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R.I.P. Carlos from Sharigrama


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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:44

Server Pimp

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Posts :  139
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:46
unbelievable! truly sad and shocking... and to say that two weeks ago we were playing at the same party... he seemed like a very nice guy, always polite...

this is very strange...

what can i say... rest in peace

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  81
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:51
Very bad news indeed.Rest in Peace Chak U FRIEND PSYPROYECT ,lo sentimos de corazon familia psyclon tienen el apoyo de la familia hypnosis music :'(
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:53
Very bad news indeed .Rest in Peace Chak ur friend Psyproyect , i sorry family psyclon ur friends hypnosis music aqui estamos para lo que necesiten

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Posts :  80
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:54
I would like to be at the party they were going to play and i'm sure all the community in Mexico want to be there too so to all of the people who's going please DON'T STOP TO DANCE ALL NIGHT!!!!!

(R.I.P. Carlos)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:55

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Posts :  448
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:55
oh may god wtf why is that shit hapening this so sadd.. Rest In peace my brother..!           PsyTrance The sound track of our life... (electro/minimal)

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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 02:59
rest in peace my friend!!!!. im shure all mexico is whith sharigrama now.

          Paranofilium (GenomaSeven Rekords)

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Posts :  2
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 03:18
Damn... we all are shocked. I cannot believe it. Rest In Peace. From PsyMx and from all mexican PsyBand. I really cannot believe it!!! the "Chavo del 8" track was the very first song I identified when I started raving and the very first mexican Live Act I knew... I listened that song when I was noticed and damn I swear I almost cried...

Rest In Peace

*Gina Halliwell*
& PsyMx Staff

PS sorry I don't know how to disable my damn signature... it seems to be a bad joke, I apologize
          **If you're not dancing, then you're dead**
=Marilyn Manson, Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2004 04:04
God, my friend did his last trip! why come on! just seem the timothy leary's last trip, its fucking hard to say bye to a friend, man u know u do the big step into the bigger and deep trip, so cya there! big hugs in the sky! shocked, big hugs for psyclon family, and no words, SHOCKED
Shove/Teen Sluts

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Posts :  167
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 04:24
Im very shocked about this news!!! all my heart and support to his family and friends.... SHARIGRAMA ALWAYS LIVE!!!
my friend where ever you are...... thanx for everything!!!!!

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Posts :  8
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 04:24
This is a very sad news, I hope he rest in peace


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  171
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 04:44
good bye our dear ingeniero changoleon

i want to thank all the people who has been worried about this terrible thing from the psyclon records family, all our events, releases and every day work are dedicated to carlos from the deepest of our hearts

you will be always in our toughts chak....

the psyclon records crew

Ká. 3õ

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  62
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 04:52
Brazil is really sad that this happened....
I really wish all the best for his partner and his family , friends......
We will miss him so much.....
He will be in ours hearts forever .....
Rest in peace angel!
Good bless you!

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Posts :  1
Posted : Jun 27, 2004 05:11
Terrible news...I can´t belive this. He was a great musician, very nice guy and good friend. I´ll send my love and heart to his family in this moment. My condolences for his family and Psyclon Crew.

Lamentable hecho...Le mando mis más sinceras condolencias a su familia, una excelente persona y un gran músico. Animo Psyclon crew.

Sharigrama........He´s alive!!!!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - R.I.P. Carlos from Sharigrama
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