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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Rate the producer
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Rate the producer


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Apr 9, 2008 23:22:23
Hello community

This thread is to rate the producer from 0 to 10

please rate your favorite or least favorite producer here

Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc)
Sound system
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc)
Vibe of the party.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Apr 10, 2008 07:53
Delira (RIP)

Organization -10
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) -10
Deco - 10
Sound system - 9
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 9
Security -10
Vibe of the party - 1000000000

Sounds of earth

Organization - 10
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 9
Deco - 10
Sound system - 10
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 9
Security - 10
Vibe of the party - 10

The only thing to complain at radiance was that it finished early, 5 oclock would be nice for next one.


Organization - 8
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 4
Deco - 5 (at least in the parties i assisted)
Sound system - 10
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 8
Security - 7
Vibe of the party - 8


Organization - 8
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 0
Deco - 0
Sound system - 9
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 5
Security - 6
Vibe of the party - 5


Organization - 8
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 0
Deco - 7, only in the stage
Sound system - 10
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 7
Security - 9
Vibe of the party - 7


Organization - 8
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 6
Deco - 4
Sound system - 8
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 8
Security - 9
Vibe of the party - 7


Organization - 6
Neatness (Amount of trash bags, lack of garbage in the dancefloor, etc) - 6
Deco - 0
Sound system - 8
Services (bathrooms, parking, ambulance, etc) - 8
Security - 7
Vibe of the party - 6

I have never gone to a cygnuss party, I know they dont cheat with line ups but they parties are just comercial events lacking any spirit.

I havent gone to any massive trance party also, but I know from freinds they have very good parties and very bad ones, sometimes complete line up other incomplete, then sometimes excellent deco other not they are very irregular.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Apr 10, 2008 08:20
more than i expected..thanks           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  50
Posted : Jul 22, 2008 06:19
unfortanly theres always garbage
trance it
fractal sound

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  54
Posted : Jul 22, 2008 22:01
Massive Trance

Organization - 8

Neatness - 1

Deco - 9

Sound system - 10

Services - 7

Security - 3

Vibe of the party - 6


Organization - 8

Neatness - 1

Deco - 8

Sound system - 8

Services - 6

Security - 4

Vibe of the party - 8


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  4
Posted : Jul 24, 2008 09:00
No Name
Organization 8
Neatness 0
Deco 10
Services 10 (they gave frut on the morning for everyone, also salt and lemon for the beer)
Security 10
Vibe of party 10

Quality Reality
Organization 9
Neatness 0
Services 10
Security 10
Vibe of party 10

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  4
Posted : Jul 24, 2008 09:01
No Name
Organization 8
Neatness 0
Deco 10
Sound System 8
Services 10 (they gave frut on the morning for everyone, also salt and lemon for the beer)
Security 10
Vibe of party 10

Quality Reality
Organization 9
Neatness 0
Sound System 7
Deco 8
Services 10
Security 10
Vibe of party 10
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Rate the producer
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