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Searching for the tracklist of Kindzadza live set at odessa.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  126
Posted : Jan 12, 2006 15:29

[85:54] Highcosmos - progresiv [Highcosmos -4real]

above was a mistake
Its this one.

[88:32] Highcosmos - Madjik l25 [Highcosmos -4real]


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Posts :  49
Posted : Jan 13, 2006 05:44
[000:00] 01 - ?
[006:53] 02 - kindzadza - coming soon
[012:45] 03 - ?
[020:54] 04 - kindzadza vs. sofiax - for the princess
[024:33] 05 - ?
[029:57] 06 - highcosmos - think about it
[034:55] 07 - kindzadza - annihilation
[040:57] 08 - the nommos - impulses
[046:43] 09 - ?
[052:05] 10 - ?
[058:44] 11 - kindzadza - what has begun cannot be stopped...
[064:20] 12 - kindzadza - fight or die
[070:34] 13 - ?
[075:29] 14 - ?
[082:15] 15 - ?
[087:44] 16 - highcosmos - madjik l25
[093:30] 17 - ?
[097:50] 18 - ?
[103:43] 19 - strangers & zik & kindzadza - tris treloi
[109:49] 20 - the nommos - insomnia
[116:10] 21 - ?
[122:47] 22 - kindzadza vs. highcosmos - if it's too fast then you are too old
[130:55] 23 - kindzadza - whats in the box
[137:37] 24 - ?
[142:34] 25 - kindzadza - surprise
[148:30] 26 - ?
[154:08] 27 - kindzadza - night flower
[159:48] 28 - kindzadza - na ostrov
[165:35] 29 - ?
[172:22] 30 - ?
[178:19] 31 - kindzadza - back to the future

more info for anyone interested:

02. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
04. v.a. - hasta las patillas [discovalley - sep.2005]
06. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
07. v.a. - lethal doses [temple twisters - sep.2005]
08. v.a. - lhiannon sidhe: a forest faerie with a fatal touch [mistress of evil - oct.2004]
11. v.a. - psy stories [parvati - oct.2005]
12. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
16. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
19. kindzadza & friends - 13 dimension connection [insomnia - jan.2005]
20. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
22. v.a. - lyserg lesson 1 [noise poison - nov.2005]
23. v.a. - deliver us from evil [serephana - jun.2004]
25. v.a. - alien fm [dropout - apr.2005]
27. v.a. - arc de triumph [deja vu - aug.2005]
28. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
31. v.a. - psychedelically yours 3 [parvati - feb.2005]


the 2 baba's tracks are correct! thanx!
can't remember track 10.. sorry.. (too much dark psy in the last years..)

what is amazing is that this set was played at odessa in 05-03-2005 (although, i'm not 100% sure). this means that the new highcosmos cd contains tracks older than 9 months!!! what we think to be a fresh new cd, is not so fresh after all...


in order to help anyone indentifying, i'll start writting any samples found on the unidentified tracks:

24:55 "would you like me to refresh your memory a little? hm."
26:30 "......frankenstein"
29:04 "in the name of god open this door"

i have googled and i think it's from the movie "Van Helsing"

more will come....


16 found, 15 more to go... come on dudes & dudettes...


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  29
Posted : Jan 14, 2006 02:04
this is very funny
ah odessa ...

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Posts :  49
Posted : Jan 16, 2006 08:09
[000:00] 01 - ?
[006:53] 02 - kindzadza - coming soon
[012:45] 03 - ?
[020:54] 04 - kindzadza vs. sofiax - for the princess
[024:33] 05 - ?
[029:57] 06 - highcosmos - think about it
[034:55] 07 - kindzadza - annihilation
[040:57] 08 - the nommos - impulses
[046:43] 09 - ?
[052:05] 10 - ?
[058:44] 11 - kindzadza - what has begun cannot be stopped...
[064:20] 12 - kindzadza - fight or die
[070:34] 13 - ?
[075:29] 14 - ?
[082:15] 15 - ?
[087:44] 16 - highcosmos - madjic l 25
[093:30] 17 - ?
[097:50] 18 - ?
[103:43] 19 - strangers & zik & kindzadza - tris treloi
[109:49] 20 - the nommos - insomnia
[116:10] 21 - ?
[122:47] 22 - kindzadza vs. highcosmos - if it's too fast then you are too old
[130:55] 23 - kindzadza - whats in the box
[137:37] 24 - highcosmos - progresive
[142:34] 25 - kindzadza - surprise
[148:30] 26 - ?
[154:08] 27 - kindzadza - night flower
[159:48] 28 - kindzadza - na ostrov
[165:35] 29 - ?
[172:22] 30 - ?
[178:19] 31 - kindzadza - back to the future

more info for anyone interested:

02. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
04. v.a. - hasta las patillas [discovalley - sep.2005]
06. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
07. v.a. - lethal doses [temple twisters - sep.2005]
08. v.a. - lhiannon sidhe: a forest faerie with a fatal touch [mistress of evil - oct.2004]
11. v.a. - psy stories [parvati - oct.2005]
12. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
16. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
19. kindzadza & friends - 13 dimension connection [insomnia - jan.2005]
20. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
22. v.a. - lyserg lesson 1 [noise poison - nov.2005]
23. v.a. - deliver us from evil [serephana - jun.2004]
24. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
25. v.a. - alien fm [dropout - apr.2005]
27. v.a. - arc de triumph [deja vu - aug.2005]
28. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
31. v.a. - psychedelically yours 3 [parvati - feb.2005]


in order to help anyone indentifying, here are some samples found on the unidentified tracks:
(i already searched isratrance & the sample sites)

003:24 "freeze your fucking..."
005:05 "fuck"


024:55 "would you like me to refresh your memory a little? hm."
026:30 "......frankenstein"
029:04 "in the name of god open this door"
i have googled and i think it's from the movie "Van Helsing"



071:10 "..."
072:09 "..."

079:30 "ah, there you are. things, i gather/guess, have gone out of control. i did warn you, didn't i?... what about the t-virus? the t-virus was a major medical breakthrough although it clearly also possessed highly profitable military applications. how does it explain those things out there? even in death, the human body still remains active. hair and fingernails continue to grow. new cells are produced, and the brain itself holds a small electrical charge, that takes months to dissipate. the t-virus provides a massive jolt, both to cellular growth, and to those trace electrical impulses. put quite simply."
from the movie "Resident Evil"

086:38 "gangs...want to get out..."

093:39 "..."

103:05 "...the thoughts...but the words...mind"

116:20 "...on the way to heaven..."
120:42 "...they are huge, they are gigantiiicccc. and i'll take your soul."

152:09 "all the realities are starting to collapse into one space. and what happens to us when they.. 'it' collapses?. the whole thing implodes. it's only a matter of time."
from the movie "Cube 2: Hypercube"

166:06 "the only way to overcome your fear, is to face it."
167:20 "you taste so much better when you are afraid."
i have googled and i think it's from the movie "IT"



17 found, 14 more to go...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  158
Posted : Jan 21, 2006 22:11
[000:00] 01 - ?
[006:52] 02 - kindzadza - coming soon
[012:42] 03 - jahbo & kindzadza - minus 2540
[018:28] 04 - kindzadza vs. sofiax - for the princess
[025:20] 05 - ?
[030:43] 06 - highcosmos - think about it
[034:32] 07 - kindzadza - annihilation
[041:05] 08 - the nommos - impulses
[046:43] 09 - ?
[049:30] 10 - ?
[059:46] 11 - kindzadza - what has begun cannot be stopped...
[064:40] 12 - kindzadza - fight or die
[071:11] 13 - ?
[076:16] 14 - ?
[083:20] 15 - ?
[089:45] 16 - highcosmos - madjic l 25
[094:50] 17 - ?
[098:40] 18 - ?
[104:25] 19 - strangers & zik & kindzadza - tris treloi
[109:15] 20 - the nommos - insomnia
[117:36] 21 - kindzadza & zik - tell me a name
[124:23] 22 - kindzadza vs. highcosmos - if it's too fast then you are too old
[131:54] 23 - kindzadza - whats in the box
[138:54] 24 - highcosmos - progresive
[143:49] 25 - kindzadza - surprise
[150:38] 26 - para halu - dead lights
[155:55] 27 - kindzadza - night flower
[160:46] 28 - kindzadza - na ostrov
[167:30] 29 - penta - fear
[174:15] 30 - ohmgnome - step away from the dwarf
[180:12] 31 - kindzadza - back to the future

identified five more and made more accurate track break markers, at least for when playing the 185:35 long mp3 in iTunes...

i think cosmo is at least part of track 14 and 15 is definitely zik

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  158
Posted : Jan 22, 2006 02:45
correction, track 26 is para halu - 60659: the end of time and track 3 should be minus 20

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  126
Posted : Jan 24, 2006 15:31
The set starts with the last portion of the track "Wipped Out" by Double r.e.l vs Cosmo from compilation Lost Soul Depot.

This makes it a set of 32 tracks and the new que list is...........

[000:00] 01 - double r.e.l vs cosmo - wipped out
[000:56] 02 - ?
[006:53] 03 - kindzadza - coming soon
[012:45] 04 - jabho & kindzadza - minus 20
[020:54] 05 - kindzadza vs. sofiax - for the princess
[024:33] 06 - ?
[029:57] 07 - highcosmos - think about it
[034:55] 08 - kindzadza - annihilation
[040:57] 09 - the nommos - impulses
[046:43] 10 - ?
[052:05] 11 - ?
[058:44] 12 - kindzadza - what has begun cannot be stopped...
[064:20] 13 - kindzadza - fight or die
[070:34] 14 - ?
[075:29] 15 - ?
[082:15] 16 - ?
[087:44] 17 - highcosmos - madjic l 25
[093:30] 18 - ?
[097:50] 19 - ?
[103:43] 20 - strangers & zik & kindzadza - tris treloi
[109:49] 21 - the nommos - insomnia
[116:10] 22 - Kindzadza & zik - tell me a name
[122:47] 23 - kindzadza vs. highcosmos - if it's too fast then you are too old
[130:55] 24 - kindzadza - whats in the box
[137:37] 25 - highcosmos - progresive
[142:34] 26 - kindzadza - surprise
[148:30] 27 - para halu - 60659: the end of time
[154:08] 28 - kindzadza - night flower
[159:48] 29 - kindzadza - na ostrov
[165:35] 30 - penta - Fear
[172:22] 31 - ohm gmone - step away from dwarf
[178:19] 32 - kindzadza - back to the future

@Catalyx: me too think that track 16 (previously 15) is by Zik. (very similar to his "Pure Evil" track)


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Jan 25, 2006 11:45
wow!!! nice work guys
it'll a great help

thank you baba, xxsspp, catalyx....gud work pals...

few more left now:)

thank you and luv you all

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  49
Posted : Jan 31, 2006 21:44

@ catalyx & baba: great work dudes! 9 more to go...! track16 is very similar to "matutero - pure evil" indeed, but it also reminds me "fractal cowboys - mega jesus of evil" and the american style of dark psy.. (i mean quasar, dylalien,...)

NOTHING TO ADD TO THE PLAYLIST. i'm just rewriting the last one from baba with some minor changes.
PLEASE anyone before copy-pasting the playlist from here, you should check how long is your mp3 and if you agree with the track break markers. it would be interesting to hear anyone with a different opinion about the track break markers.

[000:00] 01 - double r.e.l. vs. cosmo - wipped out
[000:59] 02 - ?
[006:53] 03 - kindzadza - coming soon
[012:45] 04 - jahbo & kindzadza - minus 20
[020:54] 05 - kindzadza vs. sofiax - for the princess
[024:33] 06 - ?
[029:57] 07 - highcosmos - think about it
[034:55] 08 - kindzadza - annihilation
[040:57] 09 - the nommos - impulses
[046:43] 10 - ?
[052:05] 11 - ?
[058:44] 12 - kindzadza - what has begun cannot be stopped...
[064:20] 13 - kindzadza - fight or die
[070:34] 14 - ?
[075:29] 15 - ?
[082:15] 16 - ?
[087:44] 17 - highcosmos - madjic l 25
[093:30] 18 - ?
[097:50] 19 - ?
[103:43] 20 - strangers & zik & kindzadza - tris treloi
[109:49] 21 - the nommos - insomnia
[116:10] 22 - kindzadza vs. zik - tell me a name
[122:47] 23 - kindzadza vs. highcosmos - if it's too fast then you are too old
[130:55] 24 - kindzadza - whats in the box
[137:37] 25 - highcosmos - progresive
[142:34] 26 - kindzadza - surprise
[148:30] 27 - para halu - 60659: the end of time
[154:08] 28 - kindzadza - night flower
[159:48] 29 - kindzadza - na ostrov
[165:35] 30 - penta - fear
[172:22] 31 - ohmgnome - step away from the dwarf
[178:19] 32 - kindzadza - back to the future

more info for anyone interested:

01. v.a. - lost souls depot [temple twisters - apr.2005]
03. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
04. kindzadza & friends - 13 dimension connection [insomnia - jan.2005]
05. v.a. - hasta las patillas [discovalley - sep.2005]
07. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
08. v.a. - lethal doses [temple twisters - sep.2005]
09. v.a. - lhiannon sidhe: a forest faerie with a fatal touch [mistress of evil - oct.2004]
12. v.a. - psy stories [parvati - oct.2005]
13. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
17. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
20. kindzadza & friends - 13 dimension connection [insomnia - jan.2005]
21. v.a. - nowhereland [vertigo - jun.2005]
22. not yet released
23. v.a. - lyserg lesson 1 [noise poison - nov.2005]
24. v.a. - deliver us from evil [serephana - jun.2004]
25. highcosmos - 4real [noise poison - jan.2006]
26. v.a. - alien fm [dropout - apr.2005]
27. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
28. v.a. - arc de triumph [deja vu - aug.2005]
29. v.a. - psycho cell [discovalley - oct.2004]
30. v.a. - goa 12 [yellow sunshine explosion - jul.2005]
31. v.a. - psychedelically yours 3 [parvati - feb.2005]
32. v.a. - psychedelically yours 3 [parvati - feb.2005]

@ catalyx: my mp3 is 183:47 long. so this is probably why we have different times. one way to check if our differences are due to the fact of different mp3 length AND/OR different track changes estimations, is to check if you hear this sample "would you like me to refresh your memory a little?" @ EXACTLY 024:55 and this sample "ah, there you are. things, i gather/guess, have gone out of control...." @ EXACTLY 079:30-1
Another parameter to consider is the seeking of some programs. For example, as i said before, winamp is really bad for seeking in big mp3s, but foobar is really accurate. i have never used itunes so i don't how good is the seek.
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Jan 31, 2006 22:09
this is really good work, guys..but one idea: as kindzadza is a user in here, maybe he could help in the rest of the tracks that are missing.           ...

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  126
Posted : Feb 9, 2006 14:05
Now there is only one guy who can help here......Kindzadza himself

Kdd we require you. pls help


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Posts :  49
Posted : Mar 6, 2006 02:02
track 19 is "kindzadza - zimnomicetom", not yet released.

but.. i'm not 100% sure for the track's name, because i have found it from an untrustfull source.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - Searching for the tracklist of Kindzadza live set at odessa.
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