Sandmam in NYC for july!
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : May 6, 2011 03:30:41
We have negotiated with the one and only and the legend Isaak levy "Sandman" "witchcraft".
Now, he got a visa, all cool, even negotiated a fair fee he is asking, the problem is, that most of organizers are complainning about loosing money on every party almost they put in NYC, we would love to bring him over, since it will be a great experience for the NYC crowd, and fist appearance in the USA.
Now, we would like to hear how much you are really want us to bring him, and also, if someone else is intersted in his act to share tickets.
PM if organizers are interested.
OK, time to hear from you guys, because if we don't assure 300-500 people at our event, we will have to cancell, because loosing precious money is not an option, specially with plane tickect at high seasson from Israel.
Will you come?
Lets post how many people are interested in seeing and hearing the legend.
Peace. |
Warp Brain Records
Warp Brain Records
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Posted : May 7, 2011 07:52
No one?
mmmm, I guess he lost his magic over here?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 9, 2011 15:14
That's a shame because Sandman is the man. Slinky breaks and Goa lines a flutter... The old stuff ala Loop in Control and Looney Tunes
  {':' }Deep Fryer/Squirmtronix{ ':'}
["0,c]Global DAT/Adama Recs/Esoteric Gen[c,0"]
(>x<!)!>x<) |
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Posted : May 10, 2011 05:50
If I could get to NYC, I'd be there for it. Listened to Highway 101 so many times on my vinyl copy of the 3-D comp, I think I wore out the grooves. |