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Reputation of moderators in real world

Inactive User

Started Topics :  131
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Posted : Jun 3, 2010 03:37:46
Ok, look as far as I know I"m not breaking a rule here so instead of instant banning please hear me out & delete this if I"m wrong.

As a long time user of this site, and someone who also has had a bad rep online in the psy community, I have come back and worked hard to improve on it.

I would not accept a role on any forum in this scene simply because I know what people still think of me, and I know it would be sending conflicting messages.

I think there is at least one moderator on this forum, not naming names, who has upset a lot of artist's & general punters by his/her role on here.

I think that sure the mods & admin have final say, but to be a fair part of this scene it might be best to listen to what others are saying and take it into consideration regarding this persons role.

Now again, I'm not naming names & I'm trying to be diplomatic here.

Please do not flame me or ban me.

You can simply remove this comment & I'll let the issue go or you can pm me.


Mike           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 08:40
You are raising a very valid point there and I see no reason why would you be flamed or banned.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 3, 2010 09:01
Psynthex ? , who ? whooo ? Detox ?

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 09:18

On 2010-06-03 03:37:46, V3NOM wrote:

As a long time user of this site, and someone who also has had a bad rep online in the psy community, I have come back and worked hard to improve on it.

What you do?
Confessions/links or STFU...

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  432
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 13:17
total ..ex,..ox diarrhea..

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
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Posted : Jun 3, 2010 16:14
the interesting is that we can mature ourselves, and grow in both places either in the online world and in the real world.

and mistakes we all make them, the thing is that we must not be judged for all time of our life of one wrong thing we have done in the past, speccially if we have already shown regrets of that.

life goes on and we must not dweel on the past - learn from it, from the mistakes we made, but not live in the past.           ...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Jun 3, 2010 19:55

          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 20:14

On 2010-06-03 09:18, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2010-06-03 03:37:46, V3NOM wrote:

As a long time user of this site, and someone who also has had a bad rep online in the psy community, I have come back and worked hard to improve on it.

What you do?
Confessions/links or STFU...

This one time at the band camp with a trombone...

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  861
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 21:06

locking this one too. Any more questions, pm us.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
          I may rise, but I won't shine ...
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Jun 3, 2010 21:53
I just spent some time answering few members here on PMs about this issue. And I'll sum it up here for you all.
Psynthex said he did some negative stuff in the past, he apologized, acknowledged his mistakes, and he said he tried to solve it, and this my friends, is a rare behaviour in this scene. Believe me. I've been here long and seen it all. I'm sure that like in any situation were things like that happen some bad feeling must stay. That is not a reason not to have someone as a moderator here.

I also agree that Psynthex has his outbursts and behaves at times not as a perfect moderator should. But, he makes an effort and he's getting better. And that counts for much in my book. In most cases he does his job well (that boring mod work of moving threads to the right section, deleting double posts, merging similar threads, deleting spam, etc., that users don't seem to be aware of or appreciate).
Sure we can use more mods with good attitude that can always keep their calm and keep their aggression checked. Not easy to find, and quite hard to keep for long.

Understand people, myself, and few others on this team have been doing this pro-bono for this community for a very long time now. It's hard work, it's rarely appreciated, it's tiring and not very rewarding. We all have lives outsides the forum. I, personally, run two businesses, have a family, and I don't have time to be a mom or a guru here. I don't have much time to educate the mods, or the whole community (I used to in the past).
If people want a better community, they have to help make it better, and not just complain or point fingers to others. That is always easy. Making things actually happen is the difficult part, and the only one that counts.
Also, I don't like this distinction between moderators and members that turns at times to mods against members. All mods are members here. Just members that do more for the community. That's all.

Few people also written to me about mods with bad English. I want to make it clear that people don't have to know English well to moderate or participate. This is an international forum. English was chosen as the language for statistical reasons only. I have much more respect for someone who doesn't speak good English but still makes an effort to write than for a perfect English speaker who makes fun of him.

That's it really. Think about it, please.
And thanks for caring!           ---------------------------------------------
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Trance Forum » » Forum - Reputation of moderators in real world
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