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sex and psy

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 12:32
what blackmail attempts btw? ( need a translation, not everyone here has the honour to be allowed to speak in his native language, may be you should respect this unnatural advantage of yours too).

yeah, lick your fingers twice before your knob, may be then you will finally have to precision to make a difference between 440 hz and 432 hz.

no, no , dont worry, i will post a new porn interview for you, may be then finally you become what you yre looking for and leave me the fucking synth instead.

you were where first? i have a isratrance account since the very beginning, i just forgot my password, but i would say i was here from the very beginning).

sure you can post whenever you want, i am the one who cant because i continuously get banned because of ppl like you who are spreading totally different facts than reality is. yes, i am so condenscending and bad. whateer it is.

btw it is not lame, because i have enough of spending hours and hours for these free interviews and not even having the opportunity to post and express my opinion freely because of sexually lamed moderators of other forums. lets see here if i will exist some more days as a user to post you the fucking interview to finally lick up your fingers
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 15:50
sex & psy= Fingering of 8 Finger Eddy

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 20:50
I was here, in this thread, first, is what I meant

And I was referring to you leveraging your interview of a cause someone else believes in (meaning: your FFF interview) to get me to quit posting in some silly thread. (meaning: stop posting here or I won't post the interview).

Here, let me quote you.

if you leave completely the topic about me, i may even post the interview with fuck for forest and let anyone see it finally

^^ lame

If you truly supported their cause, you'd just post the video, preferably somewhere where people won't read your posts in the context, thus they might take it seriously.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 12, 2009 23:14
no no, you dont understand what i tell you.
i dont tell not to post here.
never ever. you can forget it. you can post anything you want in any thread and even if you critisize every words of mine, you are still very welcome to do this. as far as i dont at least read absolute bullshit and lies like in goabase.

i said ( okey, i was in a hurry) that i cant come to post the interview because i first have to prepare it, then the stream, then let it stream on my website, and this is time and all i do since some time ago is to lose any inspiration to do this and to lose time for nothing. cause all i do is with the only purpose to be an aim of agression in the forums. i would be more than happy if i had one person that could at least post in the forums instead of me. as i do all the rest with the internet streams alone. the interview is filmed but i have to first cut and stream. then i come again.

i will post this interview as soon as i get some energy to sit a few hours to make it ready. i need to go home back to berlin, then i post. i meant if you stop abusing me and offending me ( while you know generally very well that i am not indifferent about what oyu say) then i might do it faster.

i might support their cause but believe me it is not so little job with these free videos, cause i make them only in my free time as well. i make them for a community that even wants to destroy me, some even want me to really disappear from this earth. not so easy to fnd even the smallest inspiration and btw fuck for forest also told me that it makes no sense since the world is so fucked that it will never change anyway.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 23:15
i write you a myspace message now so that we leave at least this place. dont know why you need to talk to me here. i think we have to move it to private.

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Posts :  1730
Posted : Aug 13, 2009 05:23
What the hell is Fuck for Forest? :S 
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 07:10

Fuckforforest is a non-profit eco porn organization. FFF is created by people who want to have a exciting experience and a good feeling for protecting nature, having real fun with sex and nudity, not faked, not staged, but impulsive and living. With the help from sexually free people and by showing the beauty of natural love, nudity and sex we wish to direct attention to and collect money for the Earth’s threatened nature. Saving the planet IS sexy!

Donate $15 to save threatened rainforests!! Get 30 days web access. Watch erotic idealists, showing it all to save our planet. All donations goes to save nature!


Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Aug 13, 2009 12:04
Well but they generate money toward the rainforest, i think its all good. GOod work from FFF!            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 15:21
@Moki "Sue Ellen" and "J.R." Axis

Why dont you guys just meet and he can show you the synth while you ellaborate on the cosmic octave?... and this thread can go on talking about the hard times of geeting laid in a psy event..for some!!!!

Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Aug 13, 2009 19:34

On 2009-08-13 12:04, kriz wrote:
Well but they generate money toward the rainforest, i think its all good. GOod work from FFF!

do you believe thats true???
they really giwe the money for buying the forest?
first of all they dont giwe the money for the forest they spend the money on theirself, second its a stupid idea, how much forest they can buy, 2 trees and 5 monkeys?
even jenna jameson cant buy the forest with her money, so the situations is:
couple of nymphos on drugs have sex with stupid people that believe they will save the planet from destroying if they have sex on camera with them
sorry but its just the way it is...           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2009 06:21

On 2009-08-13 19:34, demoniac wrote:
second its a stupid idea, how much forest they can buy, 2 trees and 5 monkeys?

Do you understand that if everyone planted 2 trees and saved 5 monkeys we would probably not have an environmental problem? what counts in the end is the acumulated total of what everyone on this planet does, so everybody's little grain of sand can make all the difference for the better or worse. We are the world!

In the words of Osho:

"You cannot conceive that you can be responsible: "I may have contributed just a small piece..." But an ocean is nothing except millions and millions of dewdrops. A dewdrop cannot think that it is responsible for the ocean -- but the dewdrop is responsible. Without the dewdrop there is going to be no ocean at all. The ocean is only a name; the reality is in the dewdrop."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 14, 2009 14:03

On 2009-08-13 15:21, Ellon wrote:
@Moki "Sue Ellen" and "J.R." Axis

Why dont you guys just meet and he can show you the synth while you ellaborate on the cosmic octave?... and this thread can go on talking about the hard times of geeting laid in a psy event..for some!!!!

i just wonder what is there so much to talk about the hard times of getting laid at a psy event. most ppl here dont even realize that the women are running away from these sort of events. and if your read this topic you will know why. real woman are a thread to this psychedelic society - they are first of all a thread for all other woman and thus a national and beyond national thread to psy culture and should be demolished with any given tools of lies and violence, and secondly all other males hate them too for not having been able to lay them down.

this is psy and sex. and about the cosmic octave - no thanks, after i wrote 23 pages on that topic and axis is telling me taht i have no idea what i am talking about, i prefer to have no idea. but alone. i am not here to convince if a woman can know more or not.

about fff - well i believe this price is really little. i wonder if they cover the expenses on the live streams at all.
but as everyone is supposed to do everything for this community for free , it is of course normal. but it is funny to describe them as what the blue coloured user above did - the mother of fff is leona and not other types of people who came after that.

people will never ever get tired of finding a " quilty one" for their own closed minds. the guilty ones are almost always the most interesting ones. i guess it is a part of human character and not so much a part of psy.

but anyway, i dont know any other culture that is supressing intelligent or interesting females as much as psy do.
beware not to look like a female - otherwise they will try to destroy you really fast.

but anyway, may be the next generation will be bettter than we were. in our generation most females became lesbians in this scene. obvious like hell. we were too arrgant to deal with it. may be the younger will be better. i will not be there to see it.

Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Aug 14, 2009 14:18

On 2009-08-13 07:10, mk47 wrote:

Fuckforforest is a non-profit eco porn organization. FFF is created by people who want to have a exciting experience and a good feeling for protecting nature, having real fun with sex and nudity, not faked, not staged, but impulsive and living. With the help from sexually free people and by showing the beauty of natural love, nudity and sex we wish to direct attention to and collect money for the Earth’s threatened nature. Saving the planet IS sexy!

Donate $15 to save threatened rainforests!! Get 30 days web access. Watch erotic idealists, showing it all to save our planet. All donations goes to save nature!


Eco porn organisation ??? WTF ???
Using sxuality to save Rainforests??? Gimme a break...!
Although i can see where the idea is trying to work.... i think this is quite sick!

How about " Fuck for saving music from piracy " ?? 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  3
Posted : Aug 15, 2009 12:58
So I just looked to the fff site; sounds great!! But the last message is typical of what I've seen from you guys; why is it sick?Is raising money by collecting beer bottle tops less sick?
I thank again those who reply with useful comments,those who are prepared to be honest with themselves (and us), with a particular mention for Moki....however, stories about synthesizers have nothing to do here, so if she and Axis would please talk about that somewhere else.....
It seems though that for the majority, sex is still a complete taboo subject; it's sick, disgusting base instinct which should be put aside for more "elevated" spiritual search....
Drugs (even completely synthetic ones) are of course completely normal and respectable...
Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against drugs, but it kills me to see that people find it more acceptable to buy stuff from a dealer for their fun (sorry; spiritual enlightenment), then to experiment with direct human relations.
Someone talk about sex on camera with fff; do you realize how many films I can see on youtube of people off their heads in psy parties?THis is apparently normal.Talking of youtube, the classic example of sex being stigmatized; you can watch people dying in car accidents, but bare tits are censored.Maybe if people got to accept their own (and other peoples) bodies, they could find enlightenment after: how can we get to "higher planes" if we can't even get to accept our starting point, the physical world?
Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all the psy women must come and fuck me to help me get higher; I'm just using extreme idea to provoke the debate.Psytrance is not my religion.
Sorry to not be on the debate all the time; I only have internet access sometimes.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Aug 15, 2009 16:07
hey demonzinmyheads good you gave some reply to your big thread now.
I accept your opinion based on logical arguments but Im not sharing the same.
I think if interpersonal love or like you say just sex is completely public it would simply loose its magic and charm.
And there are already too many things that lost their charm and are nothing special anymore at many levels in many societies.
I accept all but I do not want to see everywhere from everyone tits or other genitils.Im sure I would not feel great by some of not my type of taste and no thanks it is not needed.I prefer to watch the eyes..outthere.
There must be always some process in life without tons of explanation based on clever opinions.Thanks to the highest unexplained we are individually different and not robots.
There are sooo many things in this world witch deserves enlightment to the people ,like the ban of marichuana for instance in realation with the alcohol everywhere ,or all this swine flu bullshit which was already raised up in 1976 or some political dilemma that trheatends young kids and old woman and just too many passed innocently or all this religious programs with its devilish practices when seeing the consequences of fundamental acting.
Religon is not mine ,psytrance is a part of my spirituality - it does not need to be electronic.If it touched my soul above the explainable and my heart and gave real peace also as a concequence its a good way atleast for me.
Sex is only an act in best case its interpersonal love,and you probably would not like to share your magic in tv or somewhere public.Its still nothing to do wiht acceptance of other bodies.You probably would like to devote your soul for a while to someone else and no one other.If its atleast love and not only sex.
And you would like to keep the secrets of your parnter really for you and no one else.
Collecive magic is a wonder when feeling a massive one on some goood (underground or private) parties.Although I cannot report you about a collctive orgy hehe or all this stuff which is for sure not my cup of tea.Maybe Im old fashioned or different but collective sex is good for the industry and money - which mostly stinks like nothing else.
It kills me seeing or hearing millions by speaking soo good about alcohol,priests celebrating their percentual sacraments and cursing like witchhunt about the present from nature our green mary.
Yes there are much more public taboos which is really bullshit and nonsense.
Woman are individuals as all of us are,2 different 'psytrance - women' should be 2 completely different worlds,forget the body hunt and enjoy the eyes and smiles at first.Be satisfied you are here and you will find your way for sure.
Excuse moi for my english hope its enuff to dig it.
Big big greets to your heads my invisible friend.

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