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sex and psy

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2009 21:37

On 2009-08-14 06:21, Aluxe wrote:

On 2009-08-13 19:34, demoniac wrote:
second its a stupid idea, how much forest they can buy, 2 trees and 5 monkeys?

Do you understand that if everyone planted 2 trees and saved 5 monkeys we would probably not have an environmental problem? what counts in the end is the acumulated total of what everyone on this planet does, so everybody's little grain of sand can make all the difference for the better or worse. We are the world!

You are hitting the bellybutton...but you are close to the pussy my friend. 2 trees is an understatement, it would take much more than that. Do you know why? What causes all this destruction? The way humanity has come to satisfy its sexual demands- the most powerful driving instinct of them all. See, because of people like the guy who started this topic and then disappeared after 2 posts, the standards of impressing a girl have shifted in million directions. Mass media and examples/stories of other people is what misdirects people on their way of getting laid. You watch a movie and see a bad example of a guy driving some fly want that car because you think that car will get you inside of any girl you want. Also men are becoming pussyfied and afraid to hit on girls. Who cares about instincts when you have err, you name it. Intoxicants, video games, shopping...

You see a girl that you like and even before you have made the move, a million things cross your mind. A good portion of those interferences is about material wealth. How much money do you have to spend on her to get her eased up, will she care what kind of car you drive and DO you drive a car at all. And so on. If we don't have to be bothered of things such like these, we wouldn't need to OVERACHIEVE and by that, try to make LOTS of money and also spend lots of money. More money means more production, more consumption and more environmental degradation. But fuck everything because the omnipresent forces in this perfectly balanced universe are sorting things out.

2 trees by each person will not compensate for the energy wasted by each one of us that has tried to get laid. When i think about that, hell i used to take one hour rides in one direction And you have control over how much energy you waist to get laid find a girl close to you, take her on a bike ride or on a magic carpet ride, buy her sunflower seeds instead of an expensive dinner, get drunk on homemade alcohol and plonk instead of expensive stuff. vivla la revolucion. and yeah, stay with ONE girl so that you don't have to buy condoms. Do you know how much they pollute when you burn them. And the decomposition lifetime. Phew.

          the sky was pink
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Aug 15, 2009 22:05
yeah agree , calling FFF for sick is really strange i think.... Sex is a natural thing in life, and they get something good out of it, why not ?!

"Do you understand that if everyone planted 2 trees and saved 5 monkeys we would probably not have an environmental problem? what counts in the end is the acumulated total of what everyone on this planet does, so everybody's little grain of sand can make all the difference for the better or worse. We are the world!"

I agree so much, its so easy to just say: "I cant control it, i cant decide anything.." Sure we can and should do our part, to get things going, we are all part of the same !            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  3
Posted : Aug 16, 2009 00:31

On 2009-08-15 21:37, robomarket wrote:

On 2009-08-14 06:21, Aluxe wrote:

On 2009-08-13 19:34, demoniac wrote:
second its a stupid idea, how much forest they can buy, 2 trees and 5 monkeys?

Do you understand that if everyone planted 2 trees and saved 5 monkeys we would probably not have an environmental problem? what counts in the end is the acumulated total of what everyone on this planet does, so everybody's little grain of sand can make all the difference for the better or worse. We are the world!

You are hitting the bellybutton...but you are close to the pussy my friend. 2 trees is an understatement, it would take much more than that. Do you know why? What causes all this destruction? The way humanity has come to satisfy its sexual demands- the most powerful driving instinct of them all. See, because of people like the guy who started this topic and then disappeared after 2 posts, the standards of impressing a girl have shifted in million directions. Mass media and examples/stories of other people is what misdirects people on their way of getting laid. You watch a movie and see a bad example of a guy driving some fly want that car because you think that car will get you inside of any girl you want. Also men are becoming pussyfied and afraid to hit on girls. Who cares about instincts when you have err, you name it. Intoxicants, video games, shopping...

You see a girl that you like and even before you have made the move, a million things cross your mind. A good portion of those interferences is about material wealth. How much money do you have to spend on her to get her eased up, will she care what kind of car you drive and DO you drive a car at all. And so on. If we don't have to be bothered of things such like these, we wouldn't need to OVERACHIEVE and by that, try to make LOTS of money and also spend lots of money. More money means more production, more consumption and more environmental degradation. But fuck everything because the omnipresent forces in this perfectly balanced universe are sorting things out.

2 trees by each person will not compensate for the energy wasted by each one of us that has tried to get laid. When i think about that, hell i used to take one hour rides in one direction And you have control over how much energy you waist to get laid find a girl close to you, take her on a bike ride or on a magic carpet ride, buy her sunflower seeds instead of an expensive dinner, get drunk on homemade alcohol and plonk instead of expensive stuff. vivla la revolucion. and yeah, stay with ONE girl so that you don't have to buy condoms. Do you know how much they pollute when you burn them. And the decomposition lifetime. Phew.

Who's disappeared?
And are you serious?
I'm not sure I understand your point; the first and second paragraph seem to be contradictory ; are you saying "spend more time getting laid instead of buying crap", or "thinking about things other than sex willsave humanity"????????
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  31
Posted : Aug 16, 2009 02:05


On the other hand, go to a festival and be yourself, maybe you will find a girl with the same ''needs'' as yours, maybe you'll find another person with the thought I-wanna-fuck-until-the-drug-is-on-and-music-is-kicking-me-on-the-dancefloor-while-I-have-multiple-orgasms-with-a-sexy-trancy-looking-body, who knows Or if you can't find that person, go to the tent. I've heard that today's tents are pretty jerkable

too true!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 16, 2009 14:08
time traveller gets the first award for best expressed contra opinion ever .

p.s. still trying to earn some money to cover the video stream for the interview with fuck for forest ( most user generated content websites in the web 2.0 era dont accept fuck for forest as a video content btw, so i need some money to cover the streams first, then i post it.
i really love leona , she is so sweet:)
Baba System

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Aug 18, 2009 20:33
tahnkz moki fo da greatiz fu** ... we save some trees now, you sends da movie of fu**s whenz ya have times... by tch the ways you needing to looses weight. love you. 

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Posted : Aug 19, 2009 19:19
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 20, 2009 02:14
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 26, 2009 15:19
here some news from the fuck for forest fraction:

Keep yourself updated on what is going on in the FFF world and the adventures that are happening around us. In the history, FFF bought 60 hectar of forest in Costa Rica and giving funds to a reforestation project in Ecuador In the summer 2009 FFF started to fund a project in Brazil, more info will soon be out. FFF is also part of funding a project in Slovakia to protect the last natural forest there:

okey, i will not wait is now a good point to post the interview, although i planned to do more on the issue, but lets first do it with the given material. i come back in a very few hours. finally found some time and meaning to do this right now

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Oct 7, 2009 13:32
here is the link to the thread where i posted the video:
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Oct 7, 2009 13:35
i love sex & psy

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  2369
Posted : Oct 7, 2009 13:53
Yet to Experience Together
Will be Kick A$$ for sure           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  8779
Posted : Oct 7, 2009 16:41
IS rox           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Oct 19, 2009 15:52
Nothing like 12 nonstop hours of psy massacre to recharge sexual energy!
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