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Psytrance a Religion Itself

IsraTrance Full Member
Access Gremlin

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 09:41:34
Im feeling moody today so...

I think by now we can all say that psychedelic trance is a new religion by itself . With so many parties and festivals occuring around the world there is a general consensus driving people to this scene i think of it being primarily the Music , the 4/4beat , hyroglyphic basslines and ridicioulus melodies. Its all good with those trance indusing elements as well Cool!!
Now what i fail to understand "Why is this form of music associated with Hinduism and their Gods? Shiva , Ganesha etcc. Ok Shiva according to Indian Mythology is the Lord of Dance but then so is Terpsichore in the Greek myths. Is it the spirituality? well that exists in Ancient Maya too. So some hippy folk come to India in the 70's and figure out yoga and sadhus smoking pot , ohh wait Shiva done that thousand of years back rite? Lets make him the focal point to drive our energy and ideas. The cosmic spirit descended upon me and Bam i made Goa trance according to Mr Goa Gil. !Okay if you say so!. I m not disrespecting Mr Gil just making a point here.

I think this is a broad topic to discuss on and maybe it hurts some people ideology but in my personal oppinion i could very much associate this to any other Mythology or religion i want but i think Psytrance should be treated as a religion by itself rather then associating existing religions with it . Please speak your views on it , i would like to ellaborate my oppinion further however better to see if this topic gains relevant posts first.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 10:02
if psytrance is a religion you better start worshiping me .           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 10:22
Religion is a conspiracy, don't drag psytrance into religion!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 11:19
Psytrance is a conspiracy....

To continue on topic for you.. there is a few threads about psytrance and religion. Maybe start by reading those to find some answers.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 14:37
Psytrance is a practical form of spirituality. 
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 14:43

On 2010-02-17 14:37, TimeTraveller wrote:
Psytrance is a practical form of spirituality.

Well said. Its a form of yoga.

Just as one's signature says - The Dedication to repetition, the search for nirvana in a single held tone, or endlessly cycling rhythm is one of electronic music's most noble gestures.

Guess thats where the comparision comes with Hinduism. Cause its similar to repeating a mantra.
Beace.           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
dave arc-i
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 15:04
Psytrance is just another type of disco music

Admittedly a type that tries to pretend it is something more than a Bee Gees tune

But it isnt and anybody who is actually enlightened rather than trying to deceive themselves is able to see that

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 15:42
psy trance is just an electronic music part of a big variety of nowdays music. It;s just a music style like all,there are people who like it and people who don't. It isn't unique about it's feeling (al least the last decade) since other music styles can offer you the same things too..
It's not a religion, religion is a conspiracy as it's said and for people who afraid to face the reality, religion exists because thousands years ago people couldn't understand some simple things that we understand and called them gods...Then some sneaky people took advantage of this and we have the big religions of today, the biggest conspiracy in history of human kind

Now Shiva and Hindu gods it's just a trend coming from goa trance and the indian ethnic elements of it

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 15:54


that nasty thing called 'FULLON' is just another type of disco music...
but nowadays it's much less then disco.. it's become.. plain trance. AAAH!

the secret stuff i listen to, is music that truly to extends far beyond the Beegees musical reach.. ; )

"But it isnt and anybody who is actually enlightened rather than trying to deceive themselves is able to see that" ...

oh man, teach us..

dave arc-i
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 16:03
Check out how much the Bee Gees are worth

Check out how much the Catholic Church is worth

Now take a look in your own pocket/bank balance - any similarity?

No didnt think so

So on that very simplistic basis psytrance is neither a religion or disco music that is very good

Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 16:08
I think all these theories only put this beautiful music down! Psytrance is the expression of freedom coming through the music and exploding inside the peoples hearths! FREEDOM is not contained in any religion or institution...Music is the expression of the soul there is no names no words that can describe it or even come close to what it is...Freedom, Music, Love, Nature, the universal consiousness...IS INSIDE OF US ALL! Enjoy it and say nothing more!


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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 16:16

okay, so Dave .. for you it's about the values of things?
how much we are 'worth' in banks and fame ?

silly.. if y'er talking about music..

I agree on the last thing you say though..

Soul Kontakt + 1

dave arc-i
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 16:26

On 2010-02-17 16:16, Nostrazuma wrote:
how much we are 'worth' in banks and fame ?

Judging by the numerous posts about artists getting ripped off, labels on their knees and so on it would appear not a lot - not much of a religion is it really though if it doesnt care about its own?

Also anybody who knows me also knows that personal return, be it in the form of money or fame is way down my list of things to think about - I used money as a simplistic leveller for the discussion rather than using an esoteric argument that would be based upon my belief system vs a.n. others and that can only fail because both systems are equally valid BUT only to the holder of said views

Here is a good point that is well made (in my opinion)

"Belief is the insistence that the truth is what one would wish it to be. Faith is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go. Faith is the essential virtue of science, and likewise of any religion that is not self-deception."

Alan Watts Zen Philosopher


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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 17:12

no... it shouldn't be a religious nor a money thing..
luckily it's not.. for some.. ..

i don't understand your 'leveller' between my bank balance and that of the Beegees and Catholic church though..
i bet my pocket-balance that they are not equal..

i have faith in psychedelic music.

darn those spacy philosophers.. : )


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Feb 17, 2010 18:19

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