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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 20:32:51
I was browsing the ishkur's guide to electronic music flash interactive and there was a section for psytrance, in it I saw Psytekk and in the category was producers such as Aphid Moon, Necton, ticon, spirallianz, parasense, synthaik, yumade, etc.

what do you guys think? is this a valid category/genre derivative of psytrance? I have music by aphid moon and parasense. But i haven't found anything by synthaik, necton, or yumade. seems rare or out of print.

i know parasense does a interesting variety of psytrance and such.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 20:41
I can only assume it is referring to what I know as tech trance..psytekk is close enough I guess. To me Spirallianz is a perfect example of this genre (like The Delta as well imo).

I dont know about Parasense, would not have crossed my mind, maybe I havnt heard the right tracks.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 22:00
Seems like it's about Darkpsy - but not only. I guess he groups anything psy with monotonous bass lines and glitched sounds into this category.

Wasn't Parasense one of the founders (if not the founder) of Darkpsy?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2010 23:04

On 2010-05-06 22:00, Maine Coon wrote:
Seems like it's about Darkpsy - but not only. I guess he groups anything psy with monotonous bass lines and glitched sounds into this category.

Wasn't Parasense one of the founders (if not the founder) of Darkpsy?

not sure, Although I do remember reading somewhere that darkpsy was kind of invented by germans and russians. I don't know if that's expected, i've heard others say it was expected since russian electronic music's traits are very industrial. hmm who knows, this kind of thing gets passed around like a legend, it gets retold and new ideas are mingled into it.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 00:05
Yes, I read the same on Wikipedia. Still don't understand how Germans got there. Parasense, Kindzadza, Enichkin, Psykovsky - which one of them is German?
Darkpsy is actually produced all over the world by now, including Germany. I am just not sure why Wikipedia lists them among the inventors.

Anyway, I think Ishkur's guide uses his own classification for psy trance sub-genres. Buttrock Goa?..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 00:09
I don't even know where to start....

Start by finding yourself some Creamcrop VAs from 2000-2002

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 00:17
I was hoping I was inflamatory enough to get your or Time Traveler's response.
Well, not really - I did not want to sound inflamatory at all. Thanks for the pointer.

Can you tell some more? Are there any iconic figures like Zolod on the German side? I haven't heard of any, but I have not heard of many things.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 00:36
I think he puts the Psytekk label cause its sounds like that, tech-trance would be also acurate. And for me all the artist hi name there are tech trance.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 00:55

On 2010-05-07 00:17, Maine Coon wrote:
I was hoping I was inflamatory enough to get your or Time Traveler's response.
Well, not really - I did not want to sound inflamatory at all. Thanks for the pointer.

Can you tell some more? Are there any iconic figures like Zolod on the German side? I haven't heard of any, but I have not heard of many things.


Psytekk/Techtrance has not much at all to do with darkpsy at all. Parasense is the odd one out for me on the list. Alot of what people consider techtrance or in other words psytekk is older classic stuff, alot coming from Scandinavia and Germany, especially Hamburg with artists like Spirallianz that were mentioned, and Midi Miliz, The Delta, some Spialtrax stuff (lots of Swdish artists I forget), Opsis from Greece. Alot of X-Dream stuff could also be called Psytekk Ihmo. Thats pretty iconic
Before psy got fragmented into all the subgenres we have to day this kind of music was often "night music" in my experience, like Rich said especially around 2000 for a few years.

Maine Coon, Xenomorph is German and he is a true pioneer of REAL dark sound (Not the 160+ BPM stuff most people think of with darkpsy these days.)
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:06
Germany has loads of producers of all styles of psy-trance (and a whole lot more) from the beginning as well as a very healthy darkpsy scene. Electronic music has such a huge following there that German producers can be named as pioneers of just about any sub-genre one can come up with.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:11
Kazuku, thanks for the pointers. It's always a pleasure to read your posts. I'll check out Xenomorph.

As for the machine-gun BPM trends people complain about - I don't see it in Zolod's works. Whatever I heard of Parasense was in moderate tempos. And what I heard of Deja Vu Fabrique was basically psybient. Granted, I don’t know much - I listened only to what I found on YouTube. But this made me think that this trend of ever increasing BPMs and ever thickening wall of noise effects is a recent phenomenon.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:20
Axis Mundi, darkpsy is produced in the US too (as you undoubtedly know ). It does not mean that we should head to the Wikipedia and add the USA to the list of darkpsy's origins.

I guess now, in the age of the Internet and with most producers listening to each other’s music, it’s hard to pinpoint an exact time and place of origin for anything. (Although I am still pretty sure Suomi is Suomi )

Did Astrix invent morning full on?
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:29
I wasn't arguing Just making a small point distinguishing Germany's rich psy-and-EDM-music history.

Berlin especially is a great city for it... lots of people making music there these days and lots more who regularly travel there from their home countries to stay for a while. If you ever go there for music during the summer months, it's well worth it.

Germany's like my 2nd home... I love it there and enjoy talking about it.

Okay, I'll shut up now.
Inactive User

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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:33

On 2010-05-07 00:05, Maine Coon wrote:
Yes, I read the same on Wikipedia. Still don't understand how Germans got there. Parasense, Kindzadza, Enichkin, Psykovsky - which one of them is German?
Darkpsy is actually produced all over the world by now, including Germany. I am just not sure why Wikipedia lists them among the inventors.

Anyway, I think Ishkur's guide uses his own classification for psy trance sub-genres. Buttrock Goa?..

Tim Schuldt & Xenormorph were making very dark n' horror orientated psy trance back in the 90's...

n' both The Delta first n' second album had a very dark feel to it!

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : May 7, 2010 02:41
Axis Mundi, I just realized that you lived and worked in Germany and must know this from the inside. Came back to edit my post - but a bit too late.
It's not you but I who should shut up now.

P.S. Please, give some pointers to more German darkpsy pioneers.
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