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Trance Forum » » Forum  South and Latin America - Saturday 12.01.08 DB Aniversary Outdoor, Moksha 7 Chakras 12hs Set + Dj Guests @ Bs As, Argentina
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Saturday 12.01.08 DB Aniversary Outdoor, Moksha 7 Chakras 12hs Set + Dj Guests @ Bs As, Argentina

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  25
Posts :  6
Posted : Jan 10, 2008 02:52
Next Saturday 12.01.08 Dancing Budhas celebrates its second aniversary in Argentina...

Resident and creator of the cycle, Dj Moksha will be playing a special 12 hours set based on the 7 Chakras work he's been developing during the last almost 15 years of career...

Plus there will other Dj Guests before and after his set...

The party will be Outdoors only 40 minutos from Captital Federal...

Production will count with swimming pool, a huge tent for the dancefloor, big 3x3 screen where we'll proyect videos from India, the killer movie "Ashes & Snow", and other visuals, fluo deko, food, private parking, and more.

There will be buses leaving from Galeria Bond Street, Av Santa Fe 1670 at 19, 22, 00:30, 03, and 09. Coming back at 8, 11, and at the end of the event. The cost of every trip is $7 (local pesos).

The event will open doors at 20hs and it will go on upto 16hs from Sunday...

Entry Fee is $20 upto 22hs, then 25 upto 02hs, and later $30 (allways local pesos)...


Pictures of La Tuna Polo Ranch (Place of the party):


More info in spanish:

Contact: or Mobil 1555281686
Trance Forum » » Forum  South and Latin America - Saturday 12.01.08 DB Aniversary Outdoor, Moksha 7 Chakras 12hs Set + Dj Guests @ Bs As, Argentina
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