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RyuX - Experimental Remix

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  74
Posted : Dec 20, 2013 19:08:44
Hey guys, made a experimental remix of my track "inside the machine"

maybe some of you wanna check it out..


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 21, 2013 12:54

I wasn't expecting it to be so fast from that intro! Gro brotha

Here is my opinion on how it could be enhanced:
@1:33 - I'd recommend you place another perc variation here, like use two drum kits and have one playing from 0:51 to 1:32, and another more punchy one (compressed) from 1:33 to 2:05, like an A and B sections

@2:05 - You give the kick 1 beat and feed it to a short feedback delay, but it does the same thing until 2:29 - so the first time it's new to the listener, but after 20 seconds he's already hear that effect, so IMO you should make more variations, for example crank the feedback all the way up to 100% and automate the delay time all the way down to 1ms, with the delay configured as a tape delay, to get that raising sound; or you could glitch the kicks up a but, building tension, etc. But I think the main goal would be to create much more tension, so when the beat comes it it really feels good and satisfies your listener
@2:40 - you've place effects on your bass, killing it out. Not bad, but the track losses impact at this stage. You can use kick and snare rolls, fading in, to beef up the bass frequencies of the tune, and build up for the next section.
@3:10 - you could change the lead VST, making again an A/B section between what's been playing and what will be playing. The two tones don't have to be very apart, I usually event try to obtain the same sound using two separate instruments and, although I'll get something similar, it's not the same. This gives the impression that a track is evolving. then @3:21 I would make the same happen, but to the secondary lead
@3:10 to 4:10 - A not of nice sounds and rhythms, but it could be enhanced with a dynamic mix - this is, what may be your main lead could be place at the back closer to the end, and your backing effects your be placed up front, inverting the roles
@4:54 - Some change, something else the listener just listened to this loop, make it different use the same notes with different sounds, different notes on the same sounds, same everything but with different effects, change the mix, so much could be done Even just a change in the bass note can bring this into a completely different mental state!
@5:54 - before delaying and fading out, I think the kick should have like a little trip, something like KbbbKbbKKbKKK K and then fade
The final buildup - again, you play the same effect with the beat being fed into a delay, but not only is this static, the listener already hear this before A reverse kick would change it dramatically, delay automation, or use other techniques! Explore the possibilities
@6:16 - Awwe yeah! here is the bass change Bring up that secondary lead in the back and put it up front, it's great! I'd say for you to place in your original beat note every not and again in random sections, and become a bit more random on the bass particularly regarding timing (breaking the 4 to the floor "rule").

Just my 42! cents

Keep it up
          Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  74
Posted : Dec 23, 2013 01:21
Thx knocz for your great feedback!
I will use your tips and try to improve the track!
I am glad that you took your time to write such a in depth feedback. I feel very blessed and appreciate it very much !!!

Thanks alot for your help           _________________________
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  159
Posted : Dec 23, 2013 09:08
Knocz pointed out many important things
This track is quite similar to Insector style. For me you could make it a bit more more melodic and it will be a killer.
Thats not my type of music, but I really like it
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  74
Posted : Dec 23, 2013 22:21

On 2013-12-23 09:08, fraxi wrote:
Knocz pointed out many important things
This track is quite similar to Insector style. For me you could make it a bit more more melodic and it will be a killer.
Thats not my type of music, but I really like it

Thanks, will put more work into it and hopefully finish it soon.
Really appreciate it guys!           _________________________
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - RyuX - Experimental Remix
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