Samsara Festival 2011 - 09/10/11 September - Brazil (celebrating 12 years)
Lexvib Productions
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Posted : Jun 23, 2011 18:53:15
Today we live in a planetary crisis imminent. The chaos of war is shown day-to-day in the news, which not long ago began to show the environmental disasters that kill thousands of people at once. Humans, distanced from their original root, nature, are plagued by fears of life and death. With each passing day the man to hurt the environment more ruthless, and even though this environment will give their reasoning, many are still not able to understand and change.
While earlier believed that the manipulation of nature would be to our benefit, it now becomes increasingly clear that we are destroying ourselves when we do not take care of our Earth Mother There is no doubt that we moderns have been stripped of the revelations of their own natural nature. The world has become so mechanistic that the absolute majority follow predictable patterns or just react to stimuli. This attitude of modern life has banned all free will to act with full consciousness.
Being within this historical context of extreme consumerism associated with the loss of spiritual values ​​and the extreme value to the material world, psychedelic festivals - like the Samsara 2011 - reflect the pursuit of young adults with a new consciousness, because the vast majority is dissatisfied with the commoditized values ​​generated by western capitalism, but of course it takes a lot of attention not to get lost in the networks that the system itself launches from these events, to capture and create dependence. Like a mirror, the festivals also reflect some elements of contemporary society such as the intrinsic relationship with the advancement of new technologies and the development of awareness of the planetary situation.
Welcome to Samsara Festival 2011 ...
Circuit Breakers (Nano Records) - UK/BR
Ritmo (Iono Music) - IL
Dickster (Nano Records) - UK
Egorythmia (Iono Music) - MK
Civil Desobedients (Mind Funk Records) - UK
2012 (Respect) - BR
28 (Alchemy Records) - BR/MX
Abstract Sunrise (Uxmal Records) - BR
Altruism (Vagalume Records) - BR
Analog Drink (Vagalume Records) - BR
Bezoar (Mind Tweakers / Glitchy Tonic) - BR
Burn in Noise (Alchemy Records) - BR
Ecletic (Play Hou5) - BR
Fungoloyds (Ayauma Records) - BR
Jumpers (Vagalume Records) - BR
Logica (Vagalume Records) - BR
Mental Control (Digital Ohm Productions) - BR
Minimal Criminal (Cosmic Conspiracy) - BR
Nevermind (Vagalume Records) - BR
Smoke Ship (Mind Funk Records) - BR
Stereographic (Mind Funk Records) - BR
Stoned Aliens (Mind Tweakers) - BR
Swarups Brain (Vagalume Records) - BR
Sychotria (Bhooteshwara Records) - BR
Tacit (Planet BEN) - BR
The Fisrt Stone (Vagalume Records) - BR
Xpiral (Vagalume Records) - BR
Whiptongue (looney Moon Records) - BR
Alex Koen (Samsara Festival)
Akian (Lex Vibe)
Alok (Vagalume Records)
André PJ (Cosmic)
Ashtar (Mind Tweakers / Psyufo)
Azyz (Vagalume Records)
Bruno Abrantes (Flipin)
Cairy (Samsara Festival)
Caramaschi (Fiction)
Cosmos (Mind Tweakers)
Deutsch vs Edu Lima (4am)
Diego Coelho (Microbiotic)
Diego Salgado (Ayuasca / Psychedelic Circus)
Eder FM (Push Records)
Ekanta (Vagalume Records)
Fabio Leal (Zenon Records)
Flow & Zeo (Tropical Beats)
Giaco (Flipout / Samsara Festival)
Gui (Hadra Records)
Ine vs. Korpse (SunTrip Records)
Janczur (Noise Poison)
Jepher (FLipout)
Kali (Sounds of Earth)
Laui (Innertia Records / Millenium)
Magnori (Mind Tweakers)
Max Grillo (Vagalume Records)
Max Massa (Harmonia Records)
Miague (Ohm)
Mussati (Iono Music)
Niquim (Flipin)
Ouver (Flipout)
Pateta (Vagalume Records)
Paulinha (Antimateria)
Pin (Mosaico Records)
Poblou (Desert Records)
Raya (Flipout)
Rmotta Vs. Luis Roar (Stone SOunds)
Rodrigo Prado (Solar Flares)
Swarup (Vagalume Records)
Thatha (Vagalume Records)
Xama (Vagalume Records)
Zaguini (Antu Records / Respect)
Minimal Criminal
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Posted : Jul 9, 2011 06:22
very good line up, like every year, thanks samsara for support, BOOOOM |
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Posted : Jul 12, 2011 04:40
life*love*music |