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Psysex - Healing

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Dec 27, 2010 19:40
[.. the final part]

With the Frectus (T6) comes a sound that should be recognized by most Psysex fans, it’s about Come in Peace, and from electro house vibes we are now being pulled inside a mentally grooved bass line which humps in a most sexy fashion with tingling sounds running by its path. A melody joins and it’s in the spirit of the previous track melody and sure enough, now we are beginning to feel the blast from the Psysex past with some more intense trance vibe seduction for the master blasters. Ah this is the kinetic flow I love, these grooves together with that synthetic blow is the best. Even the crowd in the background is so happy they scream and cheer for the Psysex trademark trance-flow. And the bass line ... Oh my erection it’s hard and phat! 9/10

It’s about time the album made a turn and became all Megasexy, because now after half an album filled with house electro pie; it’s a delight to get some real stompers of trance’n dance on the plate. Megasex (T7) is the longest track on the Healing album with its 12 minutes and 17 seconds. It follows hard in the previous tracks realm though the bass line is less jumpy and this time Udi has included a most appreciated synth. I donno what synth it is if it’s a 303, 604 or a 707. I have no clue, only thing I know is that it’s a classic and I love its screaming effect and strong drive. This track has a great drive and some voice samples that manage to confuse/settle things in that nice way. It’s about inner healing, and most of all, it’s about MEGAsexy megasex! 8.5/10

… After a massive blast from the trance past we are back with collaboration with this Marcello guy and this time the hump is still strong with vibrating bass lines for the ladies and killer leads for the gents. I guess this guy isn’t so electro house focused as I initially thought, or at least Udi with the track Inertia (T8) is leading the guy into more trance filled venues of strong precisions and foxy developments. It’s about going somewhere until you come to a hick’s field that keeps us going. A good track though it seems to fall into a sort of full-on ditch that I’m not overly keen on though it provides those lovely Psysex leading strings that makes the track fly in a psysexy way, which I always love and pursue. Nice healing sample with a tough follow-up dunk-a-dunk. 7/10

( .. ) and woof your thrown into a Magnetic Heart Beat (T9 - Pause) which is a nice paused piece with, well, magnetic heart beats. 10/10

-And Back to Nature (T10) we’re thrown. After a few strong and fast phased driven tracks the beat settles in to become more relaxed and back to the electro vibe with some funny sounds and yet again, a very sexy and hard driven wobbling bass line that just shakes the house so nicely the neighbor comes in for a swing. This track is swaying from being electro driven full-on to be house pumping electromagnetic fields of radioactive power juice. Also Udi uses samples from the Mescaline driven cowboy movie; ‘Blueberry’. And it’s done in a masterful way, a pleasure to listen and experience. 8/10

As a closer we get a track named Tribute (T11). I’m not sure if his voice thing is screwing up the word Boom boom or if it’s something totally different. But this track is about the groove anyway, not so much the boom. Here we get a more funk’d-up piece with some soul indulged voice samples from a woman in awe. The beat is varied not following either trance or house drives. Biggie beats for MC’s and Yo’s alike. It’s a sort of cool track with a strange ending up in da hood. 5/10

Recommendation: So Ok, what can I say, the magic is still there, vaguely. A couple of the tracks has the energetic Psysex drive I have always loved since I first heard a track from the duo (Also thinking about their earlier project named ‘Children of the Doc’ which is hyper cosmic trance driven with pie). For fans of Psysex and DJ Goblin they should do them self a favor and get this release. It might not be as trance driven as one might have hoped for but it has its shining moments and I have to give my respect for the overall flow of the albums journey. The evolution from electro house like psychedelic trance tunes to full-on driven galactic tunes out of this sexy universe is nice and makes a lot of sense though at times I’d wish for more interstellar journeys. Also worth the mentioning in the connected healing journey throughout the album is the varies samples of a dude and a dudette speaking about life important matters.

A big Up for the bass lines, some of the work put in is just immense, beautiful and roof shattering. The album art is nice enough with a faded heart surrounding large spray-can letters reading Healing with a classic Psysex logo on the lower bottom. My copy isn’t a jewelcase or a digipak. It seems to be a more cost reduced solution of cardboard which in my opinion is A-Ok because they compensated this with including not only a nice sticker, but also a DJ-slip which is highly appreciated in my book of standards.

7.5/10 (Because I gave both the intro and the pause track a 10 out of ten points)

Favorite Tracks: 1 (intro), 6(!!), 7 (!), 9 (pause), 10

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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  696
Posted : Jan 3, 2011 03:46
I LOVE BACK TO NATURE... Ballsey tune...the voice of a Human Beign, it's what you need...
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