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sex and psy

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 00:43
oh axis, you are talkin to me? sorry, did not see:))). i read your posts like scanning of a book that you have to read in two hours. you know what i mean? i guess you read mines exactly the same way so we are fifty fifty. in my scanning i did not see anything that i should answer directly so i will not.

never mind, i will waste exactly as much time as i want. you can do the same. and i am honestly not here to speak to you any further. i wish ppl like you could speak honestly in the eyes as well, not only in the forums - you left a totally different impression the last time i saw you before i fly:))). but just go further, you are the one who is wasting your time to talk to me any further:):
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 01:55
but no.
i will tell you something more, because you dont leave me indifferent ( in case you believe you do).

i really dont understand your logic.
and i am sorry that i call it pathetic if i dont understand the logic. may be it is not the right word:).

but it fits to the topic. i dont know why do you need to insist to come to my home and then i am supposed to always have a place for anyone to spend a night in berlin and i am supposed to always have time for that. i can also ask who do you think you are?

i just told you friendly i am gonna show you a book about silent orgasm or whatever it is - as a friend giving a book to a friend and not as a proposal for anything else. i dont know what you want and why do you think i have to lose my time.
just dont come if you believe what you write here. it is not so difficult.

i am not losing much time with 10 posts in a forum : not more than 20 min in sum, but i do lose time to spend hours with ppl who are not even honest to me. just stop.

i call it pathetic because you say you come to discuss the cosmic octave and you dont even pack off your synth, after i tell you three times to do so instead of discussing other bullshit. - you are doing totally different things instead.

besides- why do you ( and others) believe that i should spend time with you in any forums. i mean you are not the only ones in the forums. i might lose with someone but i want to adress others with whom i dont lose time.

whatever it is.

not they might want to ban me again because of being off topic or whatever it is, but i just wanted to tell you to stop talking to me in this forum. it will be more than great. i would not speak to anyone if i had this opinion about him and i would never ever visit him in his home. i dont what you want but i know that i cant help you.

wish you happiness and to find what you are looking for.
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 03:42
so many words from u in this forum and u didnt say anything good           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 09:36
The only thing I want is for you to stop acting like people on this forum give a shit about the fact that I visited you at your house.

And also to please stop being condescending towards people on this forum, because when you point your finger at someone, you point three at yourself.

Nobody really cares about needing to read either of those things.

That's it
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 10:29
why didn't you pack your synth ?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 12:12
hey axis mundi,
1. well then stop adressing me as someone who knows a shit about me just because you spent some hours in my home. there are plenty of ppl here who did but i dont read any of them writing what you do. i dont think i am the one who brings my acting at my home as an argument in these discussions : as you did in the topic about cosmic octave.

2. well may be they do give a shit though, you just dont realize that it was an honour to let you do this at all. my home is my temple. but it wil not happen a second time.

3. if you stop ever talking to me again in this forum or whatever other thing, you will do a great thing. i know enough about you. the other pathetic thing is that people like you always believe that i condensend all others, the fact is that there are plenty of others who i dont.

4. the other pathetic thing is that you say i bring you in conversation without any context. but anyway, actualy i believe i am far more polite to you, than you deserve. i was polite to you in my home too. if you believe i am condenscending, then just go further. berlin is very big, this forum is also big, i dont need to talk to you any further.

5. i just find it impertinent that yu continue adressing me after i am polite enough to have you in my home. but i have been a goa hotel for years, and now i close the doors for anyone. btw i mentioned in this topic that i am solibate and practising tantra. but you dont even get what i tell you.

6. i came here because one of my activities for these community is to spread video interviews with others form this community. i talked about fuck for forest and my interviews. i am not here to lose energy with people like you. and there are plenty like you here. just dont care. i have nothing to tell you more. it was a mistake to lose time with you. may be you come from a totally different culture, but i say thanks after someone was polite enough to host me. but never mind. you will not see me again, and the only reason i am polite and patient with you here, is that i really want you to leave me and stop talking to me. there are others here who i adress. and i respect lots of ppl here, althought i dont respect what you do.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 13:06
sex and psy---too much is never enough           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 15:35

On 2009-08-11 10:29, mk47 wrote:
why didn't you pack your synth ?

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 15:44

On 2009-08-11 15:35, Ellon wrote:

On 2009-08-11 10:29, mk47 wrote:
why didn't you pack your synth ?

I brought it over because since I was in the area and I was open and really curious to see what the real deal was with this cosmic octave theory of hers that she's all passionate about, but since she didn't feel like taking the time and energy to discuss it with me herself, instead just hand me a book to read, I didn't feel like taking the time and energy to set it all up for no apparent reason, and now she's mad because I mentioned this in another thread.

But that's neither here nor there, and had nothing to do with this topic, so, sorry for my part in this thread getting off course.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 18:18
in my opinion it is not fair to write what you write above. you brought the synth and i told you three times to pack it off. i really dont know what you are talking about. what book did i handle to you?

i really dont understand you. may be i am really to stupid to understand you. and even on the door after going, we were talking about the synth and i told you it is very pity you dont pack if off.

never mind, you knew that i dont have time, cause i have to fly a lot and a have a real life to handle as well, so actually even the few hours were too much.

but as you are blue colored isratrance member, i am sure you will find another opportunity to use your synth in another place. and i am sure a mod will come to protect you immediately as well.

if you leave completely the topic about me, i may even post the interview with fuck for forest and let anyone see it finally, after i get back to berlin to my home again ( three days). contrary to your conclusions, someone has to sit ofr hours and do all those videos for you instead of losing his time with empty speeches.

and no i dont discuss the cosmic octave with so much passion if i have to immediately fly to my father who is dying in a hospital. but i am sure i am too condenscending to bring this idea over to you.

whatever it is, i am sorry to bringing this topic over course as well. i dont wanna have anything to do with anything here - and if i dont get banned before saturday i will post the fucking latest interview with FFF and then i am gone forever or for a very long period. i feel like i am losing tones of energy here.

you the blue coloured, you are the only ones to make this culture happen, we the others have to kniel in front of you. the problem is that i never kniel. whatever. just leave me alone. please.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 19:26
pop corn- caramel, cheese and plain salted, extra for butter, diet coke, coke one, all available during the interval           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 11, 2009 19:49
Trance Forming Culture indeed
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 11, 2009 21:25
Name colors mean nothing.

I'm just a person who makes mistakes and says stupid shit from time to time, and more often than not there's someone to call me out on it (a good thing).

Now can we get back to the sex? I'd like to get a bite of someone's popcorn before my hands get too sticky.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 09:16
you havent left the sex theme at all.
dont know how your synth found place in this topic.
rub your hands on the synth instead.

colours mean something cause i am never "allowed" to say a word to a blue coloured status in the forums, since they are the only one to create this culture and to make the word rotate. well i can always expect a ban after i did.

yes, just wait few days and then i post the fuck for forest girls to make your hands more sticky, instead of sticking into cosmic octave themes. i think you should pay more attention to them instead of doing theaters with synths in my home:). btw i even changed my hair colour after this ridiculous topic - enough of the sexed shit. go to fff instead:). an dbtw why dont you explain to your blue coloured college from the last page why fff are not liars?
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Aug 12, 2009 10:28
Don't worry, my synth gets plenty of action already. Sometimes I even lick my fingers before I twiddle its knobs. We're talking about it now because YOU brought it up, lol.

Your blackmail attempts are lame, by the way. I can post wherever I want. Besides, I was here first.
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