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Russian club fireworks cause 100 deaths

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2822
Posted : Nov 5, 2010 01:53

On 2010-11-04 02:16, flambeaux wrote:
I have fire insurance as specified, yes. As does Victor Psybotik and Masae. We all have the same provider.
However, this venue was not additionally insured and they did not pay for a fire permit, so whatever happened here was not "legit" in totality.
More and more clubs are getting shut down and people getting fined because they do not have the proper permits (and should always have insurance). Permits are expensive (like $450 per visit) so we can't always have them if we want to make a living, but we are striving to have them as often as humanly possible. The FDNY love fire shows (when they are safe and legal) and are understanding to an extent when you are known as a safe performer. More and more, however, since the burner scene started picking up steam the past few years, there are far too many amateur fire performers performing in unsafe conditions using unsafe fuel and without proper fire safety measures taken.
This could ruin all of our performance opportunities if it ever results in an accident. I beg everyone in the Trance community (and of course everyone else) to follow all proper fire safety when performing. Always have a safety person, fire guard available in the venue, an extinguisher, fire blanket, wet rag etc. Not to mention, DON'T USE HIGHLY COMBUSTIBLE FUELS INDOORS IE WHITE GAS. This is the cause of the vast majority of fire performing accidents. No Coleman's indoors. Period. Use 99% rubbing alcohol on torches for similar effects. It might not be as "cool" but it will keep you from messing up and hurting yourself or others.

I seriously have no fucking clue why everyone loves white gas/coleman's so much. Smoky, smelly, fuck that shit. I love my naptha or if I'm feeling cheap, odorless mineral spirits - bright, clean, never had any problems with it.

I miss performing with the Psybotik people

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 02:56
Rubbing alcohol (isopropanol) is about as heavy as mineral spirits - and it burns cleaner. Don't know if it's as useful for your purposes, though...

Anyway, I thought you could spin LEDs instead?..

When I go to a club, the only fire I wanna see is an occasional dude smoking - outside. Well, I'll settle for a candle on my table maybe.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Nov 5, 2010 10:58
"Candle, for table 24!"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2822
Posted : Nov 5, 2010 20:25

On 2010-11-05 02:56, Maine Coon wrote:
Rubbing alcohol (isopropanol) is about as heavy as mineral spirits - and it burns cleaner. Don't know if it's as useful for your purposes, though...

Anyway, I thought you could spin LEDs instead?..

When I go to a club, the only fire I wanna see is an occasional dude smoking - outside. Well, I'll settle for a candle on my table maybe.

I don't think I've ever tried rubbing alcohol...its actaully been quite a while since I've tried new fuels as I'm quite comfortable with the stuff I get.

Yeah, last time I spun fire inside anywhere was at the Psybotik Giant Mechnical Spiders halloween event in NYC last year. I went all out for my costume (Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen) and shaved my entire upper body (including hair, eyebrows....) and spent 3 hours applying the costume (liquid latex) only to have it last all of 15 minutes once I got into the event because it wasn't porous.

Then I had to wander around the event for the next couple of hours re-introducing myself to people I've known for years as I went from happy-go-luck-hippy to completely hairless freaky-Voldemort-lookin-dude

I think you might change your mind about indoor fire spinning if you saw Masae (one of the Psybotik organizers/performers) spin fire Super sexy firespinning japanese fashion designer chick? Yes please.

There are actually some photos of her on my flickr, though I'm not sure of which party they're from.

But yeah, anymore I prefer my LED poi for indoor stuff...don't have to worry about getting too high and not being able to safely perform
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