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share your favorite quotes


Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 12, 2009 17:48
"Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life?"
Havelock Ellis           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 12, 2009 23:27
great one


Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 13, 2009 17:41
1- the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body
2- the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body
Having this 2 points in mind, bouncing your head left to right like a mad man won't help you to straighten things up!

Anonymous genious

          Sérgio Xamanist

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Posts :  665
Posted : Mar 18, 2009 16:37
qui auget scienziam auget et dolorem
(when knowledge increase, increase also the pain)

from the Bible....

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Posts :  95
Posted : Mar 18, 2009 22:56
"And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence."
-Bertrand Russell

"In heaven, all the interesting people are missing."

          quantum frog, ca
segment 7
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  152
Posted : Mar 19, 2009 02:15
that first one is very good nomadics, v.true           Projection makes perception. The world is what you gave it, nothing more than that. It is a witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive- Anonymous

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  227
Posted : Mar 20, 2009 18:55
"the understanding of nature is the understanding of complex integrated systems of such complexity, that to deny them consciousness, is just a reluctance of the reductionist mind"
- Terrence McKenna [1946-2000]
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 22, 2009 14:31
Great quotes i must admit.            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Mar 23, 2009 12:01
Renounce your ego, is the lords only request. And I will make you God, is the promise.
- Swami Chinmayananda
          No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Mar 24, 2009 12:16
As eternity has reckoned, theres a lifetime in a second!...

To see the world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wild flower,
to hold infinity by the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.

I dont know but i've been told, If you keep dancing, you wont grow old...           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Mar 24, 2009 12:19
People are often unreasonable and self centered: forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives: be kind anyways. If you're successful, you'll win some false friends and some true enemies: succeed anyway. If you're honest and frank, people may cheat you: but be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone can destroy overnight: build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous: be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow: do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough: give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, its between you and God, it was never between you and them anyway . . .           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  938
Posted : Mar 24, 2009 13:02
great quotes, Mad purple State!           Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  275
Posted : Mar 25, 2009 18:59
Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.
Sir Thomas Brown

The power of imagination makes us infinite.
John Muir

There is more to life than increasing its speed.
Mahatma Gandhi

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.
Martin Luther

many thanks to my girlfriend for sharing these with me

          Ovnimoon Records

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 25, 2009 21:03
Love is the light that will dissolve all barriers between people, families and nations!
Paramahansa Yogananda           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Mar 27, 2009 22:21
The heart is always right-- if there's a question of choosing between the mind and the heart-- because mind is a creation of the society. It has been educated. You have been given it by the society, not by existence. The heart is unpolluted.

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
-Alan W. Watts

"Facts are the enemy of truth."
- Don Quixote - "Man of La Mancha"

"Basically, I no longer work for anything but the sensation I have while working."
- Albert Giacometti (sculptor)

God forbid that Truth should be confined to Mathematical Demonstration!
-William Blake

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul
of genius.

When we dream alone it is only a dream;
When we dream together, it is the beginning of reality
-Brazilian Proverb
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