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Trance Forum » » Forum  Balkans - SHIFT [Nexus Media / Timecore Rec.] LIVE @ Belgrade 13.01.2011
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SHIFT [Nexus Media / Timecore Rec.] LIVE @ Belgrade 13.01.2011


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  1
Posted : Dec 14, 2010 16:47:50
PsychoFusion organizacija Vam, povodom Srpske Nove godine i zavrsnog dela serijala

::The CROSSWORLDS Trilogy::

sa ponosom predstavlja jedno od dugo iscekivanih i najvecih svetskih TRANCE imena ikada, prvi put u Srbiji:

SHIFT (South Africa) LIVE! // Nexus media rec.


Brod KOLOS, Beograd



CUNE [PsychoFusion / Mental Disorders]

DEL [PsychoFusion / Mental Disorders / FreakquencubuzZ rec. / India]

GNOSTIC [PsychoFusion]

PECINAC [PsychoFusion]

PRPA [PsychoFusion]


SHIFT Biography:

sHiFt is a powerful journey into dance & the exploration of conscious trance

for ten years shift has been performing and releasing psy

...its about keeping it interesting without deviating from the principle behind the music.

... to take the listener on a journey and to let the dancer free to explore

... each song or album is a story, so where one might be darker or more rhythmical,, some others could be uplifting and groovy - there are so many elements within the arrangement of a psy tune that the options are almost limitless - and therefore getting the balance between the elements to create these different textures and "flavours" for the mind becomes the art-form itself - rather than the manufacture and predictable placement of sampled sounds - making a good track is more than sum of the production skill and musical knowledge - its is learned though experience as the listener, the dancer, the composer, and the producer...

"The CROSSWORLDS Trilogy" predstavlja ujedno i zavrsni deo serijala "The CROSSWORLDS" koji smo zahvaljujuci Vama i Vasoj pozitivnoj energiji uspeli da ovaj dogadjaj ucinimo jos magicnijim, a srpsku trance scenu podignemo na nivo gde i pripada u svetu, predstavljajuci vam jos jedno u nizu velikih svetskih Trance imena pravo iz Kejptauna ::: SHIFT :::




Specijalni promo set karata po ceni od 500 din ce moci da se kupi na zurci


Uskoro karte i na svim prodajnim mestima:

Bilet Servis

Eventimova prodajna mesta sirom Srbije

Xenia (NS) - 064 /274-98-14


Info Tel:

065 / 68 - 11 - 378
064 / 257 - 83 - 92
069 / 31- 79 - 132

Trance Forum » » Forum  Balkans - SHIFT [Nexus Media / Timecore Rec.] LIVE @ Belgrade 13.01.2011
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