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psytrance in the Sinai?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2008 07:42:55
I am curious given the Hippie history of Dahab (and now Ras as-Satan) why there aren't any psytrance parties in the Sinai. It seems like the perfect location, virgin beaches, stary skies. Moreover if there were parties in the Sinai Egytpian Ravers and Jordanians would show up too.
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2008 12:46
We can also invite some terrorist and then we will really have a blast !!!!
Now to be serious …there were many attempts in the pass some were good some less but it never did work and become a steady thing .
There were always problems with the local police not to say financially problems with equipment and supply of the drugs.
Maybe one day it will work out ,Einsahla!!!!!

All the best
Acid Abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2008 15:44
Problems with the supply of drugs in the Sinai??LOL That's a good joke no?

I used to live in Cairo so the lack of psytrance in the Sinai always kind of surprised me. I think this could be done very easily if there was a cooperation between Israeli and Egyptian organizers (believe me there are a shitload of raves in Egypt, just not much of a psy scene). You could have the Egyptian crews providing sound, deco, local arrangements and understanding with the police (you really only need to bribe them with hash) and the Israeli crews bringing in DJs and both sides doing promotions. It seems the biggest challenge if you were doing a festival would be making camping gear available to those without any.

The location seems the biggest advantage as Egyptian ravers would go (and being in the Sinai you wouldn't get any bee2a people---Egyptian answer to arsim), Israelis would go because you don't need a visa east of the canal. Jordanians would go (hydrofoils run between 3aqaba & Nuweiba). If you make it big enough you'd get Russians (they now even have direct flights to Hurghada from Moscow) and Lebanese as well.
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 30, 2008 21:11
I just think that its not a good time now for the Israeli crowed to many Bomb and kidnapping threats..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2008 09:32
corect me if i'm wrong but i remember a production in sinay made by izik & david (domo records) few years ago,
this party was real or its only my imagination?...


like acid abe said, its not a good time now for this kind of event

maybe in the future...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2008 17:24
I would love to know more about that party done by domo records.
At any rate I would beg to differ about the security situation of a psytrance event in the Sinai.
Firstly kidnappings are unheard of in Egypt. Secondly in the rare event of a bombing, it's usually against an established tourist destination and takes a lot of advanced planning, planning longer than it would take to make a party in a below-the-radar location. Thirdly Egypt has even more incentive to protect Israelis in the Sinai than Israel because a. unlike Israel Egypt doesn't use terrorism as a pretext for military operation or territorial expansion (Mubarak's regime has proved talented enough at fabricating evidence against the Islamic Brotherhood)b. The local economy of the Sinai is completely dependent on tourism.
Security is pretty tight in Egypt where everyone must pass through road checkpoints between each governate and all public offices and hotels usually have a metal-detector and a bag search. Moreover Egypt is a country with one of the highest military-to-civilian ratios in the world, with secret police and mu5abarat everywhere.
I'm not saying this naively, I had a shitload of friends in Dahab in April 2006 when there was the bombing and it is very real and very scary. But incidents in the Sinai remain rare, and I think the government has made a lot of improvements in the last 2 years, which praised be to God, have gone without incident.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2008 18:13
found it, and its not domo party, its a difrent producion

the promotion:

the reviews:

as you can see this one got canceld

and another one that i found:

also got canceld in the last moment

i guess its more hard then it looks to make a party there...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2008 18:28
and also this topic:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2008 19:02
Thanx for some those links. The one about the scene in Egypt is especially old and pretty clueless about what's going on in Egypt in general. It seems that the biggest mistake made with the other events was not working together with Egyptian crews and trying to bring in equipment from Eilat instead of using equipment already in Egypt.

This is my fantasy, to throw a psytrance festival in the Sinai.
No doubt there would be many organizational obstacles (proper equipment, desert licensing, making sure you sell enough water, campsite rentals, security) but also a lot of opportunity.
Egyptians love raves, beaches, partying outside, and psychoactive drugs--and the upper class can pretty much get away with anything. Moreover Egyptians are used to traveling far for a good party (Sinai in the winter, 3Agamy/Marina Beach in the summer), esp. since gas is cheap and subsidized and buses & minivans go everywhere (even at 4am). So far the tastes there are more electro/progressive but then again there's been minimal exposure to psytrance. (Although there's a pretty big Norwegian expat community in Cairo that knows about forest parties and they might show up---don't ask me how they all ended up in Egypt). Best avenue for musical exposure is to get a good promo-mix played on the Hot Mix (NileFM 104.2--thursday evenings and available online if you're interested). Guest star DJs frequently do this before a rave and they usually get Beano's Cafe or something to sell tix under the table.
Israelis and Egyptians actually both have vacation around Pesah because Egyptians get Coptic holidays off (and Orthodox Easter is synched with passover).
My guess would be that in order to get enough people to break even you might have to bring in some local house talent too, but it would still be a start. I'm not sure if you could do 100% psy right away (but already psy parties in general are replacing chillout with more prog & electro on the alternate stage).

The real beauty of such a festival would be an unlikely gathering of Israelis, Egyptians, Jordanians and other misc. groups who will find a new form of communication (and it starts at 144bmp).

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Posted : Aug 9, 2008 01:23

On 2008-08-01 17:24, electrictiedye wrote:
I would love to know more about that party done by domo records.
At any rate I would beg to differ about the security situation of a psytrance event in the Sinai.
Firstly kidnappings are unheard of in Egypt. Secondly in the rare event of a bombing, it's usually against an established tourist destination and takes a lot of advanced planning, planning longer than it would take to make a party in a below-the-radar location. Thirdly Egypt has even more incentive to protect Israelis in the Sinai than Israel because a. unlike Israel Egypt doesn't use terrorism as a pretext for military operation or territorial expansion (Mubarak's regime has proved talented enough at fabricating evidence against the Islamic Brotherhood)b. The local economy of the Sinai is completely dependent on tourism.
Security is pretty tight in Egypt where everyone must pass through road checkpoints between each governate and all public offices and hotels usually have a metal-detector and a bag search. Moreover Egypt is a country with one of the highest military-to-civilian ratios in the world, with secret police and mu5abarat everywhere.
I'm not saying this naively, I had a shitload of friends in Dahab in April 2006 when there was the bombing and it is very real and very scary. But incidents in the Sinai remain rare, and I think the government has made a lot of improvements in the last 2 years, which praised be to God, have gone without incident.

"..unlike Israel Egypt doesn't use terrorism as a pretext for military operation or territorial expansion.."

I personally find it very hard to ignore statements of that sort, so let me ask you politely to refrain from political fiction..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2008 02:00
Baba we may have very different political views, and that's great (if we all thought the same life would be pretty boring and we wouldn't have much to talk about would we?) But I'm with you; a trance forum is no place for politics. (I'm happy to continue that discussion elsewhere with you). My apologies for any political undertones in my comments. Let's keep the dancefloor sacred and free of the corrupt trappings of the material world.

This is kind of the exact reason I really want to see a festival in the Sinai so badly. See I'm a warrior of peace and love and I have friends strewn across just about every country in the Middle East and it kills me that my friends can never get together because of the depressing state of our world. Fuck the politics, fuck the system. Let's just all party together as brothers and forget everything else. To party is to celebrate life and any minute not spent celebrating life is a waste of time.
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 9, 2008 10:05
OnePhatMind, thank you for pointing that out, I didn’t read his response.

Electrictiedye that wasn’t cool to say!!!

You seem to be a nice guy but you’re not realistic and I won’t explain why I am saying that because I don’t want to go into political issues.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2008 17:39
Nu? I'm trying to get wheels going on this and am offering up a lot of connections and all you guys want to talk about is politics?
I expected a lot more from trancers.

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Posted : Aug 14, 2008 01:06
we have lots of arab ravers here in israel
believe me nothing good ever happens when they come to nature gathering
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2008 01:25
So what you think all Arabs are the same? You'd laugh if I said the same thing about all Israelis. There are so many different groups in so many different countries. If only you met my friends in Egypt and Jordan you'd enjoy them very much. Believe me if you did something in the Sinai only the right people would show up. It's too far for the bee2a people to go to (bee2a is like the Egyptian equivalent of ars). Besides you'd also get European backpackers and a few other random groups.

This group is so quick to judge without even giving it a shot.
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