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Sensient - AntiFluoro (Zenon Records Nov 06)


Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Nov 17, 2006 22:42
1 Dusty Circuit
2 A New World
3 Simple Sex
4 Nectar
5 Motion Perception
6 Wookie Beats (ft. Moses)
7 Madmans Playroom
8 Sona Arome

Tim Larner AKA Sensient is back with his third, aptly named album, AntiFluoro. After releasing some of the finest minimal gems on compilations and 2 exellent albums he presents us his fresh material on this album.
First let me mention that i had a huge expectations from this album, Sensient for me is one of the very few artists in this scene that still stay true to their own roots, still make complicated, not easily digestible and dare i say very psychedelic music with very precise and well thought structures.
So shortly after i recieved the package i brutally ripped it off and inserted the album into the CD player.
First, let me mention the wicked cover and especially the inner art. Two thumbs + another thing up for this one! One of the best designs of this year, no doubt. And now for the music itself:

Dusty Circuit starts off with a very dark and indeed dusty soundscapes. Slowly but surely it clears out and gets a bit groovier but still remains pretty dusky. Nice tune but i am not sure how good it is as the album opening.
A New World is a bit like fast forwarding a cartoon. It has a lot of insanely fast shifting elements and it can easily fuck you up when you're under the influence digging a hole in the dancefloor. Words can't describe the mess that this tune creates in my head, so i'll just advice to hear it with the volume fader up till it's red. This track is a mindfuckery of the highest grade.
Simple Sex kicks off with some mechanical noises and a warm atmosphere with the trademark Sensient's "Heavier than your average Sumo wrestler" rhythm section. This tune develops rapidly with various spooky growling noises and pads. I swear i can hear church bells at some part. Pope on acid in helloween outdoor party. Not much sex here aside the kinky samples in the middle, unless the church samples turn you on like they turn me on.
Nectar starts with a sample that was used too many times before but it gets swallowed pretty fast with another deeper than Jenna Jameson throat bassline. The porn samples that escaped from the previous tune found themselves here harmoniously fitting the tablas behind. Yet another seriously fucked up tune here. I blame the hole in the Ozone for this one.
Motion Perception begins with some more dark pads and seriously bent cartoon samples. It has a more coherent progressive structure although it has it's share of Sensient's trademark oddity. I think that this one has a big dancefloor potential. Both full-on and progressive dj's should find this one fitting in party's peak. A bit like Beat Bizarre but with that extra Sensient touch.
Wookie Beats with Moses (a half of Bufo that just released a wicked album on Cosmic Conspiracy Records) takes the insanity one step further. Starts rather standard but starts to gain energy with all sorts of weird circus, kids and home appliances samples. I am sure those lads had great laugh creating this tune cause it just oozes sillyness and fun. Don't get me wrong though, it is another dancefloor burner on a bit more experimental side though. Great to see there are artists out there that still maintain a high fun factor in their music and don't resort to pseudo serious spirituality in their music or god forbid, political messages.
When you think you can't get any sillier Madman's Playroom starts with really well placed Pools balls sounds. You can hear well in this tune that Tim has a drummer's soul deep within. The tune is very much percussion driven. It is very unfortunate that there aren't many drummers in nowadays Psy trance, the percussions when used properly can turn a tune upside down and this tune is a prime example. This and the funky bass guitar slaps. The crazy funky break in the middle is delightful, one could wish that more people had the balls to go with something as wild as a black female singer in the middle of a psy trance tune.
Sensient does it and gets away with it.
Sona Arome, the closer reminds me a lot Immersion from the previous album. It has the same epic qualities and is much less hectic as the rest of the album. Very deep and laidback tune with some surprising saxophone parts inside. Not much to say further, it's a cool tune and a fine wrapper for a fine album.

Bottom line:
Well, yet another fine Sensient album that firmly puts him in my personal Hall of Fame of Psy Trance. Not a single weak track here, although the first track wasn't that much of a good choice but that's really small money. The album should create a serious havoc in the dancefloor and a little bit less suitable for home listening unless you have a serious sound system to really absorb the superb sound production here that once again is top notch (not that i expected any less). Recommended for both Full-On and Progressive followers, but i have a feeling that Suomi fans might like the sonic anarchy here as well.

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member
Dai aka Amatti

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  553
Posted : Nov 18, 2006 00:42
nice review, Pavel.
he is my absolute favorite producer in dance music...
cannot wait for the moment my copy to be found in my mail box...
hopefully today

          Tell me what you listen, and I'll tell you what you are.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  52
Posted : Nov 18, 2006 02:48
hey tim!!
blessings on the new born baby...
all the best!!!           u-recken?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Nov 18, 2006 09:26

Oh myyy so happy to see a new sensient album!!!!

Cant wait to hear it nice review pavel,sensient music is always topnocht

!!Good luck Mr tim!!!           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  179
Posted : Nov 18, 2006 22:20
Totally agree with you Pavel, nice review by the way. A 10 out of 10 all the way through.
This album will blow my mind away for a long,long time. It`s a piece made by a
maestro and I wish Tim good luck with this one.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Nov 18, 2006 23:31
samples on psyshop sound promising, my copy's in the mail! Cmon mail, get here soon...           .
Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  218
Posted : Nov 19, 2006 06:00
From the samples on psyshop .. Veryy nice
sam i am
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  712
Posted : Nov 19, 2006 22:40
coupla good tracks, few average ones, some quite boring

1 & 7 the highlights for me here           new Hadal Drop album on the way

if you don't have the last one get in touch

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  94
Posted : Nov 20, 2006 03:46
this album gives me shivers. that kind of twisted minimal vibe is exactly what psytrance is missing these days. love how the tracks are long and how they slowly evolve. great album.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
Posts :  1766
Posted : Nov 20, 2006 17:57
Listened to the first 5 tracks.
Never knew Progressive could be this dark, nice!
I'm sure this album rocks even more on a nice trip!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  1380
Posted : Nov 20, 2006 23:01
Its damn evil music
Best night music for sure...           Dance is - As a matter of fact, socially admissible public analogue of the sexual act :)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  164
Posts :  2510
Posted : Nov 20, 2006 23:56
2 thumb's up for this album
Really good music for the night..
Like allways..tim supply's us a very cool and powerfull tunes

Good Luck tim and zenon records

          "The external world became changed as in a dream and colors became more glowing.When the eyes were closed,colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope.what had caused this condition?"
Albert Hofmann Laboratory Notes (1943)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  531
Posted : Nov 21, 2006 20:20
such an album......the music speaks for itself genious ... i got what i expected and even more!

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  114
Posted : Nov 21, 2006 22:44

On 2006-11-21 20:20, Ulterior wrote:
such an album......the music speaks for itself genious ... i got what i expected and even more!

Agree!           LIFE IS GOOD ON TRANCE!

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  39
Posted : Nov 22, 2006 21:49
Tim has the balls to tell us to expect the unexpected ))))

this album is a masterpiece!!!
my favorite for this year so far
so goddamn original

nice review as always Pavel
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Sensient - AntiFluoro (Zenon Records Nov 06)

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