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Sampling bass in Kontakt problems


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Posts :  7
Posted : Sep 19, 2016 14:35:33
Namaste all,

I'm having some difficulty in using kontakt for my psytance bass.

I've sampled long saw waves from my virus B synth and mapped them across the keyboard in Kontakt.
Added an ADSR envelope for volume and another to modulate cutoff.
Now this sounds great for your classic rolling KBBB short note full on style basslines. Tight as hell and Im liking the sound compared to VSTi synthesis.

Where my problem lies is how on earth can I create bass lines with some longer notes using this set up, so I can do pitch bends and have full control?

D0 i need to automate the sustain envelope in my ableton live lanes?
Its really doing me in trying to sus this out and making my productions go slow.

I'm sure its something simple I'm not understanding, and if you could shed any light on this, I'd be forever in your debt!

Thanks Luna

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Posts :  7
Posted : Sep 19, 2016 14:45
ar sorry, I should have put this in mother bassline thread.! My bad.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 19, 2016 16:05
I'd say just draw longer notes. If you've sampled -long- saw notes than all necesseary should be there. Otherwise, sample longer notes at first.

Or see if there is a loop option in the evenlopes of Kontakt and set the loop-points somewhere towards the end or somewhere in the middle of the sample.

Maybe the solution is really just in the sustain, raise it to analyze the output.

btw a few days ago I bought a second-hand Virus b, but a sort of librarian/vst editor is what I'm missing. Do you use something like that to automate many parameters at once on your desktop? ..I heard of mystery islands, rekon audio,solar quest etc but not sure what to do.


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Posts :  7
Posted : Sep 19, 2016 19:49
Hi dude, thanks for the tips, I'll have to mess about with kontakt more as Im not a pro on it hehe.

Good work on your virus B, I love mine ,its a classic alright, yeah mate, soundquest is what I use, I've uploaded the torrent for it here;

Peace brother;

if your on mac, let me know as this is PC version oki.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 20, 2016 16:13
Hello mate, thank you for the link! Unfortunately after extracting the rar folders it tells me (via a pop up window) that the file is corrupted :/ ...maybe I do sth wrong.. I try again. I'm on PC too. Thx anyways.

Could you find a way to hear that longer notes in Kontakt?


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Posted : Sep 21, 2016 14:33
sorry it does seem rather fooked. try this one;
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 18:46
don't know why but it still doesn't work here. I've unrared and unzipped the folders and continued to install all the part-files but at almost the end of installation a message comes out : The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.

I went offline before even unzipping the folders. I'm on windows 10. Maybe something isn't right with my PC but I rather doubt that.
No worries, it's all a good initiative from you. Thanks for good intentions!
I'd like to use that tool to be able to automate plenty of thing at once. With just two hands u are so limited when automating that nice synth :/ 

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Posts :  7
Posted : Sep 23, 2016 08:23
HEY mate, it works bear in mind im sending you a torrent file to download the program, not the actual program itsself, you'll need utorrent to get it!

There is no RAR there just a torrent file

or just search this on google:

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2016 11:10
I know I found it also on proaudiotorrents and elsewhere. It is always the same file. And no comment about any malfunctions of this file elsewhere. Still it does not work here. Don't know why..Maybe something inside of my PC blocks it but actually it really tells me again and again that the file is corrupted. Strange.

And sure you need to unrar it since after the torrent file has finish to download, your file is in a zipped folder at first. After that the file transforms to a RAR folder.. so you need to unrar it.. it gets even more complex with that file :/ he asked than to look for some part files fro r00 to r10. After that at the last step, when you think you made it, than the pop up window jumps out with a message that something is corrupted. 
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2016 19:36
I have the solar3d one and it's very convenient for all virus editing stuff + library. I've also demoed the mystery islands one and think the interface is a little more straight to the point, in that it resembles the actual interface of the hardware a little closer. All in all, happy with the one I have.

As for the sampling, it depends.

For maximum flexibility, you'd need to sample longer notes, of course, in which case you'd immediately lose some of the things in the hardware unit: like it's envelopes, filter, etc. Because from that moment on, you'd have to rely on the ones in your sampler.

That's a lot of love just for the waveforms alone, if you know what I mean.

Why not create more then one sampler instrument? One for short notes, one for longer? Or even make one instance where you have this separated in different octaves in your sampler? Along with the original, untouched waveforms, so you can do more weird stuff on it if you so desire and still manage to get some resemblance with the rest of it?

When you can't do it all at once with just one patch... Use more

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Posts :  7
Posted : Sep 24, 2016 15:31
dunno whats going on your end mate, but ive tested the download, and there is no rar file involed, let lone a multi-rar, it comes down my end just as basic torrent file! The prog works fine too, as I also got from proaudio terrents, installation works fine for me. (win 7)

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Posted : Sep 24, 2016 15:34
thanks frisbeehaed, |I realize now i had short notes loaded into kontakt and not my long set, (messy harddrive)

Thats a great idea with creating too instuments with long and short notes, as the filter envelop obviiusly dosent tranfer to the long notes as it closes too quick.

Will give that a go and hopefuly all bass problems sorted.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Sep 24, 2016 16:02
Another solution, possibly even the best one, is for you to enable the "snap to zero cross points" on your sampler and loop a cycle of the sustain part - that is, once the filter modulation is over - so that you can now enjoy the freedom of doing both short and long notes with the same samples.

It's a quite handy trick and you can do it easily on Kontakt. Search in youtube if you need help with this, should be real easy to find.

You can then elaborate on this, set up a pitch wheel range, have velocity affect things, etc. So that you can have the amount of control you're talking about.

Plus, you can and you should edit the initial phase position of all notes so as to get the desired attack from them. This is the main reason why it's a good idea to sample Bass notes from synths. You can get a nice initial click, and if you listen in context with your Kick, it's fairly easy to come up with something that grooves together nicely with a clear relationship between the two sounds - both in their spectrum and their general attitude (if I may call it that).
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Sampling bass in Kontakt problems
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