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Psysutra- Fly Fly Dragonfly!


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  31
Posted : May 19, 2014 16:15:37

This track is currently subject of discussion between me and my buddy... It is goa? It is psytrance? Or something else? Any ideas?

Could anyone give me a hand with describing a genre of this piece od music?

And write something about arrange/mix optionally?


PS- it's not shared via soundcloud because of screwed quality and other reasons. You can download it


Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : May 19, 2014 22:14
Hmmm I'd "label it" suomisaundi goa, with some hardcore industrial influences.. but why the labels?

The arrangement is curious, but the mix is all over the place, with the elements not actually blending together and generating a full clean picture.

Using mix EQ (it's the same eq a for your sound design process, but you have in mind how the tracks sound together rather than apart) you should be able to put most of it in it's place - say when a part is busy, but stuff out of each lead track to make some space for them all, but when only one lead is ripping apart it can use most of the space for itself.

For the mix, you cold also use compressors to help glue stuff together or help tame some of those peaks.

Also I think the kick is a little too boomy, and it distorts a bit:) Maybe you could try to make it a tad shorter.. Not that those are bad things, just do to your liking!

For the drums, it's also seems like it went through a ton of saturation.. maybe it's the web encoding that did that, or the sum of resampling over and over again, but i'd try to take a look in that.

Keep it up!
          Super Banana Sauce
Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Psysutra- Fly Fly Dragonfly!
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