again as Forzita said.

Anyway apreciate the posts you know that controversy in my second name.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 25, 2008 02:03

Just to clear the last statement i made: ," i want to believe that we are.. etc .." -im talking in general-
pls dont take it personaly bro, i say it as a re enforcement of Forza´s post directed to all the artists who would like to play here.
Actualy i know some serious promoters and party organizers if you want ill contact you with them.
Cheers bro
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Mar 25, 2008 02:50
MaJ1KO is with


YOU did not send me a CONTRACT in witch you confirmed you would perform at TAMPICO, and I say this because it is very common that some ROCKSTARS supposedly DJ'S/PRODUCERS have such a BIG EGO they don't even get on a plane to go perform to other cities.

IRON MADNESS is the most recent case in my small city, he got paid (pay check & flight) but didn't take the flight because he was "EXHAUSTED".

So if you ask us to be professional, please be so yourself too. Next time we can put it on paper so both parts show professionalism.

I also read the ISRATRANCE forums and your label does things such as not paying artitsts for the rights of using their songs in some albums. Talk about being PROFESSIONAL....



Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 25, 2008 07:24
Thanks for sharing with us your side of the story Mayo!!

Like Serag said every story has 2 sides, and imho not signing a contract is a valid enough reason to cancel an artist, now it would be interesting to know what AC has to say about this.

Mayo: I hope you didn't think I was rude with you when I made the remark about the Paramahansa Yogananda quote, what we were expecting (the community) was your side of story, I'm a bit zealous with Paramahansa Yogananda because you know the kind of soul he is, so his words shouldn't be taken lightly.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 26, 2008 20:56
I trully know you werent being mean to him, Forza, however was just a knock knock kind of thing nothing to worry about...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
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Posted : Mar 26, 2008 23:22
MaJ1KO is with

I never tried to compare myself with Paramahansa Yogananda, or whoever follows
his light for that matter.

I just tried to bring some of that light
to my own life, and using this phrase,
as well as understanding and really
living it was my first step.

My respect master Forza

Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 27, 2008 01:20
Majiko man , come on , really man , are you crazy to compare me with iron madness or something like that ? dude i am not some 30 year old guy , i am 23 , i am not junkie i have strength in my body , for me things like this dont happen , never in last 4,5 years that AC is playing , and come on , its not like i am playing once in 5 months so your gig /dj set for few hundred dollars would be the reason for me not to come to your party ?

Look ,never mind , i see you are trying to wash your name , lets forget about your cancelation , never mind , i am open mind person , and ican forgive you , and plz lets not mention that case any more , for me it was very clear... you always wanted to add something very critical but very out of the space and subject and any normal sence , but anyway ...

About Vision Quest , glad you mention it , since all the ppl know that our bookings were NEVER handled by them , reasons are not important , but only thing we were doing with them was cooperation in Japan , releasing our first album and thats basiclly it , but as some people know already we are not with them anymore , not playig even in Japan for them , so please take out ALTERNATIVE CONTROL name when you are criticing VQ , since that would be really unfair , same you would criticise 25 more artists that played for them , so again man , its NONSENCE what are you talking about , PLZZZ make some sence in your statements and THINK about what are you talking , since i really would like you to understand the real thing.

And look again , if you think you didnt f***ed me up for that party in january , lets put it , you didnt .. i am appologising and all good , but please in the future dont defend yourself by bringing such a stupid things and trying to explain yoruself through deco , or Vision Quest , or contract , come on... really ...

For moderator : thnx for having patience with this topic , i really hope you not gonna lock it up and leave it a bit so some things could be freely and openly said without any bad words or any violent attitude !

Ahuevo !
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Mar 27, 2008 04:02
MaJ1KO (Seretronika CREW) is with

Look ALTERNATIVE CONTROL (Vision Quest), that acusation you're throwing over your colleague IRON MADNESS (Biomechanix Records), tagging him a JUNKIE, just shows the kind of people you are, therefore, try to avoid talking to me.

Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 27, 2008 20:29
hahaha , so now i called iron madness junkie ??? hahha you are crazy man , you mentioned his name , you compared me with him or , doesnt metter, with anybody else , the point is , I AM NOT JUNKIE , and you are CROOK , UNPROFESSIONAL , man even people from Tampico , send me mssgs of support saying that you are killing the scene of tampico , hey its your people , not me man come on ...

And look never would say anythign bad about Iron Madness since i dont knwo the person , never met , so taking my words out of the cotext and putting them trying to get me into a fight with a guy i never met , is really bad mAJiko ,plzz stop doing this !!

You are really sad!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Mar 27, 2008 22:36
MaJ1KO is with


On OCTOBER 2006 a disgrace happened, CPU was beaten in a party, and many more people. (An event made by another producer,
who unfortunately was no guilty in what happened and they are among the first to produce events in TAMPICO)

PARTIES IN TAMPICO WERE OVER...because noone wanted to make events for fear to this same thing happening to them.


And that brought back the TAMPICO SCENE, as the other promotions BEGAN doing more events.

This is the meaning of the FESTIVAL METAMORFOSIS.

And with help of all the people surounding me, who are my true friends we'll keep fighting to erradicate all this scene's shit.

I may be wrong this time, but sincerely, your $750 dlls DJ SET was too expensive for what it really is, so I prefered DIGICULT (DRACU Records) to fill the party with good vibe.

And with help from the majestic DELIRIA DECO (MASTERS), the did my event FESTIVAL METAMORFOSIS 2, and unforgetable event for me.

You are calling me "SHITTY PROMOTER" but don't get that the difference between me and others is my education, and my fighting for improvement, besides my MISTAKES.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Mar 28, 2008 00:25
MaJ1KO is with

Finally so you can SHUT UP, FESTIVAL METAMORFOSIS 2 was just my 2nd massive event produced, so i think it's ABSURD for you to call me "shitty promoter". I'll learn from my mistakes and the next event will be lot better.

Leave that for people who has been getting easy money from the TRANCE scene in MÉXICO, and the worst of it is that nobody says something.

The most STRANGE thing is that my event was in JANUARY.

We're on MARCH, somebody called ADAN MATA as "SHITTY PROMOTER".
I wrongly laughed of him being called ADAN RATA.

AND you MISTERIOUSLLY appeared throwing me feces...

But i'm not deffenseless "man"... it's a SHAME you are a PUPPET FOR RAT PEOPLE


On 2008-03-10 08:58, dj insanix wrote:
thats why they call him in Adan RATa... sheesh, how can this guy be so pathetic...
doing this to other artists?... whats the fun of that, theres gonna be one day when he messes with the wrong person and he is going to be sorry for that... KARMA

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