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Puff Dragon - "Sazanami" [Dakini Records] 2005 - Reviews

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2005 23:59

After savoring Puff Dragon’s “Sazanami” CD several dozen times, I’m relieved that I don’t produce downtempo beats myself. I feel compassion for lesser artists who must compare their own work to this masterpiece, and know that they will never be able to measure up. The highly anticipated debut album from Tokyo-based Welsh sound engineer, Steve Good, is more than just classy electronic music - it’s high art. “Sazanami”, which means ‘ripple’ in Japanese, is a gorgeous reference set of psychedelic lounge grooves. Harmonies shimmer like quicksilver and then sublimate. Soft puffy synth lines swirl and billow, like incense smoke in bright sunlight. The musical embroidery is like a fine silk kimono, and the production is as sharp and polished as the blade of antique katana sword. It’s obvious that this music has been painstakingly re-forged and pounded into perfection several thousand times or more. There’s not a mediocre track, voice or even moment on the whole thing. “Sazanami” is accessible, easy to soak in, and a strong contender for the best Dakini release to date. 10/10, A+++.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2005 08:07
oh wow
gotta get me a copy           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : Nov 24, 2005 09:21
Chinese Radio is killargh (hehe), I must say. Looking forward to getting my hands on this.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 24, 2005 20:36
This one a real gem, and easy to enjoy for dozens on times on repeat. I play it in the retail shop where I am working for the holidays - and it totally hypnotizes the customers. They ask "What is this MUSIC ?!?!?".

Fragletrollet - if you liked the Chinese Radio on Farenheit Project 4, the new version is beyond improved, it's totally INSANE! Sharp exotic strings, and and wicked swoshing and slashing sounds that will cut you to shreds - like a Ninja.

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Posted : Nov 24, 2005 23:39
I'm surprised... judging from the samples i have heard, this may be better than the new makyo album? Could anyone who's heard both in their entirety justify that?

that track Qi Gong - wow.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  61
Posts :  749
Posted : Nov 25, 2005 03:24

1. Sazanami
2. Qi Gong
3. Chinese Radio (Bejing Taxi version)
4. Marine Drive
5. Spacefunk
6. Skin As Soft (Soft As Silk remix)
7. Lava
8. Shimmer (Liquid Lounge version)


The digipack design is top-notch. I'm sure this will one day be a collectors item, so I'm keeping mine wrapped in a plastic sleeve.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 25, 2005 19:14
I thought that Spacefunk seems like it was highly inspired by Bluetech, one sound in particular, for sure.

Picked this up, becuase I've been a fan of Puff Dragon since I first heard Chinese Radio, but I'm a little dissappointed that Lava doesn't have some form of remix going on.

Gorgeous work.


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Posts :  14
Posted : Dec 7, 2005 16:41
Steve previewed his album to me in September and I was blown away. Literally speachless at moments. I am so happy it is now out so I can get my hands on it!

Congratulations on an amazing album!!

Now off to saikosounds.

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Posts :  99
Posted : Dec 8, 2005 10:20
Really gorgeous album, pure listening pleasure every single moment it's playing. Very good for energy-work practise also (as the track Qi Gong would hint towards). Nice to hear that Brett has a chance to play it in a store to random customers who get excited.

I ordered this at the same time as the new Makyo and both are just wonderful, but could not be compared to each other ever. For me, Makyo is more about dancing, in a smooth, flowing, energy-conserving way, some shaking now and then and back to the peaceful hypnotic flow. I love both albums very much, and cover art as always with Dakini is very eye-pleasing and reflects the music very well.

With the music output in overall getting just harder and harder, this kind of releases will get more attention in the future just to balance things out.

Respect! and love 

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Posts :  73
Posted : Dec 9, 2005 00:42

One of the bets release of the year !!!!
Thanks for this nice journey, Puff dragon ROCK
Keep on going
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2005 03:27
For those of you on the left coast, we are organizing a Puff Dragon / Double Dragon mini-tour for the spring!           Saturnia
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 14, 2005 03:29

On 2005-12-14 03:27, Saturnia wrote:
For those of you on the left coast, we are organizing a Puff Dragon / Double Dragon mini-tour for the spring!

i hope you are looking at the map upside down           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 16, 2005 17:32

On 2005-12-14 03:27, Saturnia wrote:
For those of you on the left coast, we are organizing a Puff Dragon / Double Dragon mini-tour for the spring!

Hope it happens... looking foward to chilling out at the ranch again.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  599
Posted : Dec 17, 2005 18:05

I really want to get this, but it looks as though I've missed the saikosounds boat Hopefully they'll restock soon, as none of the U.K distributers have this yet. Can't wait !            - - It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice... - -

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Posts :  12
Posted : Dec 18, 2005 02:20

On 2005-12-17 18:05, intrees wrote:
I really want to get this, but it looks as though I've missed the saikosounds boat Hopefully they'll restock soon, as none of the U.K distributers have this yet. Can't wait !

In the UK, IDSpiral's web shop have recent items of Dakini.
Please check


On 2005-12-14 03:27, Saturnia wrote:
For those of you on the left coast, we are organizing a Puff Dragon / Double Dragon mini-tour for the spring!

Sounds nice! Puff Dragon's live set is sonic bliss and always full of surprise.
At an ambient party in 2004, 'Chinese Radio' was grown up 15min over
by the feedback from that night's atmosphere.

Steve made web site by himself.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Ambient & Chill Out - Puff Dragon - "Sazanami" [Dakini Records] 2005 - Reviews

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