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Rokit pr 6 , worth buying?

Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 04:14:56
i heard old's Rokit 5 monitors sucks,bugs,etc.

worth buying Pr 6?? 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 04:49
My mate loves then for mixing down his rock band but I cannot stand them for electronic music. It just never sounds right to my ears. I've had some Adam F7's a mate loaned me for the last month while he travelled and compared to most in the same price range they are gorgeous. I'm buying a pair of. Equator Audio D8's blind (no dealer in Australia) because I've heard amazing reviews despite their ugly looks from all ranges of music.           Cuntus Maximus.
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 05:59

On 2014-04-04 04:49, OzMike wrote:
My mate loves then for mixing down his rock band but I cannot stand them for electronic music. It just never sounds right to my ears. I've had some Adam F7's a mate loaned me for the last month while he travelled and compared to most in the same price range they are gorgeous. I'm buying a pair of. Equator Audio D8's blind (no dealer in Australia) because I've heard amazing reviews despite their ugly looks from all ranges of music.

no money for more then rokits ...i would go trought yamaha,but 700 bucks more on my country.... 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 12:36
Never liked the old Rokit monitors...but in the end it's all a matter of taste. You can find different sounding monitors in the same price range but not immensely better. never heard the new series but at around 38hz, the KRK RP6 RoKit G3 demand room treatment to handle the low frequencies. My old Adam A7X were all over my (somewhat) treated room.

Why not go for a smaller (but better) pair of monitors? You can check the low frequencies (ex:kick&bass) with headphones  
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 06:16

On 2014-04-04 12:36, Ellon wrote:
Never liked the old Rokit monitors...but in the end it's all a matter of taste. You can find different sounding monitors in the same price range but not immensely better. never heard the new series but at around 38hz, the KRK RP6 RoKit G3 demand room treatment to handle the low frequencies. My old Adam A7X were all over my (somewhat) treated room.

Why not go for a smaller (but better) pair of monitors? You can check the low frequencies (ex:kick&bass) with headphones

hmmm but small monitors are still good to listen and enjoy the bass and sub frequencies nicely, only demands another reference for mixing? i have a 100dollar zenheiser headhpones, they helped me alot so faar but not true reference i guess for bass....

anyway i dont need perfect reference, i want to have "boxes" to listen my stuff too, tired of headphones everytime...later years i can buy some perfect stuff.... 

Goa for life
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 06:18
Mackie Mr5 Mk3 ?? 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 16:38

On 2014-04-05 06:16, Ancient Alien wrote:

On 2014-04-04 12:36, Ellon wrote:
Never liked the old Rokit monitors...but in the end it's all a matter of taste. You can find different sounding monitors in the same price range but not immensely better. never heard the new series but at around 38hz, the KRK RP6 RoKit G3 demand room treatment to handle the low frequencies. My old Adam A7X were all over my (somewhat) treated room.

Why not go for a smaller (but better) pair of monitors? You can check the low frequencies (ex:kick&bass) with headphones

hmmm but small monitors are still good to listen and enjoy the bass and sub frequencies nicely, only demands another reference for mixing? i have a 100dollar zenheiser headhpones, they helped me alot so faar but not true reference i guess for bass....

anyway i dont need perfect reference, i want to have "boxes" to listen my stuff too, tired of headphones everytime...later years i can buy some perfect stuff....

Bigger monitors on an untreated room sound worst than smaller ones....either you use them for reference or just listening! After many years listening to music in my studio monitors i have to say that everytime i step into some hi fi system i'm blown away!!! I would not use monitors to listen to music.

We all have to tendency to get big sounding monitors in order to listen to the low frequencies but the truth is if you dont have your room/studio well treated (+ good placement of your setup) they will do more wrong than good in terms of "true perception" of your sound.

my 0,02 cents  
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  269
Posted : Apr 5, 2014 17:27

On 2014-04-05 16:38, Ellon wrote:

On 2014-04-05 06:16, Ancient Alien wrote:

On 2014-04-04 12:36, Ellon wrote:
Never liked the old Rokit monitors...but in the end it's all a matter of taste. You can find different sounding monitors in the same price range but not immensely better. never heard the new series but at around 38hz, the KRK RP6 RoKit G3 demand room treatment to handle the low frequencies. My old Adam A7X were all over my (somewhat) treated room.

Why not go for a smaller (but better) pair of monitors? You can check the low frequencies (ex:kick&bass) with headphones

hmmm but small monitors are still good to listen and enjoy the bass and sub frequencies nicely, only demands another reference for mixing? i have a 100dollar zenheiser headhpones, they helped me alot so faar but not true reference i guess for bass....

anyway i dont need perfect reference, i want to have "boxes" to listen my stuff too, tired of headphones everytime...later years i can buy some perfect stuff....

Bigger monitors on an untreated room sound worst than smaller ones....either you use them for reference or just listening! After many years listening to music in my studio monitors i have to say that everytime i step into some hi fi system i'm blown away!!! I would not use monitors to listen to music.

We all have to tendency to get big sounding monitors in order to listen to the low frequencies but the truth is if you dont have your room/studio well treated (+ good placement of your setup) they will do more wrong than good in terms of "true perception" of your sound.

my 0,02 cents

yeah i understand that....

i really dont know what i will doo....i will think here... 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 18:45
krk sound to much boxy for me

buy monitors which feet your room if you're room is small then buy small monitors.
and batter for you if your room don't have a good acoustics then buy monitors with woofer on the front

*when you buy monitors go to musical story and listing to the monitors.

*take couple tracks to the story and listen them

if your room is small Take jbl control 2PS
they sound amazing

or PreSonus Eris E5

here couple options for you           -------------------------------------------------
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  269
Posted : Apr 5, 2014 22:55
thanks smoker...

my room is 4,20m x 2,90 .... this is small?my desk is situated centered/right wall...mid/front room....

small monitors,small room, will sound good bass for mixing?

musical store with monitors in Brazil? must have one 1000km from here...hehehehe everthing is internet here.... 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 23:04
buy then jbl control 2PS you will be really really happy with them the mid quality is amazing
they sound like generic and generic cost 4 time more then jbl control 2PS
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  269
Posted : Apr 5, 2014 23:49
bass response, 80hz... my headhpones catch more....hmmmmmmm

well ...

if my room is small (4x3m), anyway, lack of bass is awfull, excess i can treat with some basstraps on my wall....and my room have many objects and stuff in the way to dispair bass (is that right?)...

later i can have a good studio, why not buy Yamaha hs 7 ???...the bass is tooooo probleeem?

sorry for being really searching stuff about it, but need few tips 

Goa for life
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1223
Posted : Apr 6, 2014 16:36

On 2014-04-05 23:49, Ancient Alien wrote:
bass response, 80hz... my headhpones catch more....hmmmmmmm

well ...

if my room is small (4x3m), anyway, lack of bass is awfull, excess i can treat with some basstraps on my wall....and my room have many objects and stuff in the way to dispair bass (is that right?)...

later i can have a good studio, why not buy Yamaha hs 7 ???...the bass is tooooo probleeem?

sorry for being really searching stuff about it, but need few tips

Your room is not to small and for sure can handle a bigger set of monitors than the jbl but you must treat it....bass traps are a must, and the wall behind the monitor desk also. Search the internet (there´s plenty available) for room treatment iformation. You can do some improvements to your room that will make a real diference. Regarding your (future) monitors...go and listen before you buy...maybe you'll prefer the Rokits or maybe the Yamaha or maybe something can be sure that both will allow you to produce music! 
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  269
Posted : Apr 7, 2014 06:20

On 2014-04-06 16:36, Ellon wrote:

On 2014-04-05 23:49, Ancient Alien wrote:
bass response, 80hz... my headhpones catch more....hmmmmmmm

well ...

if my room is small (4x3m), anyway, lack of bass is awfull, excess i can treat with some basstraps on my wall....and my room have many objects and stuff in the way to dispair bass (is that right?)...

later i can have a good studio, why not buy Yamaha hs 7 ???...the bass is tooooo probleeem?

sorry for being really searching stuff about it, but need few tips

Your room is not to small and for sure can handle a bigger set of monitors than the jbl but you must treat it....bass traps are a must, and the wall behind the monitor desk also. Search the internet (there´s plenty available) for room treatment iformation. You can do some improvements to your room that will make a real diference. Regarding your (future) monitors...go and listen before you buy...maybe you'll prefer the Rokits or maybe the Yamaha or maybe something can be sure that both will allow you to produce music!

no problem, a friend of mine (250km from here) had put basstraps on hes studio...he can find some for me,maybe i pay him some amount and he do all the job...he must know how to do it right....

the problem desk must be close to a wall...not in mid center of the room right? the only possibility is the wide wall (4m) and ( the sides of the desk will be the 3m wide walls)....i know the best would be to have it centered and close to the 3m walls but no way in my sleeping room.... 

Goa for life
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  269
Posted : Apr 7, 2014 06:21
problem is...where im going to find different monitors to listen? theres no store close in the STATE where i live hehehehe 

Goa for life
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Rokit pr 6 , worth buying?

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