Mighty-Quinn Rec
Mighty Quinn Rec
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Posted : May 19, 2013 10:05
Dont Miss out! Also if anyone is interested in Mighty Quinn full power experience, and since RED is one of the top Mighty Quinn Records Producer, with his first album released in 2010, as well as his first ever release in 2006; for those who are interested to preview and purchase his album...go here----->
So if there is an organizers in Mexico who want to do this label night experiment and experience you can write to : mightyquinnrec@gmail.com
write to RED to email he provided above.
One benefit is that I will be moving to Cali, this summer so ITS VERY NEAR to you amigos!!!
Exellente and hope to meet a good org.
V/A "Eye of the Beholder" - Out Now!
V/A "Back to the Mothership" - Out Now! |