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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - psypoem?
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Started Topics :  1
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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 11:23:21
Sacrified love

Love Love

Sacrified love, please leave...

go to a place I will never be

go away and let it be

go to the shadows

I wish you were here

telling me quietly

the reason for this

touching my skin with the breath of your voice...

love love

sacrified love

it is you I invoke

invoke my harmony for the pleause of your toughts

invoke my pulpils for the sake of your presence

invoke my neck for the hold of your hands

invoke my ears for the deliquency of your work

love love

sacrified love ...

it will never come

it won't come

it is already here

it goes to you

it comes back to me


deliquent love

when until have i got to wait

when until will I have to wait

to sleep my ears on your chest and wait for the morning to come


will I ever live this???

love love

sacrified love

it is from you, it is to you

Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  772
Posted : Apr 12, 2010 11:43
sweet but why psy? you wrote that on acid?

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - psypoem?
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