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Scatterbrain - Infernal Angel (Digital Psionics 2003) CD

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  142
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Posted : Feb 18, 2004 13:37
Scatterbrain – Infernal Angel


Format: CD
Artist: Scatterbrain
Title: Infernal Angel
Label: Digital Psionics
Cat. #: DPSI 007
Year: 2003

Track listing:

01: 07’24“ Mexican Jesus
02: 07’25“ Wool Gathering
03: 08’30“ Bedlam
04: 08’17” Infernal Angels
05: 07’31” Mental Vortex
06: 06’23” Hex
07: 07’02” Possessed
08: 07’12” Scattergram
09: 06’54” Pass The Buck
10: 06’50” Power Of Inner Strength


Very late on this one, but make no mistake about it – One of the best albums of 2003!

Beautifully crafted by crazy ass Aussie Adam Walters, here’s one of the best artist albums of 2003. Hands down! This gem surfaced back in August 2003 amidst small attention. Well, at least with me. I completely missed it the first time around, but now it’s back with a vengeance!

I don’t know if the word Scatterbrain refers to the sci-fi author Larry Niven who’s known to have “scatterbrained” most of his stories. Or could it be a spoof of the Radiohead track? I don’t know – what I do know is that this is one heck of an album. Let me take you thru the tracks…

#01: This was the first track I heard from the album in the autumn of 2003, and I was completely awestruck back then – and I still am… A psy track that focussed mainly on voice-samples. In fact, half of the track is a guy talking about drugs. Smells like cheddar? Well, you’re wrong. This track is amazing – the long bits of dialog carries the track to a higher level, and this baby will stay with you for a long time!

This is a story track. About a guy blown away on ayahuasca who meets the Mexican Jesus, butt naked in the middle of the Yellowstone National Park. Here’s a transcript of some of the lyrics:

”Genetic material getting changed before your eyes. Man, people think they know about drugs, but... That ain't a drug, it's a sacrament. It's just a portal to another world. It's realities that are always there. A key to other dimensions […] That we live with them all the time. Thankfully our awareness never touches... […] How would I describe it? Terrifying. Enlightening. But utterly terrifying. You swear you'll never go back. Ever. And the next thing you know, you're taking it again. You're going down that tunnel.”

Yes, I keep going down that tunnel again… I can’t stop listening to this track. It’s just so damn hypnotizing! I love it! [For a full transcript, check Psychedelic Mind Expander – I’ve submitted the full lyrics there!]

#02: Scatterbrain gives humour pride of place, and this track is a good example. It starts with a funny sample of an answering machine, and then blasts into a full-on psychedelic mayhem without any warning. Homer Simpson is there with his just question “Where’s the any key?”… Packed with funny samples, sprinkled on top of powerful bass lines, tweeps, bleeps and random insanity – I dare anyone to sit still to this piece.

#03: More spaghetti Mr. Anderson? If all bedlams are like this, I wanna be compulsorily detained right now! This is another acid-driven full on stomper, packed with well-chosen samples showcasing just how much talent comes out of Australia. There must be something in their water supply!? “I’m not crazy… I’m not crazy… I’m not crazy…”… Riiiiiight… This IS crazy, but in the best of ways! Wonderful track!

#04: The title track has more melodies than the majority of the album. Don’t worry; the insanity is still very much present here. This is a very organic sounding track, emphasizing a darker, deeper side of Scatterbrain. A heavy, pumping bass line, underneath melodic synths seasoned with the very distinctive Scatterbrain acid twirls. How can you go wrong with that cocktail? Beautiful track!

#05: “I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you….” …this mental whirlpool of aciiiiiid! Shrek is here… A police radio too…And sirens! Typical Scatterbrain – all kinds of crazy, demented stuff is thrown in, in just the right quantity. Full on Aussie madness! Another magical track!

#06: Hex this! This kinda starts out like a boring, homogeneous euro-dance track… Well, the singing bit at least… But only for a short while…And only if you ignore the bass… But then we are treated to some 303’s, more psychedelia and notable lack of voice samples… What gives? This track is kinda boring compared to the majority… But they can’t all be killers, right? Average track.

#07: Back on track again, with Possessed… Again, focus is on melodies and we’re on the lighter side of the mood scale, despite the evil samples… We even hear Darth Vader here “I find you lack of faith disturbing” + “If you only knew the power of the dark side”… Ha ha – this must be a piss take on some of the pre-2000 stuff that used these samples… As in most of the tracks, the very distinctive acid twirls are very much present here – The Scatterbrain trademark. I really like that… This track is good!

#08: Full on from the get-go, this gem quickly launches into more mental institution references, with the classic One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest sample “If that's what's being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko” spoken by mr. cool: Jack Nicholson…And there are loads more samples from that great movie in this track… This is a fast paced, acid-driven, no questions asked, neo full-on track! So simple, so magical! Play this one loud! Great track!

#09: Aaargh, there’s a short melody that really annoys me in the beginning of this track! Fortunately it buggers off soon enough… Another fast paced, hard hitting track. The kick drums are almost comical in some places, but generally they work. Huge melodic parts in the middle, brutally erupted by the notorious acid-madness… And remember, government is not the solution to our problem – government IS the problem! Damn, this is good! I’ll hog this buck! Cool track!

#10: So you’re expecting a mellowed out chill-track to digest the madness of Scatterbrain? Hah, I laugh at your request… No way, the madness continues… Though this is an atmospheric track… Very sharp, picking acid lines, that hits you hard… It’s deeply intoxicating, taking you to far away places. Smashing track!

Holy crap, what a ride… In the sampling-spirit of Scatterbrain, let me quote The Grateful Death: “What a long, strange trip it’s been”… But a truly amazing trip. The promotional text states that; “This is liquid trance genesis of a new order. Surfing the silicon waves of a sonic freedom. Saltwater engineered sound, full cream digital milk genetically enhanced organic grade audio.” I couldn’t have put it better… This is pure beauty… This is the shiznit! This is a HUGE album… A must for any trance aficionado. Believe me, you NEED to own this! Go get it right away!


Favorites: 1(!!), 2, 3, 8, 9, 10

External links:
Digital Psionics:
Wirikuta Distribution:;jsessionid=HCHJNGEMEMJM?showDetail=27893 (Soundclips available)


          On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 00:58
Woow man Amazing Review my friend

Abot this Album
ScatterBrain is New Act deom 2003 for me at least

this guy have a sick & psychedelic music in his work (mind)
this album is one of the best from 2003
my favorites:
1 - wooow jesus what a track samples is in the right places wicked tune
4 - also psychedelic stomper
7-i think the best from the album can burnn all the dancefloorz and minds out there this is freak tune . . !!!
8-same here psychedelic sounds and ideas all over the track wako 1

What can i say Keep it Australia with this music

Aussie Adam Walters wish u all the best hope to see u play in israel some day
Good luck to u & Digital Psionics 1 of my fav lables in this moment . . !!!

BooM ShiVa . .
          Happy Happy,Joy Joy.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Mar 1, 2004 12:38
god know how only 2 ppl have replied to this post.............a great album review by DeathPosture.................the albums is totally kick ass and yeah man where does he get the ideas for samples from.............this one is a must for all psy lovers............all i can say its dark...very dark

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Mar 2, 2004 20:34
woaaa sounds like a good stuff. only heard the sample....hope it's available in review.           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
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Posted : Mar 3, 2004 12:55
nice review man i realy like scaterbtrain style his sound is very good
fvr tracks : The hall cd hehehehehe:)

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Mar 4, 2004 04:31
Excellent album... one of the best of 2003

+ Trax: 1, 4, 6, 9           How am I supposed to hallucinate with all these swirling colors distracting me!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Mar 7, 2004 19:48
i dont like the album at all..... hardly any good tracks .. wat a waste of money.......
but it doesnot mean the album is bad its just that it doesnt suit my taste maybe liked by others

just voicing my opinion
no hard feeling

bOm to all
bOm shiva!!!!!!!!

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  11
Posted : Mar 24, 2004 02:42
This album kicks - so does it's maker. One of the best people I've ever met in my life.

PS: Scatterbrain is slang english for 'messy head' - "a person incapable of serious or connected thought".
[Like when the acid is in da house.]
Nice one Adam
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  162
Posted : Sep 29, 2004 13:36
DeathPosture - you have done it again...your reviews seem to have come from the mouths of a thousands psy fans. Your words don't only do the tracks justice but you've given me another 10 reasons to visit this album again. Like an old friend.

Keep it up...
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
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Posted : Sep 29, 2004 16:11
I can at least say Mexican Jesus is amazing.           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  132
Posted : Dec 5, 2007 23:36
Fuck me, this cd still rocks after all this time.........great cd!           (`*•.¸(`*•.¸ ¸.•*´)¸.•*´)
(¸.•*´(¸.•*´ `*•.¸)`*•.¸)
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 00:49
great cd , special fav: 2! , 4 , 8

this one realy influence some of my tsabeat tracks

Voice of All
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  762
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 09:20
this cd is significant part of the scene in 2003. one of the best and original cd of that time. it would be great to get sequel of it some day. it rocks a lot!           Spiritual guides are to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom.
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 15:18
blaster of a cd..
remember goin mental on floors on this music..
very influencial indeed
sooper leads.. amazin ideas
please make some more! uve disappeared!
BooM!           ------------------------------
Reality Pixie

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  671
Posted : Dec 12, 2007 10:29
Tell me bout it, I'm pretty sure he hasn't played even a DJ set in the past 4 years.

Come on Scatterbrain, time to give your friends around the world what they want!!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Scatterbrain - Infernal Angel (Digital Psionics 2003) CD

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