Rate/Criticize my track please
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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 04:39:06
Dear all,
Producing for me gets more and more professional (as I think^^). Anyway, as I'm still a beginner, I'd really like to know what you think of my latest creation. It would please me if you could tell me if you like it or not and what I might change so it would sound even better. I think something's still missing but maybe that's what mastering will bring. I wanna go with a little darker sound in the future but for my first track it's quite cool. I already have two/three things in mind which I'm going to change to make it sound more clear at special places within the track. But all in all it's close to be ready to be mastered I think.
And finally, here's the track:
thank you so much for your help! very appreciated!
Rgds Oli |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 4, 2014 05:11
check out the worskhop section there will be more resonance on producing feedbacks.
sound is very basic now, ideas good.
not mastering is the deal. its all about the mix. your music sounds like there is almost no compression and equalization.
that being said, its very well made for beginner stuff. a bit long and static but that comes with experience. the more you focus on the basic technics to create a beat, the more you will find the driving sound.
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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 09:34
Thank you so much for coming back to me
Read alot about compression now and will try to follow the one very detailed walkthrough. Do i use compression on each track (or groups of tracks)? Or would you recommend to use it mainly on basses? I read a lot of different approaches. One recommends to not use compression at all if the result can be achieved by other ways and another uses it nearly on each track. The walkthrough is for compressing the bass but i guess i can adapt it to other instruments as well? Thanks again |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 11:28
well something basic is to know that music we make is produced on the limit. because we dont want dynamic range. we want to be on the limit.
compressor / limiters can be used to set each instrument on limit. or compressing them together to give a glue. or drumgroups. no rules. just what sounds good. every sound /instrument has its own settings that will fit. you have to play with these till you understand them. there are no basic rules. even every compressor sounds diffrent so you have to chose one you like.
well its curious black magic that happens in Compressors.... welcome to the other side
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 5, 2014 12:38