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shitty promoters

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 12, 2008 06:04

Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 13, 2008 02:10
This guy MAJIKO , that put a post before me , he is a really bad bad organiser !!!

Booked me , announced the party , ofcourse didnt pay anything , and dissapear from msn and internet few days before the party was suppose to happen !


serotronika crew ! c c c
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 04:47

On 2008-03-13 02:10, Alternative control wrote:
This guy MAJIKO , that put a post before me , he is a really bad bad organiser !!!

Booked me , announced the party , ofcourse didnt pay anything , and dissapear from msn and internet few days before the party was suppose to happen !


serotronika crew ! c c c

MaJ1KO is with

Excuse If I failed you bro, for that I apologize but believe me the ADVERTISING I gave you in my website you're not gonna get it from anyone else in Mexico.

I know there's no need for excuses but I'm never going to steal a cent from anyone because I don't need it.

I think this topic is more about people who steal in México because they don't love the scene and since they have no culture they try to get rich at the expenses of trance parties. I don't need to get rich. I love the scene, I'm happy as I am and the parties I make are for pleasure, not need.

I must clearify that I did't even payed for your flights, so that you wouldn't play at my party. I wish you best and may God bless you.

*P.D. At the end I felt the party was missing something, and I had two choices, DELIRIA or Alternative Control (DJ SET). In my city we had never had such spectacular deco so I decided to go with DELIRIA and I have no regrets, DELIRIA ROCKS!

Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 13, 2008 16:55
This is nonsence , are you even little bit feel guilty ?

Dude , you put me on a flyer ,all the ppl payed your ticket to hear AC music , they told me , they asked me , why i wasnt there , you never let me know , you dissapear from my msn list , you still made a party , come on dude? i meen really i am not a bitchy kind of guy , but to cancel a gig to an artist this way , is really sad and ugly ...

And due next time , with your logic , dont bring at all DJS man ..bring just DECO ..maybe ppl will nto need music at all

Anyway .... Majiko =Serotronika = shitty promoter !

for me atleast !
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 18:32
Jajaja, again starting the topic in nightsoiree?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 20:18

On 2008-03-13 16:55, Alternative control wrote:
This is nonsence , are you even little bit feel guilty ?

Dude , you put me on a flyer ,all the ppl payed your ticket to hear AC music , they told me , they asked me , why i wasnt there , you never let me know , you dissapear from my msn list , you still made a party , come on dude? i meen really i am not a bitchy kind of guy , but to cancel a gig to an artist this way , is really sad and ugly ...

And due next time , with your logic , dont bring at all DJS man ..bring just DECO ..maybe ppl will nto need music at all

Anyway .... Majiko =Serotronika = shitty promoter !

for me atleast !

MaJ1KO is with

The ADVERTISING I gave you in my WEBSITE you're not gonna get it from anyone else in México.


God bless you .

Alternative control
Alternative Control

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  305
Posted : Mar 14, 2008 18:02
Man , i really cant understand ,how come words like this and sentence like this , come out of your mouth , what promotion dude ? what website ? who cares about that ?

Did ppl pay to hear AC ? yes , did you took the money for it ? yes , did they heard AC music ? no , Why ? Cause you are crook , who wanted to save up money and not to tell ppl , that AC is cancelled !

Thats all from me reagrding this one !

Sorry to all of you for making this topic more personal !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 20:09
its ok dude... u gotta get out some how.           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Mar 14, 2008 22:34

On 2008-03-14 18:02, Alternative control wrote:
Man , i really cant understand ,how come words like this and sentence like this , come out of your mouth , what promotion dude ? what website ? who cares about that ?

Did ppl pay to hear AC ? yes , did you took the money for it ? yes , did they heard AC music ? no , Why ? Cause you are crook , who wanted to save up money and not to tell ppl , that AC is cancelled !

Thats all from me reagrding this one !

Sorry to all of you for making this topic more personal !

"Learn to be calm and you will always be happy." Paramahansa Yogananda


dj insanix
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  75
Posted : Mar 15, 2008 05:53

that truly sucks AC.....

such a shame what Mexico is coming to.           Dj Insanix
Mechanik Records Label Manager / Nutek / 3D Vision Records
dj insanix
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  75
Posted : Mar 20, 2008 12:34
i would like to add one more, RODRIGO FROM TAMPICO , TAMPICO HIS E MAIL IS and his Partner was this girl whos e mail was her name JUDITH this people turned out to be a crook persons at the end who didnt want to pay the full fee of my artist from the label because he already had spend some money, so he didnt want to pay the full price and refused to buy the flight he had to buy, neverless we ended the conversation with him saying WELL WHO CARES WHAT YOU GUYS SAY, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT I WILL JUST SAY THE ARTIST DIDNT WANT TO COME SO NO PROBLEMS, yeah how easy huh?, pretty sad how a lot of mexican promoters end up to be... they usually are doing that puting a good headliner on a flyer and just saying in the day of the party Oh well the artists didnt show up... how easy, sad sad so sad....           Dj Insanix
Mechanik Records Label Manager / Nutek / 3D Vision Records

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Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 20, 2008 15:15
"Learn to be calm and you will always be happy." Paramahansa Yogananda


With due respect, if you are going to quote Paramhansa Yogananda you should live by his ideals, otherwise those are just empty words, with no actions to back them up.

"Smiling away your troubles requires a clear conscience that harbor no insincerity" - Paramahansa Yogananda

Do you have a clear conscience to be able to smile away your troubles or there is some truth in the words of AC regarding the party you did?

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 21, 2008 22:16

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Mar 23, 2008 20:48

On 2008-03-21 22:16, kin beat wrote:

I second that           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Mar 23, 2008 21:59
Shity bad promoters are very bad for the healthy of the psy scenne in deed, but also, is nothing good to bring more contamination, ventilating problems like with Mayo's, i mean he can be one of many shity promoters but that doesnt mean that in Mexico every promoter is like that.

Anyway, i think we are going backwards everytime a shity comment about something in Mexico is made.

So, sorry Forza and to the others moderators, nothing personal but why you let this happen?

In my very personal opinion, this topic can exist, yes, but it doesnt has the bases to be developed since every part has its own truth, and that truth is as simply as a falace since there are no solid facts to demonstrate who is or who isn't guilty of something, and in the meantime, as i said before, at the end the only hurted is my very loved precious México! and all the people who really wants to make things right!.
paying fairiers for sinners.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - shitty promoters
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