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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music - Rock in Rio 2010 Portugal
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Rock in Rio 2010 Portugal


Started Topics :  22
Posts :  355
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 03:26:57
New website and advertising campaign that starts the countdown to the 4th
Portuguese edition are the first visible signs of the largest event of music and entertainment around the Parque da Bela Vista in 2010

Lisbon, 25 May 2009:
Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2010 will return to the natural amphitheater of Parque da Bela Vista in Lisbon on 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29 in 2010 but the emotion of the largest music event and entertainment world begins much earlier with the launch of the new site of the event and the advertising campaign which starts the countdown to the 4th edition of the Portuguese event.

The site has since today a new layout, developed by 4MKT, the Portuguese agency chosen after an international competition among three agencies, two Spanish and one national.

This new site is more dynamic, in line with the communication strategy outlined
for the Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2010. It has to be constantly updated news about the preparations for the 4th edition of the event and the development of hobbies.

Structurally, continues to invest in multimedia content, aims to strengthen the area's community of Rock in Rio through the blog, expand the area of photographs and videos that can be shared by the users. In this sense, the organization has launched a pastime in which challenges the public to Portuguese
watch the fireworks-fireworks on April 25 Bridge, May 30 at 22.15, make videos or take pictures of this moment and send them to to enable it to win tickets to the Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2010.
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