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sex and psy

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 01:04
on the psychedelic party, treat the women like your sisters.

Start there. The rest will come.

Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 07:58

On 2009-06-19 19:09:48, demonsinmyheadz wrote: I went to Boom last summer...
Probably the most frustrating experience of my life; when you're a single guy, surrounded by all those women each more beautiful than the next,all smiles but with a definate KEEP YOUR DISTANCE inscribed on their faces, the openness I was promised?It seemed like everyone was having fun....with THEIR friends (no need to talk to other people when you're already in the "global familly")
Even drugs don't help; how many sleepless nights (or afternoons rather) trying to sleep with my head full of suntanned female bodies writhing on the dancefloor but not on me.....
It all seemed so...closed, so snooty, so frigid...
So I said to myself, there must be reasons for this; Okay, sex is out, since AIDS; even though we all know how to do it safely..
Maybe women just don't want it (this can be explained in part by the delhibelly you generally get at any festival, and I don't need to draw diagrams to show why men can still get turned on enough while squeezing their ass cheeks, but women need to open their legs .....)

\If this is such a priority at the moment, you should try and get yourself what you are looking for. so you be the guy who walks up to the woman and talks to her, maybe offer her a cigarette.. just strike a conversation without having this fear of rejection. even if she doesnt like it shes only gonna shy away. and this will be the only way you will ever get what you're looking for. and BOOM festival is not the only place on earth that you can meet em, try this space called the 'internet'. and you can always take a girl to a festival with you. there's some free love for you right there.

never has the proverb 'all that glitters ain't gold' made more sense to me.           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 09:19
a single chick (on E or mdma etc , very imp , not acid) , with whom u share a good vibe on the floor ... why not , best of luck next time , lol . good topic even
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 09:43

On 2009-06-19 19:09:48, demonsinmyheadz wrote:
But what about free love?What about the best free legal high you can get on this planet??
Can you imagine an orgasm on the dancefloor?
Why is all this so frowned upon?
Why is it okay to propose coke to someone, but not your body?
Why do women in trance dress to be sexy, but don't want?(don't tell me they're just keeping cool)
Why am I gonna be treated as a pervert, even though (from reading posts)you guys seem to think about nothing else?
Can someone explain???

1. Free love : existed back in the day when the hippies were more free spirited and open hearted . now with nothing that cheap any more and population of hippies going down and everything else going up in general, free love is a little harder to find these days. only if your purse is bigger than your woo woo do you stand a good chance

2. orgasm on the dancefloor: believe me you dont want this unless you want to be the center of attraction and laughing stock of the party. you dont want to see other people getting off on your unity with someone else ,the cosmos and nature.

Nothing is frowned upon, its how you approach the situation. women generally feel more comfortable with someone they know from before than getting to know a new guy at a party to have sex with. and probably there are various other things on their mind than sex. just coz you and they are on drugs, doesnt mean that you're going to end up having sex. it takes much more than that.
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 10:15
or start singing "You and me baby aint nothing but mammals so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel" and while your doing that put hands in ur pants

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 12:08
i have no idea what you are talking about... i want to boom last year as well and helped 2 swedish girls to pitch up their tent and we hooked up... the next day when i came back from the main stage to cool down in the lake i got some free love

i think that the problem is your attitude and nothing else... i NEVER go to parties to hit on women... sometimes you just connect with someone and one thing leads to another - trance parties are definately not the place to LOOK for a woman cuz its simply not the state of mind there (most of the time) - for that just go to a bar

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 13:18
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 13:54

On 2009-06-20 00:34, Spasm wrote:
I think pretty much has been said concerning this issue.

Sex and psychedelics are not a good relation, there's always that "aura" of a pretencious spirituallity that gets in the way.

pretencious spirituality or just too high to communicate? =P
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 16:38
i suspect that this whole topic is a prank. or maybe i just hope that it is...
if you're serious then i'd say your problem is that you sound more like a wanker than a fu#ker.           "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 17:45           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 18:48

On 2009-06-19 19:09:48, demonsinmyheadz wrote:
Hi guys, I'm new round here, new to psytrance too....
Friends told me for years that I must come to a trance festival, that it was Utopia, that anything goes, that people are warm and friendly, all respectful of each other and the planet..... I went to Boom last summer...
Probably the most frustrating experience of my life; when you're a single guy, surrounded by all those women each more beautiful than the next,all smiles but with a definate KEEP YOUR DISTANCE inscribed on their faces, the openness I was promised?It seemed like everyone was having fun....with THEIR friends (no need to talk to other people when you're already in the "global familly")
Even drugs don't help; how many sleepless nights (or afternoons rather) trying to sleep with my head full of suntanned female bodies writhing on the dancefloor but not on me.....
It all seemed so...closed, so snooty, so frigid...
So I said to myself, there must be reasons for this; Okay, sex is out, since AIDS; even though we all know how to do it safely..
Maybe women just don't want it (this can be explained in part by the delhibelly you generally get at any festival, and I don't need to draw diagrams to show why men can still get turned on enough while squeezing their ass cheeks, but women need to open their legs .....)
But what about free love?What about the best free legal high you can get on this planet??
Can you imagine an orgasm on the dancefloor?
Why is all this so frowned upon?
Why is it okay to propose coke to someone, but not your body?
Why do women in trance dress to be sexy, but don't want?(don't tell me they're just keeping cool)
Why am I gonna be treated as a pervert, even though (from reading posts)you guys seem to think about nothing else?
Can someone explain???
Comments from women welcome....

There you go; first post ever,maybe last psyfestival ever, unless it gets less lonely...

So let me get this: you do not know how to pick up chicks and are pissed off at psytrance now? 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 19:27
this must be a joke.In case not demonsinmyheads try maybe some meditation you could only shine (again).Get some light inside.
Be greatful and be love in person or be your heart yourself and you wont have that dificulties once youre on that stage.
Take it easy

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 20:27
In fact I think hooking up girls at psy parties is more complicated that at a club or other type of parties.

but its not imposibble, it takes some time to learn that it is a some kind of special code jajajajajaja.

But if you suuck at any place getting girls, then not matter how free love is there, you wont get any.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 22:23
why don't we have sex everybody on the dance floor?
ahh shit theres 100 girls and 1000 guys
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2009 22:34
hey man go to goa.

join the 100 million other men in their pursuit.

one more reason of not goin to big events.

also, I thot this no pussy scene was subjectd to india

but feels good to share the vibe
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