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Research on psychedelic lifestyle

almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 00:43
Mine is Semi-Psychedelic life style

Peace & Boom !!!           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 01:15
I also want some Malana cream, have not had any for sooo long....           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 16:10

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 18:46

, we decided to take our interest to another level and make a little research on psychedelic lifestyle which will be presented to a small group of students in January

take the group of students on a field trip
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 20:29

On 2009-12-02 00:43, almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .) wrote:
Mine is Semi-Psychedelic life style

Peace & Boom !!!

Mine too...but just because i gotta eat!!!  

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Posted : Dec 10, 2009 17:33
I feel I live a pyschedelic lifestyle...unless by that you mean a drugged out hippy sitting around all day.
Learning as much as possible about the world without coming to the table with an idiology and thinking for myself without listening to wanna be gurus/preists like Terence Mckenna.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 10, 2009 17:39
research without experience is of no use as you wont be able to speak passionately about it ....your experience will be your research           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 06:01

On 2009-12-10 17:39, Xolvexs wrote:
research without experience is of no use as you wont be able to speak passionately about it ....your experience will be your research

Thats the quote of someone who is simply lazy.
What you know and have learned is basically the mold/the form that shapes your experience, like baking christmas cookies.
You don't just throw unformed dough in the oven.
Speak passionate part I think was a not very slick defense of what I said about Mckenna.
From what I understand about his seminars, he cleaned up with women. Would have made Fuck for the Forest proud. Look at him, probly the most goolish looking male I've ever seen who no woman would ever want to fuck..unless..
Unless he becomes a "preist" of pyschedlia....Hell, I can imagine his pick up line being nothing more than "do you know much about tantric buddhism?" at his seminars.
The problem is when you really want to explain an idea, you use the most simple language to get the point across. If you really understand something and want to truely communicate, that is obviously what you do. Mckenna loved to do the opposite, use language you had to look up to make him sound smarter than you, but the only use for that in real life is to bullshit someone.
Mckenna was a master bullshitter.
Yea Finnegans Wake is the best book ever penned that you are just not to Mckenna's level to understand, yet...When in reality he would pimp that text because its complete nonsense that can not be understood.
fuck preists and any kind of "pyschedelic religion"..(that is unless I'm one of the preists who get to bang the hippy chicks)

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Posts :  233
Posted : Dec 11, 2009 06:12
Xolvexs, I hadn't played that video you posted before i replied above and its been years since I've heard Mckenna speak..I fell under his spell in 1993 in highschool and certainly he is the reason I'm posting his here but...
Starts off with :
"I want to thank all the women who support me"....dedicated to the notion that Terence Mckenna can always be improved"...

All those chuckles are probly women he banged the previous few days..then his tone of voice gets all "serious"...
If you want to understand the game Mckenna plays then look up and study ericksonian hypnosis. He was a master if he had studied it or not..
At this point, I actually think he made up the entire idea of "DMT Elves" was just good material...
If you want a real personal pyschedelic thought to ponder, ponder the next time you are in the state that mckenna completely made up his stories about "dmt elves"...
amazing fiction he wrote...
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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 06:18
tykes is real , i knows them

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 06:26

On 2009-12-11 06:18, mk47 wrote:
tykes is real , i knows them

how much terence mckenna had you heard about before you met them? I would bet it all that you had not never heard of him before, considering you didn't call them elves but "tykes"...
Mckenna placed "tykes" in peoples minds because you can only see them on a drug that completely opens up the imagination(to quote mckenna himself)
If that respresents reality to you, then you should maybe read more about the scientific method....

some people though prefer to be simply lead and pick fiction over reality.
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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 07:20
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2009 15:09
if your gonna do research on coffee ...u have to drink a cup of coffee..if you are going to do a research on the tribes of amazon or indonesia u will have to go live with them. and spend time with them not with the books and documentaries...if you are simply gonna make your research a compilation of other peoples work then thats not research its just accumulation of knowledge...if you want an original research you have to go to festivals like burning man, boom, vuuv have to sit on the sidewalks of haight & ashbury,...only then your research will have value otherwise you will only be writing about other people's opinion and your opinion and your thesis will be based on other people's view...that would not be an original research...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Dec 12, 2009 14:58

On 2009-12-11 06:01, braininavat wrote:

On 2009-12-10 17:39, Xolvexs wrote:
research without experience is of no use as you wont be able to speak passionately about it ....your experience will be your research

Thats the quote of someone who is simply lazy.
What you know and have learned is basically the mold/the form that shapes your experience, like baking christmas cookies.
You don't just throw unformed dough in the oven.
Speak passionate part I think was a not very slick defense of what I said about Mckenna.
From what I understand about his seminars, he cleaned up with women. Would have made Fuck for the Forest proud. Look at him, probly the most goolish looking male I've ever seen who no woman would ever want to fuck..unless..
Unless he becomes a "preist" of pyschedlia....Hell, I can imagine his pick up line being nothing more than "do you know much about tantric buddhism?" at his seminars.
The problem is when you really want to explain an idea, you use the most simple language to get the point across. If you really understand something and want to truely communicate, that is obviously what you do. Mckenna loved to do the opposite, use language you had to look up to make him sound smarter than you, but the only use for that in real life is to bullshit someone.
Mckenna was a master bullshitter.
Yea Finnegans Wake is the best book ever penned that you are just not to Mckenna's level to understand, yet...When in reality he would pimp that text because its complete nonsense that can not be understood.
fuck preists and any kind of "pyschedelic religion"..(that is unless I'm one of the preists who get to bang the hippy chicks)

I find lots of information in Terence McKenna's words you are just attacking some wrong actions which he like all of us makes...You fully disrespect a fellow psychotraveller for just some sex? Sex is beautiful it is nature why should we regard it as bad? I don't think that he was some kind of priest he just shared many experiences with his tribe and had a vision which is also our vision...The vision of a higher state of conciousness which deep inside is what we are all looking for...I can look at a person and see his wrong or whatever or i can look at a person like he is me and understand the fact that like me he makes mistakes, and look at those mistakes and understand the lesson in them too


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Posted : Dec 14, 2009 11:30

On 2009-12-11 15:09, Xolvexs wrote:
if your gonna do research on coffee ...u have to drink a cup of coffee..if you are going to do a research on the tribes of amazon or indonesia u will have to go live with them. and spend time with them not with the books and documentaries...if you are simply gonna make your research a compilation of other peoples work then thats not research its just accumulation of knowledge...if you want an original research you have to go to festivals like burning man, boom, vuuv have to sit on the sidewalks of haight & ashbury,...only then your research will have value otherwise you will only be writing about other people's opinion and your opinion and your thesis will be based on other people's view...that would not be an original research...

thats true what you're saying there, but its not that you're right...
we are going to festivals and on parties and I meet many people about it.
I'm not only writing on other peoples opinion, we just considered it a good idea to also ask people internationally, since the project does not have any sponsor and therefore we can't travel too much.
thanks anyway for sharing your knowledge
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