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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Remembering COSMA on HAFIROT 106fm (TLV) Wednesday 25/3 @ 13:00
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Remembering COSMA on HAFIROT 106fm (TLV) Wednesday 25/3 @ 13:00

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  441
Posts :  406
Posted : Mar 23, 2009 17:38:51
This week we are going to honor one of the greatest artists to ever comeout of Israel - Cosma aka Avihen Livne RIP.

6 years ago we lost one of the most unique and mind blowing artists in Israel - Avihen Livne. He started his musical way in the project - Diabolo together with Benni Reisher (now on Basic) and then after started a solo project which made him the legend he is now - Cosma.

Through his debut album Simplicity which came out in 2001 at BNE rec he focused a lot of attention towards his interesting and original creation. 2 years after while the album is ready and set to go at Hommega rec he was killed in a motorbike accident in India. A few months later came his 2nd album Non Stop which became a land mark in the global trance scene with a hypnotizing atmospheric sound that magnets every ear that come across it.

Towards a party for 6 years without Cosma we invite Benni Reisher to talk about his encounter with him and the music they made as Diabolo & the party he is organizing a day after 26/3 which all the benefits will be donated to kids who have financial difficulties for them to study music @ BPM music school.
We will also talk with Eyal Yankovitz the founder and owner of Hommega to talk about his experience with Avihen.

Hafirot remembers Cosma this Wednesday 25/6
13.00 PM Israel Time
106FM Tel Aviv
Kol Hakampus

listen also on:
TV: Yes radio channel 71
Hot channel 321
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"HAFIROT" 106fm (TLV) wednesday's @ 13:00
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Remembering COSMA on HAFIROT 106fm (TLV) Wednesday 25/3 @ 13:00
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