Rising New Talents
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Posted : Oct 21, 2007 09:37
This thread was created so people could talk about the rising talents, however imho duendo's response was very interesting and is worth reflecting about it.
I'd like also to kindly ask everybody to remember that we have the right to like or dislike an artist, but the purpose of this thread was to talk about rising talents not to express your dislike for them, we are an international forum, and this is in part to the fact we have guidelines most users care to respect.
please keep it clean, respect others if you expect to be respected.
Be respectful and polite to others.
No violence- no swears, no dirty language, no degrading words- say what you want politely and respectfully.
Advice: read again what you wrote before hitting the post key- try to think if it will really deliver your message the right way.
This an international forum:
Write in English, so all can understand.
Mind your words, there maybe others from a different culture that will find them offensive.
This is a big forum:
Make sure your posts are interesting to the majority of the community. Otherwise carry on discussions privately- the forum enables you to
send private messages to other forum members, and communicate with them via different channels- ICQ & Email.
Try to stay on topic- there are different forums for different subjects- try to stick to the subject.
If you really want to say something off topic that you feel will interest all others, use the off topic forum.
No politics.
No violence.
No disrespect.
No trading.
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
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Posted : Oct 27, 2007 00:13
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 5, 2007 08:48
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Posted : Nov 5, 2007 09:08
well i would like to all dark lovers hear a friend of mine that i really think he has future on this..
he has recently started to produce his music eventhough he has been djing for a little while
he call himself grotto
you can listen to him here
unfortunatly his tracks are incomplete for now
and if some one with more experience or just an opinion can advise him..feel free to do it..xD |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 5, 2007 22:09
loads of good artists guys
didnt know most of them
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