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Sattel Battle - Barefoot Funk (Adapted)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 13, 2009 14:04:45
Album: Barefoot Funk
Artist: Sattel Battle


01. Wapwap (Follow the Toilet Paper) 144bpm 6:15
02. Early Morning Flight 145bpm 6:44
03. Roundy 145bpm 6:50
04. Leads United 145bpm 6:20
05. On Weed (Remix) 148bpm 6:30
06. Aldus vs. Krusty 144bpm 7:00
07. Neuron Compost- Sonic Sodomy (Sattel Battle Remix) 146bpm 7:28
08. Where Are My Boots (Barefoot Funk) 145bpm 6:25
09. Reality Bites 145bpm 6:47
10. Dosomethingwithyourlife (Oxya Remix) 144bpm 8:16
11. 2 Step Chase (Live @ Halu Club) 150bpm 5:45

The review:

Sattel Battle hits the floors with his second album. For those that don’t know, Sattel Battle is Elad Weinberg (aka Tsabeat), hailing from Israel. Tsabeat should be well known by most people, he has some compilation releases out there and two free downloadable albums. Sattel Battle is his more experimental outing, although you wouldn’t immediately say that after the first few tracks of this album. This is Elad’s second album as Sattel Battle, the first one was called Sounds Cool and was released in January 2007 on Gi’iwa productions. Most of the tracks here range at 144-150bpm, so you know what tempo to expect. What struck me is that this album is quite diverse. I haven’t had the pleasure of listening to Sattel Battle’s first album, so I can’t really comment on his style, but it’s quite diverse. Example: Track 1 isn’t too busy, to get you into the mood. Track 2 reminded me of old Infected Mushroom style. Track 3 has a distinct Deedrah feel to it with that massive rolling bassline. And then from track 4 the atmosphere goes towards weirdness. Overall, this album sets the tone for some old school like psytrance with new school bass lines, and there are acid lines flying all over the place. Together with some weird sampling on a lot of the tracks (funk guitars and porno samples, krusty etc. etc.) and a general party atmosphere, and this is starting to sound like a pretty solid effort. One thing that you shouldn’t do however, is take this music too seriously Everything from the track titles to the great artwork scream: this is supposed to be fun people!
Lo and behold: it is! And damn, that mastering from Tim Schuldt hits the spot once again. Crisp and clear, hammering those bass drums and bass lines home in the speakers like there’s no tomorrow. What I particularly liked is the natural atmosphere that flows through the album. There is no track that sounds forced, or crammed in to reach those 74 minutes. It’s all great stuff. From the start, through the Deedrah esque Roundy (T3), and the weirder Aldus vs. Krusty and Sonic Sodomy (T6,7) all the way through to the happy and bouncy Reality Bites (T9) and the funky remix of Oxya (T10) to the end track, which is a live one.

Recomendation: From the mastering, to the artwork and of course, more importantly, the music, this is one complete package. If you’re looking for some great psytrance to fit into your collection and you want an artist album that’s been seriously worked on, you should get this. This is made by someone who obviously loves this music himself, and it shows! Top score from me here, two thumbs up! Maybe it’s time for me to check that first album as well...

Taken from
Link:           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Aug 25, 2009 02:20
This is a great album, love it.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 25, 2009 08:20
yes , the good stuff

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Posted : Aug 25, 2009 14:30
great album!
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Aug 25, 2009 23:53
Lovely album! nice tempo and great funk for the dancefloor. Lots of happy feelings mixed with darker atmospheres and great psychedelic sounds!
like always Elad delivers true sounds from the inner parts of hes heart! =)
Funny yet serious music.
good job here and kudos to adapted!

          For Contact & Bookings:
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Posted : Aug 26, 2009 20:44
To the reviewer:

How can you comment on the mastering? Did you hear the album before mastering? 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 27, 2009 14:02
Why can't I comment on the mastering? Just because I didn't hear it before mastering that doesn't mean I can't comment on the way this sounds. Anyway, let's not get into this, because I'm getting the feeling you're only commenting to start a flamewar.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Aug 27, 2009 15:38
i also think its very possible to know if its good / bad mastering without knowing it first.. as long it sounds good and consistant all throu an album as well sound good compare to other music in the genre thats what i call good...

big thanx acidhive 

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Aug 27, 2009 20:58

On 2009-08-27 14:02, Acidhive wrote:
Why can't I comment on the mastering? Just because I didn't hear it before mastering that doesn't mean I can't comment on the way this sounds. Anyway, let's not get into this, because I'm getting the feeling you're only commenting to start a flamewar.

Im sorry if it came around as the start of a flamewar, cause Im just genuinely interested in knowing how people can differentiate between production quality (of the artist) and the mastering quality, especially without having heard the original material.

I am in no way interested in bashing you, you are entitled to anything you feel entitled to But rather interested in how you differentiate between the mastering and production!

Lotsa love, always

(and I really mean it!)

Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Aug 28, 2009 04:54

On 2009-08-27 20:58, Fragletrollet wrote:

Lotsa love, always

(and I really mean it!)

ill be magnus withness he is very loving person!
i reken we had the biggest hug meeting in altai eclipse festival , and we only know online before

btw about mastering i think if its good then it has to be both artist and sound engineer made good work when it sounds bad it brings up the question for me who screw it up..


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Posted : Aug 28, 2009 11:32

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2009 11:59
good album, certain tracks a bit to full on for me, but i listen to it almost everyday

thanks elad

          Ain-Soph (Trancebum Productions / Freakdance Records)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2009 15:45

Sattel Battle rox!

but i agree with razzz, and the album sounded a bit too full-on for me (not only the album but the last tracks in compilations too) comparing with Sounds Cool, wich has a more suomi vibe that i miss

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Sep 2, 2009 19:03
i like the new direction hes going better =)

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 3, 2009 11:46
I disagree, you already have hundreds of cd's that sound like this

nothing wrong with being original IMO, i just hope Elad doesn't make a style switch now that he is producing more full-on.

I already know some people that will hesitate buying a 3rd album, if he would make one and that is NEVER a good sign in a scene where cd-sales are so low           Ain-Soph (Trancebum Productions / Freakdance Records)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Sattel Battle - Barefoot Funk (Adapted)

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