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real animals on the dancefloor

Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : May 21, 2010 20:20

Thats super .. Bring some nature to the nature .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2010 21:02
@ Orb last year I remember watching someone play fetch with a dog- throwing a stick into a lake and the dog would swim out, grab it and bring it back. Then another dog got involved too- it was hilarious. All while Hallucinogen was bringing on the morning. Twas a pretty awesome experience. - Midwest based psytrance group
Fat Data

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Posts :  3918
Posted : May 21, 2010 22:10
i think animals would appreciate our sonic quality alot more...
we really make great sounds out of the hearing capabilities of the ordinary human... 
Inactive User

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Posted : May 21, 2010 22:29
some people I see look and behave like animals on the dancefloor. Especially with those eye rolling ecstasy eyes ..oh boy.

Iv seen a dude once in the washroom with his head inside the URINOL! licking the water dripping inside of it. This was years ago in a venue on a beach where a goa party was taking place. When I approached him and asked if he realized what he was doing he turned and looked at me with the most screwed up face mumbling something out of his mouth....I tell you that scene fucked me up for the rest of my life because I was trippin on acid as well. You guys remember that washroom trauma scene from the movie Loathing in Los vegas....same shit!!

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Posted : May 22, 2010 07:11
naaa no barebeque - i wud dance,talk,mingle....i mean commmon!!!! partys on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 07:24
I noticed often deep conversations between people and their dogs.Has someone expirienced such telepathic discussion with a dog ?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  213
Posted : May 22, 2010 11:08
deep conversations between ppl & animals....its magical
only time i had it was with ma dog....
telepathy - can some1 teach me this..seriously

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : May 22, 2010 12:34

On 2010-05-22 11:08, suhmus wrote:
telepathy - can some1 teach me this..seriously

Quieten your mind grasshopper...
Once you can silence your internal dialogue for long enough, the next lesson will become self-evident.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 18:39
What about this lil guy, found yesterday in Canada? He would tear up some dark floors for sure..

Inactive User

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Posted : May 22, 2010 20:25

On 2010-05-22 11:08, suhmus wrote:
deep conversations between ppl & animals....its magical
only time i had it was with ma dog....
telepathy - can some1 teach me this..seriously

first listen to TranceVisuals a lil bit and try to care more for your enviroment (people, animals, nature,everything that surrounds you basicaly) and on what's going on between you and all this, identicaly, all the time.
after that you'll understand maybe, that other people's thoughts can meet yours and you're finding that out, at the time you discuss it. simple example of this, are those times that we think of someone and he calls right after, but there is much much more than this..
anyway, this is nothing that can be mesured or prooved in some way, at least right now
Inactive User

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Posted : May 22, 2010 21:26
"simple example of this, are those times that we think of someone and he calls right after"

Happened to me the other day. I found my friends old email and I haven't spoken or heard from him in at least 3 years. So i wondered how is was and wrote him an email and soon after he replied telling me that the email address I wrote to was really old and not used or checked by him in a really long time but he just had an impulsive thought to check that email on that day....coincidence ?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 22, 2010 21:57
some telepathy can be as loud as if you would just talk as usual,without opening the mouth of course - no sense to make even this effort to speak physicaly ..And very dynamic can it be.
You hear it loud and clear.And from the others atleast around you too.
Then of course all what TranceVisuals & John Taramas already mentioned.

Inactive User

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  395
Posted : May 23, 2010 00:57

On 2010-05-22 18:39, kazuku wrote:
What about this lil guy, found yesterday in Canada? He would tear up some dark floors for sure..

That is really weird but it seems to me it could just be a decomposed otter, especially if it was in the water it would do that kind of coloration to the skin an eyes

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