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Psytrance & Gaia


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  82
Posted : Nov 18, 2009 11:34:55

What is the connection between gaia and psytrance ? Is there a connection ?

A search on saikosounds or psyshop reveals several artists, labels, CDs and lots of tracks reltated to gaia in name.

It's not a shock for anyone to find a connection between psytrance and psychedelic drugs. The connection there is obvious - which is not to say that all psytrance fans are drug advocates - on the contrary I know many psytrance fans who are not into drugs at all, including myself.

I have recently met some people who are "into" gaia. They are vehemently anti-drugs. I am also drawn to gaia, but I am not "into" it at present. I would like to introduce psytrance music to them. It's a tricky situation. Psytrance music grew up from parties. Most psytrance fans (in my experience) got "into" psytrance at a party, rather than through listening to it with friends. I am reticent to take them to a psytrance party - it would be a complete shock to them, I suspect - but it also seems weird to put on a Texas Faggot CD, when they are used to listenning to very different music. I am talking here about several groups of people. I don't know them very well at this stage. Their musical tastes are very diverse but none of them seem to be into any kind of dance music.....

Since there seems to be a connection between gaia and psytrance, I thought that this should be the place to start. But what is the connection ?

Thoughts and comments much appreciated

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 00:49

Psytrance in my opinion is one of the few real connections of people globally.
Its a culture where people come together to share joy and dance! Its music by the people for the people...

We are a culture that i believe will be a big part of changing this world to the better...
Freedom fighters, knowledge seekers with a great passion for art!

The lust for dancing in the nature is a big force!
Most people live in the cities and i think there is a wish in all people to come out from the city and be in the nature and enjoy its beauty!

Its a life force i believe!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 04:59
I must add my passion for acoustic instruments! and that i truly believe that music in all shapes and forms connects us! But psytrance is a movement that connect the people, and i think trance is not only achieved by machines(computers) But we can make very nice psytrance with the use of acoustic instruments

just wanted to clear that out
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 06:51
gaia is overrated

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 07:01
"i got stoned yesterday and lost my consiousness and it felt fucking good
Now i have become an illusion of myself in my own mind..basically deep fried "


Okej ill leave psytrance alone!
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 07:09
( )
Gaia is underrated
Love pSyTrAnCe beyond !!

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