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Read this... Some thoughts on our genre by random music peepz..!!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 22, 2010 21:33
might be that I misunderstood sth.However hard time ?,I'm quite eazy espescialy this times ehehe e
no ego eh.peacej

ps but I must confessed I share a bit or understand the view with punk tantrik from own expiriences.You even dont come in at some events if you are not dressed like wished and shit like this.Not mine


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Posted : Jan 22, 2010 22:14
Some artists has expressed an ideal of open community in which everyone would be welcome. But people are just people and most of them have their prejudices.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 08:54

On 2010-01-22 11:05, punk tantrik wrote:
different options!! different minds !! Different Genres of Electronic DANCE MUSIC !!

as far as my experience goes ..i have seen more shiny happy souls dancing and laughing at PSY TRANCE parties than any where else... no one is bothered bout who you are ..what you do..which country you from ...what religion you follow !!! they all dance together with out any borders and boundaries !!

where as in HOUSE ..techno parties ppl are bothered bout who u are ..what u do u r dressed ..who u with ...where u sitting/stnading..VIP area...LOUnGE ..who u no..who u don`t know..all the stuff tht basically has nothing to do with music or dance!!

You might call it a biased elitist view but its not its just general opinion we have noticed atleast here in india maybe not everywhere in the world.

Psy parties are more about trance dance, connection and vibe more. Atleast in india most psy partes are organized by village folk with local traditional food so they also make a buck in the process and travelers get a true feel of the culture and place.In psy parties you will also see the villagers coming and shaking a leg looking at the vibe on the floor they stop feeling out of place.

In my opinion there are many clear cut difference.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 15:37
I still call it an elitist biased view which I have seen for years in this scene. 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Jan 23, 2010 16:53

On 2010-01-23 08:54, psy-junky wrote:
Atleast in india most psy partes are organized by village folk with local traditional food so they also make a buck in the process and travelers get a true feel of the culture and place.

Yes, because psytrance parties have been a part of the true culture of India since the Vedas were written, and anyone saying they are just another example of Western cultural imperialism is way off the mark.

Ganja was legal in India until the rest of the world got involved. Nice one whitey.
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