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psytrance as a collective god

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : May 1, 2009 06:42:54
i've long described "god" as that point where we're thinking about the mind numbing fact that we're here, and the infinite number of chances it took to get us here. the little moment where your head feels a little airy, and you just can't think that hard.

i'm kind of an animist, i see god in everything. meaning i don't believe in god. i believe that everything is alive, and everything matters.

i propose this theory. we the listeners of psytrance have tapped into some weird primal thing that connects us with the universe in a weird way.

i ,personally, am fuckin floored by psy. i mean, its not anything but the music and the dancing that takes me into somewhere that i can't go without it.

have we made a music form the gateway to higher consciousness? it doesn't matter if i'm sober or far fuckin out there. psy takes me into a world of it's own. which is weird cause it's a completely synthetic music. ultimatly, it's not natural and not real. but it's here and it is everything to me. it's like my own personal religion. i make it, listen to it, obsess about it, think about, and find that it turns my mind into something better.

psytrance a religion? sounds weird. i like to think of it as a way to a higher plane or something.

any opinions??
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  194
Posted : Jun 24, 2009 07:11
Pretty much agree with you (as most people here probably do) but just want to correct you in a sense that it's not the listeners of psytrance that have tapped into it, many many many generations before our own people have been tapping into it using psychedelics in ritual ceremonies.

Also what exactly do you mean by synthetic? It's made by synths, which are made of metal with electricity running through it, all very naturally occurring substances.           -------------- Dark & Twisted Night Psy --------------
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Jun 25, 2009 05:39
True... looooong before (many centuries or thousands of years back) the word psytrance was even invented... people were experiencing what u have mentioned... ritual ceremonies, psychedlics, music, dance, trancendental states, spirit world, dimensions, aliens, gods, entities, higher plane of consiocusness etc etc etc,, u name it... its just that its evolved in a way now... thats all... and i know u know its been a religion in itself and will be... an unspoken religion that u can only experience if u have the will for it ... its just that its not official like other mainstream religions (But note that if u go to the roots of all these major religions, u will find out that even these are no different, its just that the latest epics & books of these religions u see are majorly edited and re-written)...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Spirituality - psytrance as a collective god
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