Rijy & Rotem
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 17:19
So we arrived there pretty soon. The good thing about the place was that it was convenient. Close to the center, not too far away. No need to drive hundreds of kms.
I did not like the location very much, but I guess that when you've got cops trying to close down parties so hard, u've got not choice left.
Zombi opened the evening with some nice tunes. Very good mixing Zombi. You became excellent in quite a short time. Unfortunately you know I don't really connect to this kind of music.
Then Roman came in. At that time I was so dead tired and went to sleep. It was really nice sleeping with such music on the background, especially Tom Anteater's music (our own UK moderator). Sorry Tom for missing your set.
At around 4:30 I was "brutally" waken up from my sleep by Lucid Dream (who decided to transfer my state of mind from sweet dream to lucid dream...hehe).
I went back again to the party. Elysium Project was playing. Well, I guess after so many years of experience you couldn't expect this guy not to be any less than excellent. Very pumping music, excellent choices of tracks and needless to mention the perfect mixing.
Art around 7:30 Eyal Ziv (D&E) came up with a back to back with Roman. But after 2-3 tracks a not so nice police officer came inside the party and told us to close the music cause it's Shabbat and music shouldn't be played during Shabbat. My god, how low can you get??? And of course it was impossible to argue.
Crowd was nice. Too bad not many ppl showed up.
Was nice to meet all Isratrancers familiar faces again.
Kristain and Tom, was great meeting both of you at last.
  Majority is never right!
"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 17:39
Btw, it is important to add that El-Audio, who was suppose to play, just didn't get on the plane. The organisers waited for him for a few hours at the airport and couldn't reach him on the phone (he was not answering).
Not very nice of you Mr. Shimy, and certainly lacks of respect towards the organisers and towards us, the crowd, who wanted to hear you. Not to talk about professionalism.
  Majority is never right!
"Without music, life is meaningless."
-Friedrich Nietzsche |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 18:50
nice meet ya Tomash
thanx Candy.
not nice El Audio.
Elysium u r da man.
Tom - ya man
very nice party from Roman, Ilia and Rotem (10x Roma ), great sound !!!
best vibrations to all, c ya soon.
  Believe your soul ! |
Jason (LyTe)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 19:02
a very nice, intimate gathering of sorts.
we arrived there early, at about 22:00. the place, though small, was being beautifully decorated. two TS sound systems were up and running and the whole place was buzzing with activity towards the party. tom, candy, uzi and myself were mainly chilling while Zombi gave a dub and than proggresive set. I remain in my hard-on, non-compromising attitude and agree with Raver here - I could'nt connect to most of the tunes Zombi playd. Sorry, but that's the way it is with me. some of the tunes were really nice, groovy and pumping, but the atmosphere in all was dragging me down some. roman came on at about 1:30, back-to-back with zombi, to provide some more punch to the party. people started triclking in just than, and by the time Tom was ready to go on, the floor was moving, albeit with some spaces in between.
I have One word to describe Tom Anteater (and not Ant Eater, as was published in the invites): Wow! one of the best and most enjoyable sets i've heard in quite some time, mixing psychedelic proggresive with crunchy, yummy tech-trance and intelligent full-on. the floor was now rocking and tumbling like you would'nt belive it (candy, you missed out on some serious night digging. for that, I shall make you pay! Muhahaha!) by the time Elisyum went on (christian, I'm sorry i had to leave Early, but I enjoyed every moment i was there to listen to you move and groove), some people, including myself, were getting ready to leave, I say to them - Your Complete and utter loss. I remained there untill about 6:00, one hour of Elisyum's set, and let me tell you somthing, when you get this kind of DJ/Artist, with such a profound understanding of morning music, you dig a hole, and you dig it deep. i know I can't speak for myself, but I am writing this review from work, which is why i had to leave earlier.
Location: a bit too close to civilization. there was a road and an arab village seconds away from us. police could easily have come in mid-party and shut it all down. luckily, it happened only much, much later on.
Deco: the place was exqusitly decorated, nothing too fancy-shmancy, tastefull and effective. a shame the bellowing wind in the morning tore some of it apart.
Sound: fairly good sound, with a couple of TurboSound systems and a stereo monitor at the Booth. the fact the place was an open one only added to the quality. no more clubs for me, thank you very much!
Music: as said, the proggressive played by zombie was hard to communicate with, but all in all, the music was, to put in a word - Superb.
People: nice, mixed crowd, although not too many showed up.
organization: Impeccable. everything was clicking and ticking. good job fellas, may more ensue in your footsteps.
a comment on El-Audio: Unproffesional, Unethical, Immoral and damn shamefull. in today's modern age of technology, you can pick up a phone and give an explanation on WHY you didn't board your plane. regretfully, the organizers got none. let's hope this won't be a recurring event, and that someday we will get a proper explanation from mr. Shimy.
  "We Do Not Allways See Things As They Are. We See Things As We Are" -Ancient Chinese Proverb
LyTe |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 20:17
Chaka Laka
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 20:42
ole , photo license is back 2 forum !! great pix of beautiful crowd , way2go Rigii&Roman crue , Tom - welcome here , EugeneS - woow , what a pics )))) (all u isratrancers - u all did got perfect at photos as well )
upps , but i missed it again
  Dance is my Trance |
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Posted : May 24, 2003 21:03
well as candy said the best thing about the place was that it was close to civilization:)
and the sound system was very good!
as it was mentioned not too many ppl came but those who did was very happy nice faces...
i missed zombie's set so i cant tell but i guess it was my taste..:)
tom was very nice pumping night music that kept the ppl jumping
and as for elysium im not so objective:)
but it was my kinda music for the morning!
prototyp, kruger, chrome and so on..
the last half an hour was bit less good
but all in all it was nice morning set
i cant say im sorprised with that music cuzz i heard it few hours before we came..:)
anyway thnx to the good guys rotem, illya and roman
was so nice to see all of u familiar zombis..:)
and nice to meet u yossi! i must say the name lucifer doesnt fit u since u are more an angel then a devil.
cya next week in the tent version..
  reality is the weirdest dream |
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Posted : May 24, 2003 21:07
oh and about el audio...what can u expect from a guy called shimy????
  reality is the weirdest dream |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : May 24, 2003 22:33
On 2003-05-24 19:02, Jason (LyTe) wrote:
while Zombi gave a dub
no dub man, since Punkt, Playhouse, Discobole and Mille Plaeteaux not realy dub labels, but yes, i love the charas flavour on my music
im very happy with this party, it was very kool to play Bocaraton, DDR, Bigwigs in one set. it was very refreshing to hear Marc O'Tool's, Kruger and Coyle's music in the morning.
killer vibrations to all
  Believe your soul ! |
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 25, 2003 17:15
well, for me this was an absolute blast, especially seeing as it was my first israeli party
i arrived early and saw everything being put up.. and then eli started to play, must have been for nearly 3 hours he was taking a good line, from the very housey, until at the end we were in quality progressive territory. son kite etc. nice one zombi baba then i played for 2 hours and i can say this was really a _lot_ of fun towards the end of my set kristian elysium project turned up and prepared his stuff, then we had non stop at least 2 and a half hours of progressive mronig joy.. oh my oh my.. i want to hear such always with the sun shining... absolutely perfecto when kristian finished eyal went up to play some harder stuff but didn't get far before some ugly guy in green came and pulled the plug but hey, it was half eight or so and i was flaking anyway by this stage...
so, what can i say.. was _really_ lovely to meet the isratrancers.. candy, eli, jason, uzi, pol, cyberpunk, elvish silvan and kristian, i hope i get to see you all again before i leave (sorry not to talk to you lucid_dream, we rectify this on friday i hope ) thankyou very much to the production rijy and rotem and roman for having me, it was great
  >>love will tear us apart...<< |
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Posted : May 25, 2003 17:21
tom...the green ugly guy=police man ..
i was speachless anyway...
u dont know how good is to hear u liked the music so much!
cya on friday...come early to hear some fine chillout+downbeaT.
  reality is the weirdest dream |
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Posted : May 29, 2003 12:02
well,what can i say about police?
i gess there's a new book of rules i haven't heard of.
anyway,i got there just befor morning time and it was looking like there's gonna be a great morning with beautyfull ppl and some good vibes but the 'magav' dude didn't think like me and had to close it.
baout shimmy,well the guy has a little kid who got very sick so i gess we can't blame the guy too much,family comes first always!
rotem&riji'le-thanx! keep on!!!
psychedalic drugs don't make you crazy,only realise you are one!!!!