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Questions & Answers

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  3207
Posted : Jul 29, 2015 21:16:30
after quite a break from doing own music I'm at a finish stage of an own psytrance track that I'm satisfied with the compositon. But I'm getting mad on my mix and suffer at my mix as usual.
I'll have lots of uncertainies. I use the chance and throw litte rookie questions and hope to get quality expirieced answers
.. first hardcore questions :

do you use reverb on the hi hats ? not too little? Do you use dedicated sends for it? Sidechain them? Do you try to make hats picture kind of a bit high and from like coming from behind ? Just a lowcut at like atleast 450 HZ with a slope of atleast 24db/octave or a dip somewhere above 2 khz as well? Is it centered or do you pan your hats somewhere in outcide of the centrum of the picture? Do you nail really each single channel with dips/cuts to polish it? .. and balanced the dips with ups somwhwere else fcourse where it does make sense.
I'd be glad to get some answers. Cheers

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 4, 2015 00:07
I do nail every single channel with dips and cuts, yes. But try and not go overboard with it, it's best when you can only spot the intervention when you A/B (on/bypass) it. For that, I'd be using the usual: raise a very narrow bell curve, scan the spectrum and when you hit a really nasty sounding frequency, you know it needs some taming.

It's also useful to keep in mind the whole picture. Like, if the spectrum was a container, there's only so much you can fit inside it. A spectrogram helps for this.

The HiHats, they're usually some -10dBFS bellow the Kick's level. Normal, due to our different sensitivity for different frequencies - higher always sounds louder.

I use reverb on it, can be anything from real short, just to make it a little softer on the ears and blend better with the rest; or adding some dedicated reverb tail to it can work to, really depends. Many times this reverb can be specific for the hihat, taking care not to make the mix sound like it's coming from many different and incompatible spaces. Same goes with the snare or claps: many times a specific one will work best. In Cubase you can use the range tool to create the space for it, then process a plug-in on it and you're done...

Also use the sends for a more generic sense of ambience, so to speak. Using values that have some musical meaning, or close, can be a good pointer. I always treat those channels as any other channel. Needs a lot of compression, so as to get a steady volume, and needs EQ as well, not to muddy up spaces of the mix. Like, it needs to be there, but controlled. Reverb is the kind of thing that without, it all sounds sterile and dull, to much and it sounds washy and muddy. A little can go a long way, if it's mixed right I think.

That's bout it! Cheerios
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Aug 15, 2015 19:41
thank you for feedback my friend. too bad for me, still cannot start cubase bought a brand new pc only for cubase, new cubase and some fucking trojan has made mad fiasco. I will never ever buy any pc anymore in my whole life that for sure. Would so damn love to make now music. Frustrating. Cheers! 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  981
Posted : Aug 26, 2015 14:13
Hello mate. do you want to post a short sample and I'd be happy to give some ideas, feedback and point out some of the more obvious changes I'd recommend.           -------------- Studio Engineer --------------
Brighton, UK.
Head Engineer and Co-Owner Gold Leaf Studio
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  112
Posts :  288
Posted : Aug 26, 2015 22:14
put the snare in stereo add some noise to the top, the open hats use two samples both to the sides R/L ...
percusion to the R around to 35 of pan...
for the synths use stereo expander,binaural, panning...           d(((+_-)))b
"Washuma" means Mescaline
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 27, 2016 16:35
oh pity I have not seen that later answers.. Tomos are you still active on the forum? I'd like to know your opinion.

-- Part 2 of my funny questions. After a few years of producing psytrance I am still not sure of the pan of hi hats
Do you guys have them Hi Hats in Center? It seems logical in psytrance genre, but also quite "unexpirienced" when you look at it from an audio engineer perspective that records real drums.

When you record drums, you than after the recordings pan the single mics from the single instruments the same like the drums in reality - only anticlockwise. That apart of the kick drum mics nothing else is in the center. 

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  84
Posted : Mar 31, 2016 20:44
You shouldn't worry too much about how things are done when recording and mixing an acoustic drumkit.
With psytrance, you generelly don't want/need it to be realistic, in fact you aim more for a unrealistic/trippy kind of mix.
That gives you more freedom how to do things, so the good old advice "what sounds good is good" applies once more

With panning and mixing drums in psytrance, you first have to think about how important an element is in the mix and go from there.

If the open hat is really important for the drive and you want it to be an element, that is recognized immediately when hearing your track, make it louder, pan to center and don't cut too much of the deep freqs (this is only an example of course). Otherwise, make hard cuts with EQ and pan it where there is space in the mix.

But it's really hard to give advice without something to listen to actually
Maybe post a track where you are not satisfied with your drums and I think you will get more answers...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Apr 5, 2016 00:16
Thanks for the input Brain_Train. Here is a link to my most problematic draft, I almost hate it but would like to finish it

It's still in the making process. Its just the middle part.
Actually there is even no open hi hat so far but some hihats and percussions and some kind of a snare. That's one of my many works I think I damaged by too many unnecesseary layers and to less subtlen sounds in between at the same time.
I think of deleting a lot to replace it with something else. Also I think that the k&b combo is here a downer, I guess its better to change it. What do you think?


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Apr 5, 2016 21:33

On 2016-04-05 00:16, TimeTraveller wrote:
What do you think?

Your link points to your file in dropbox but it's not a public link.. (try accessing it in incognito so you are not logged in your dropbox account)

Could you fix the link?           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Apr 5, 2016 21:48
ohh thanks for pointing out knocz.. Actually this draft is extremly crappy, probably my worse attempt of all I still have but I'd be more than glad to listen to some honest critics about all possible and maybe even some advice on how to improve. Hard critics are very welcome. I gonna fix it soon.

Hope this gonna work. Ohterwise I need to upload this somewhere else.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Questions & Answers
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