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Psytrance a Religion Itself

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 20:24
seems psychedelics and Hinduism/ Buddhism have always been connected. There are actually a lot of theories that Hinduism is the result of the ancients consuming a psychedelic substance(s). Also after taking some psychdelics, for a lot of ppl (not everyone ofcourse) Hinduism / Buddhism makes a lot more sense. The complex philosophies seem clearer and people are just simply attracted to these ways of thinking. I mean look at the 60's, all these hippies became very fond of Hinduism (whether or not they were actually true followers is another story) they sort of adopted it as their religion. And our psy-goa scene came from these ppl so its really no surprise that they are tied together today. I dont think psytrance is a religion in itself because all we are really doing is dancing all nite/day and going into trance states. Ppl have been doing it for thousands of year. If anything psytrance is a modern day ritual for some and just a way to party and have a good time for others or possibily both for some.

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 20:47
Nice topic. Its been sometime, that i really put down my views on the whole thing. Thanks tommy

Ok... I've had a really varied musical journey for the past more than a decade. Be it from my roots as a child singing Pop for school competitions to performing in a band and to others. From my background varying from Pop, Classical, Instrumental, Folk, rock, metal , techno,breaks and other alternative forms of electronic music, i have to say that i've been attached to psytrance more than any other for the longest period. why?... i dont know really..... but all i can say that nothing drives me more than our driving basslines, tight percussions,razor sharp leads, spaced out atmospheres and so on.

To me there is Electronic Music and then there is Psytrance, because i just simply cannot put psytrance in the category of plain electronic music even though it is dance music. It is much more...because there is so much in this music to discover than other popular forms. What u may listen completely sober, may differ from what you will listen under the influence of psychedelics. Thus it is something like Virtual Reality.

As somebody mentioned in some other thread, this music is not for everyone. you need to understand about psychedelics to understand what this music can do to you... Your mind and your body. It awakens a lot of senses that you would not otherwise come across on a daily basis. Thus it is completely geared for the mind than the body. Yet it is so incredible that how it can take your body to a direction that you wouldnt otherwise go to and the feelings it gives u with regards to various times.... Night...Twilight...Daybreak....Afternoon... Sunset...

For many performers, they dont really consider the monetary aspects from this music to a certain extent. They would be happy with whatever they get from this, and if it is sufficient enough to satisfy their way of living.... then y not? Some tread this way and some look for greener pastures after they've enjoyed their great share of time within this atmosphere.

Yes, it is sort of a religion, if u are ardent follower of the music, the gatherings, the fluoro wear, the accessories, the psychedelics, the way of living etc etc. Because it is infectious, and once your in it its pretty hard to satisfy yourself by being associated with something else. More so, somtimes it justs gives u a feeling of a cult more than a religion, but in a good way. More than a religion, i would say its just an alternative lifestyle. Reminiscent to the 60's hippy and flower power era, but much modernized.

Being an Indian, i never got this aspect of Psytrance and Hinduism and i probably never will. If you tell me , look at Lord Shiva and see the connection..i would probably say that you need to grow up. It just kinda puts me down, when i see random people using our terms and ideologies randomly, when they dont even know a teeny weeny bit about the culture and the things associated with it. Well, not everybody is liek that... But if u want to know more about the culture, then learn and meet people from the daily walks of life. Not just being drugged and learn a few words from here and there and apply them.

Musically speaking, the genre has grown ten-fold even though its considered underground.( Yes it still is far from being commercial!) A lot of the magic has been lost, just like any other music genre that gets popular. But it is still there and its up to you to discover it even more and integrate the way you want it to.

These are my honest thoughts.


Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 22:23

On 2010-02-17 20:47, Braindrop wrote:
Nice topic. Its been sometime, that i really put down my views on the whole thing. Thanks tommy

Ok... I've had a really varied musical journey for the past more than a decade. Be it from my roots as a child singing Pop for school competitions to performing in a band and to others. From my background varying from Pop, Classical, Instrumental, Folk, rock, metal , techno,breaks and other alternative forms of electronic music, i have to say that i've been attached to psytrance more than any other for the longest period. why?... i dont know really..... but all i can say that nothing drives me more than our driving basslines, tight percussions,razor sharp leads, spaced out atmospheres and so on.

To me there is Electronic Music and then there is Psytrance, because i just simply cannot put psytrance in the category of plain electronic music even though it is dance music. It is much more...because there is so much in this music to discover than other popular forms. What u may listen completely sober, may differ from what you will listen under the influence of psychedelics. Thus it is something like Virtual Reality.

As somebody mentioned in some other thread, this music is not for everyone. you need to understand about psychedelics to understand what this music can do to you... Your mind and your body. It awakens a lot of senses that you would not otherwise come across on a daily basis. Thus it is completely geared for the mind than the body. Yet it is so incredible that how it can take your body to a direction that you wouldnt otherwise go to and the feelings it gives u with regards to various times.... Night...Twilight...Daybreak....Afternoon... Sunset...

For many performers, they dont really consider the monetary aspects from this music to a certain extent. They would be happy with whatever they get from this, and if it is sufficient enough to satisfy their way of living.... then y not? Some tread this way and some look for greener pastures after they've enjoyed their great share of time within this atmosphere.

Yes, it is sort of a religion, if u are ardent follower of the music, the gatherings, the fluoro wear, the accessories, the psychedelics, the way of living etc etc. Because it is infectious, and once your in it its pretty hard to satisfy yourself by being associated with something else. More so, somtimes it justs gives u a feeling of a cult more than a religion, but in a good way. More than a religion, i would say its just an alternative lifestyle. Reminiscent to the 60's hippy and flower power era, but much modernized.

Being an Indian, i never got this aspect of Psytrance and Hinduism and i probably never will. If you tell me , look at Lord Shiva and see the connection..i would probably say that you need to grow up. It just kinda puts me down, when i see random people using our terms and ideologies randomly, when they dont even know a teeny weeny bit about the culture and the things associated with it. Well, not everybody is liek that... But if u want to know more about the culture, then learn and meet people from the daily walks of life. Not just being drugged and learn a few words from here and there and apply them.

Musically speaking, the genre has grown ten-fold even though its considered underground.( Yes it still is far from being commercial!) A lot of the magic has been lost, just like any other music genre that gets popular. But it is still there and its up to you to discover it even more and integrate the way you want it to.

These are my honest thoughts.


nicely said!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 06:47
Nice post sumith well described.Religion is a strong word to use for psytrance .... its more of a lifestyle/culture.

Hindu gods being related to the music is mostly because of the fact that herb smoking by sadhus is accepted in hindu community and that was very accepoting new culture for the hippies in the 60's whereas in the western countries at the time people were being jailed for pot.

Also the fact that many hindu stories/tales mostly have some sort of unexplained mystic reasoning towards them and the plain simple fact that the idols are colorful enough for a nice visual treat.           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 07:14
If i am not mistaken somewhere Legend Mr Goa Gil was asked if his sadhu buddies ever heard the music that he initiated and if he ever spoke to them about it and he was like " this is something else and what i do in goa is something else" dont quote me on this but i think it was a similar quote ..

Religion is a conspiracy granted. Ever wondered why not many people dwelve deep into psytrance , i think the tie to hinduism has a role to play here. Cuz many people arent ready to accept another religion dualed with electronic music. I think that Paul Oakenfold COULD HAVE! disserted psytrance for this possible reasons and maybe even Juno reactor who is now doing his own thing with african music influences.
Now its a very known fact that the first hippies who came to India never wanted associate with the local indians why why? when u tie their gods to your own new hip thing ? Possibly coz they would have seen this as Blasphemy and ridiculed you? This all has a big role in the decline of Goa as it is today , many blame the politicans, governments etc well i blame these old hip people cuz its the result of their own doing in the past.Even today most of the so called enlightened people try to stay from the local indians coz prolly they think we are some sort of primitives like in the 60's which eitherway is wrong.
Psytrance hasnt gone commercial cuz of this associative nature i believe. Well many will say thats good so it filters the unwanted people bla bla. As an artist our goal is to reach the maximum number of people and the situation doesnt help unless you wanna do stuff like Mr Astrixx of IM hehe
Bottom line is if it really has a deep meaning to Hinduism , then embrace all that is part of it ,respect the land the people, everyone , or dont do it cuz its Hip to you... Its nice to see so many cultures bring their own to the table , so we gain from each other rather then everyone shout Bom Shankar at the light of a chillum hmmmm!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 13:20
Hinduism rather than being termed as religion is a way of Living Life. What makes it different from other religions is that it does not coerce rules likewise in other religions. (like sabbath or Friday prayers).

So maybe the hippies in the 60's were soughting freedom from their default religions and their rules and they seemed to enjoy hinduism and the freedom associated to it.

Thats my opinion.

Psytrance is a form of music that has broken the linguistic barriers that conventional music from various orientations consisted of.


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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 13:51

On 2010-02-17 09:41:34, Mute wrote:
Im feeling moody today so...

I think by now we can all say that psychedelic trance is a new religion by itself .

Who is the Pope and who are the bishops?
Hilarious post
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 15:06

On 2010-02-18 13:51, Krilim wrote:

On 2010-02-17 09:41:34, Mute wrote:
Im feeling moody today so...

I think by now we can all say that psychedelic trance is a new religion by itself .

Who is the Pope and who are the bishops?
Hilarious post

For the most part all the artist or dj`s,they have a similiar role to the old time shaman or priest guiding a ritual or ceremony

Of course there are all kinds of different parties,some are very oriented at getting the crowd into deep trance states whilst others are more at just having fun,dancing and feeling good.There are all kinds of directions

All religions are interpretations of the same thing,they have just experienced it differently and their culture has created different names and symbols for it.

One symbol that is very common is the mandala and different forms of mandalas are very common in all religions. It is because it tells the same thing,it is the oneness.That it is whole,and is not many things, it is one thing,all though the mandala have different parts they all form ONE part. That is the core of all religion.That everything is one.And that we ourselfes are cells in a bigger body often called god.And that we ourselfes all are the body.We are all eyes and hands of the same thing.The mandala are a symbol of that body and a symbol for the understanding of that.

We can see that the mandala,the symbol of one,often are used at many psy parties,because that is the core of the spiritual experience and what the religious experience tells you. And many religions uses mandala like symbols because they are all about the same thing,they have just viewed it differently because of different timelines and culture etc but thats another thing.

So we could say that psytrance is another shovel then other religions but it is still digging up the same treasure.

Psytrance is also opening up the doors to our psyche ,our subconscious parts and all the different aspects of it.It is like a key that you can open up inner doors with to discover more of your mental programs and parts that controlls the way you think and act.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 15:15

On 2010-02-18 13:51, Krilim wrote:

On 2010-02-17 09:41:34, Mute wrote:
Im feeling moody today so...

I think by now we can all say that psychedelic trance is a new religion by itself .

Who is the Pope and who are the bishops?
Hilarious post

Pavel is the pope!

Many bishops around here... like Moki, Detox, Dawn, Xolvexs etc!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 20:54
Fire to all you blasphemers!


Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 10:59
Religion in my opinion is only a medium / channel to attain higher levels of consciousness and spirituality. This can be attained by a routine form of worship, chanting or by following good philosophical teachings by wise men / women.

According to me, once again, if religion is as pointed out ^^ above.....then.....

MUSIC is religion. To some / most people music itself can aid spiritualism or attainting that higher levels of consciousness.

What we call PSYTRANCE is also a medium for the same..... Psytrance is 'MUSIC' first and a religion after......

Every man / woman understands different music and to him / her it is a means of spirituality / means of reaching a higher level of consciousness..... For e.g.: Chanting of mantras in a temple constantly / repetitively for hours is a form of tuning in to a higher level of consciousness or the calling / recitation of hymns in a Church / reading the Kuraan or just the Azaan itself..... To me these are mediums of attaining the higher level of consciousness.....

WE as in people that understand Psytrance also use this as a source / medium to attain that higher level of consciousness....this obviously doesn't necessarily mean it is the BEST.... To someone who listens to TECHNO, higher levels of consciousness can easily be attained through that style of MUSIC......

In short, PSYTRANCE is a medium, a channel just like any other forms of MUSIC.....

Psytrance is 'MUSIC' first and everything else after......

MUSIC defined according to me is anything that creates melodies, sounds, atmospheres that eventually repeats itself in some way.... e.g: Chirping of birds in the morning, the sound of crickets at night, the sea waves hitting the shore.... att this to me is also MUSIC...... and to some elements of PSYTRANCE, AMBIENT, CHILLOUT, HOUSE, TECHNO and whatever we call MUSIC......

Just my dont have to agree with them

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 11:33
psylent prayer           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 12:06
Psytrance is not religion, its a mental liberty from the material world and a door to the spiritiual side of us...

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 13:20
i wanna be apart of this religion, where do i drop my 2 suitcases containing shit loads of money?
I WANT to spend them on "spirituality"           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 15:47
I did not meant this music as spirituality or the new school psytrance community(of coures not all but almost all ).For long no more.It is more egoism around than any gratitude or spirituality to whoever .
Psytrance or trance is a state of mind psyche and it is spiritual expirience if one once got one might realize it.I would not recommend it to the most here though.
Whatever .) Peace I'm out

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