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Read this... Some thoughts on our genre by random music peepz..!!


Started Topics :  140
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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 22:02:54
Ok.. I'm not sure, if this is against the rules of Isra, but just stumbled upon this.. and was quite interesting to see views of other people, who arent really associated with our genre, and those who were once and not so now...

Here we go...

P.S.... If this is going to turn into some sort of bashing, Im not responsible!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 22:07
The people that wrote more than 3 words generally had something interesting to say.

I like the person who said the people are amazing and if they could stand the music, they'd go to more parties .  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 22:46
yeah well psytrance dont have the best reputation, Lots of snobs disrespect psy! and they got their silly explanations that arent true at all, but they like minimal electro/techno..(i think their brains cant perceive more sounds lol)

Each to their own i listen to all kinds of music!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 22:48
As much as I dislike the (insert genre here) snob type of person, the psytrance community has its fair share of haters too. Hell we even have haters that hate on subgenres of psy. I don't think it's that hard to simply describe what you dislike about a genre rather than just saying it sucks.

I guess I'm just a hater hater  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Jan 8, 2010 23:30
The ones who like psy the most are those who listen it^^
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 00:05
Sounds like what most people I know think about the music and scene.

I know my girl doesn't mind some of the more commercial house/electro stuff as well as some of the more commercial sounding chillout, including in this is some of the more recent Ultimae release.

I know my tastes have changed heaps, even in the last 6 months... for years had been a big followerof the "dark" sound, but I guess as I'm enjoying a more positive outlook in life i general I\m listening a bit more to the harder full on S.A style, but more even chillout/prog/electro/techtrance (which can also be a bit dark).

I like the diversity in the scene but I"m no longer a big party goer at all, not one gig in 2009, and think that now if I could just go to the Boom festival once would be happy... even buying my music has dropped big timeand I'm listening now more to commercial techno/electronica than psytrance related stuff.

I think this scene is a very fun way to discover both electronic music and also the use of certain substances, but after a while it become just more of the same, and people wander off to find new sounds in other scenes.

I also find it funny for a scene that says it struggles so much many people on that forum say the prices of going to a gig is super high compared to standard electronic music clubs
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 00:32
every forum and every website has their own people
we all know that psytrance used to be underground music... even now that the names that before were making good music now gone commercial... they talk about shit acts.....

sorry that i should say that its cheap genre and its true that alot of artists are experimenting with other genres ... but i believe that we have artists in our community that can present this genre better than other ravish,empty and commercial music

noob people from noob forum

respect to all psy fellas           Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 06:16
heavy Id say popcorn time while reading haha nice one

..'head wrecking'
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 06:32
Maybe Psytrance scene doesnt have as many brilliant producers as techno scene has now, but with the example of extrawelt and minilogue is obvious that there is quality.

And then Psy Scene has Simon Posford who is the best electronic music producer, and that is a FACT my friends.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 07:05
Gotta agree psytrance isnt for everyone beauty lies in the eye of the beholder it same with psytrance.

I always hated commercial house minimal techno since to me they just sound like electronic beats especially cos theyre slow whereas psytrance to me sounds like an actual song with a story telling feature. After a house set my reaction would be oh ok that was a dancey set but with a psytrance set my reaction would be wow that took me places in my mind i knew never existed now thats cutting edge music.

And psytrance is not only a music its more of a culture when coupled with entire set and setting in the middle of nature with proper psychedelic deco, it is at a way higher level of presentation as compared to a rave with everybody holding glowsticks and lasers piercing your eyes.

Night psy triggers every emotion in the brain like scary, spooky, wierd, angry and happy all in one good dj set. Whereas to the commercial electronic music crowd that seems to be a negative thing they want to be in the happy/bouncy emotion 24/7. Psytrance is more true to the soul it shows all the emotions the balance of life the positive and the negative.

Then the whole concept of playing night psy in the night and transitioning to the most dreamy morning with a powerful morning set is a magical journey that the mainstream electronic scene cant imitate and frankly many are mentally too weak to handle all the emotions involved in the whole journey.
          "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
Cosmic Tandav

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 10:16

On 2010-01-09 07:05, psy-junky wrote:
Gotta agree psytrance isnt for everyone beauty lies in the eye of the beholder it same with psytrance.

I always hated commercial house minimal techno since to me they just sound like electronic beats especially cos theyre slow whereas psytrance to me sounds like an actual song with a story telling feature. After a house set my reaction would be oh ok that was a dancey set but with a psytrance set my reaction would be wow that took me places in my mind i knew never existed now thats cutting edge music.

And psytrance is not only a music its more of a culture when coupled with entire set and setting in the middle of nature with proper psychedelic deco, it is at a way higher level of presentation as compared to a rave with everybody holding glowsticks and lasers piercing your eyes.

Night psy triggers every emotion in the brain like scary, spooky, wierd, angry and happy all in one good dj set. Whereas to the commercial electronic music crowd that seems to be a negative thing they want to be in the happy/bouncy emotion 24/7. Psytrance is more true to the soul it shows all the emotions the balance of life the positive and the negative.

Then the whole concept of playing night psy in the night and transitioning to the most dreamy morning with a powerful morning set is a magical journey that the mainstream electronic scene cant imitate and frankly many are mentally too weak to handle all the emotions involved in the whole journey.

very well described... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 11:31
Atleast to me i see some clear cut differences between psy scene and house scene.

Drugs: As far as ive noticed the house music scene will have a lot of cocaine and ecstasy whereas the true psy scene its mostly LSD or other deeper psychedelics.

Look up erowid addictive potential for cocaine and E is very high whereas LSD its a recreational 90% people who try it take a break after an lsd experience to contemplate all that theyve seen during their trip. All of us know the comedown of acid is no where as bad as coke/E. I also believe E and Cocaine are ego centric drugs whereas LSD dissolves the ego. On LSD you connect with nature and each other without all the jaw grinding or twitching.

Ive any day seen more fights in a house party/rave as compared to a psy party. Is it the substances or the music this is the way it is at the end of the day.

The ideal story of house music crowd goes like ' oh i went to this dj's after party and we did a lot of blow off these strippers thighs and tits it was awesome'

The ideal story of a psytrancer goes like 'man there was a psy fest and after that we went to this awesome village tucked away in the mountains where the village folk gave us food and shelter, booming chillums no questions asked, they treated us like family '

Psy trance locations are always an adventure in itself. Even before the music starts people are awe struck by the amazing nature that surrounds them once they reach the venue.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and i hope i am not offending anyone. Im open to criticisms though.
          "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : Jan 9, 2010 11:56

On 2010-01-09 11:31, psy-junky wrote:
Atleast to me i see some clear cut differences between psy scene and house scene.

Drugs: As far as ive noticed the house music scene will have a lot of cocaine and ecstasy whereas the true psy scene its mostly LSD or other deeper psychedelics.

Look up erowid addictive potential for cocaine and E is very high whereas LSD its a recreational 90% people who try it take a break after an lsd experience to contemplate all that theyve seen during their trip. All of us know the comedown of acid is no where as bad as coke/E. I also believe E and Cocaine are ego centric drugs whereas LSD dissolves the ego. On LSD you connect with nature and each other without all the jaw grinding or twitching.

Ive any day seen more fights in a house party/rave as compared to a psy party. Is it the substances or the music this is the way it is at the end of the day.

The ideal story of house music crowd goes like ' oh i went to this dj's after party and we did a lot of blow off these strippers thighs and tits it was awesome'

The ideal story of a psytrancer goes like 'man there was a psy fest and after that we went to this awesome village tucked away in the mountains where the village folk gave us food and shelter, booming chillums no questions asked, they treated us like family '

Psy trance locations are always an adventure in itself. Even before the music starts people are awe struck by the amazing nature that surrounds them once they reach the venue.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and i hope i am not offending anyone. Im open to criticisms though.

I think in each genre there is music as you described stuff that is full emotions and stories, is not a monopoly of psytrance

And as in the house of techno scene there is commercial trash there is also in psytrance.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Ankur / Virgin Suicide

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  599
Posted : Jan 9, 2010 17:28

On 2010-01-09 06:32, Login wrote:

And then Psy Scene has Simon Posford who is the best electronic music producer, and that is a FACT my friends.

thats such a ignorant and retarded statement... taste can´t be a fact..
and if you talk about technical aspects then there is a artists like venetian snares, squerpusher, tipper, richard divine and endless more who you should maybe give a listen to before blowing such a bunch of hot smoke...
simon posford is for sure good and is great what he did for THIS scene, but then again, thats not all what electronic music is about..

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  165
Posted : Jan 9, 2010 20:04

On 2010-01-09 17:28, Ankur wrote:

On 2010-01-09 06:32, Login wrote:

And then Psy Scene has Simon Posford who is the best electronic music producer, and that is a FACT my friends.

thats such a ignorant and retarded statement... taste can´t be a fact..
and if you talk about technical aspects then there is a artists like venetian snares, squerpusher, tipper, richard divine and endless more who you should maybe give a listen to before blowing such a bunch of hot smoke...
simon posford is for sure good and is great what he did for THIS scene, but then again, thats not all what electronic music is about..

+1 there are many many ³ great producers not only Simon Posford .
Even though I like Login statements so no worries please.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Read this... Some thoughts on our genre by random music peepz..!!

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